So I just did that one main quest and got a certain outfit:
And I can't help but to think to myself "damn, I look hot as [censored]". But then I look at the stats and I'm once again disappointed at seeing another cool armor set that is inevitably inferior to the armor layers. Once again.
I was quite excited to hear layered armor make its return from Oblivion, even more so hearing you can wear clothing under it like in Morrowind. And it is nice seeing it return, but in this form it really limits the player on what they can wear in the game and makes a majority of the armor/outfits found throughout the game worthless. You'll we wearing the same old leather, metal, combat and so on over and over again until you find the next version of that armor. Which is cool seeing it change over time, but even still, limiting. I'm usually a guy who prefers fashion over stats, but when it becomes that drastic of a difference I can't make the exception.
I hear a certain outfit (if I am hearing correctly):
Can actually be upgraded over time to the point it can sort of match the stats of the layered armors. And in other cases there is a certain NPC in the game that can upgrade armor later on if I'm not mistaken? I don't know the specifics for what that actually means. Regardless, I think the same option should be there for any outfit you want to wear. Of course have some limits at first from making any outfit or armor set the most powerful thing in the game, but at least enough to make it viable to wear.
Just my thoughts on it. Again, nice to see this whole layering system return, but...this wasn't what I was expecting.