All of these Problems & Complaints - What does it mean f

Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 10:30 am

I see from your stars your a long time member here, and have probably seen a lot of this, I've spent my own fair amount of time on other game forums and have never seen it this bad.

It's not the amount of stars that show longevity but the join date.

Beth seems to have issues on every release but so does every company out there....Fallout New Vegas was the worst I think......not for me though I got lucky.
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Jodie Bardgett
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 6:25 am

Bethesda only hears what they want to hear...

and money is the only thing they want to hear.

To hell with intellectually engrossing role playing games. Give us GTA with axes.
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Emzy Baby!
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 11:15 am

No game is perfect upon release, ESPECIALLY games this large and intricate. The reason you may not have seen anything this bad may have something to do with the fact that this Elder Scrolls was released to a much, much larger crowd than ever before, and more was expected from it than ever before. Some of the expectations were undoubtedly unrealistic.

Concerning the bugs and stability of the game - Bethesda has already proven that they have a much stronger devotion to ironing out the flaws of this release (partly due to the enormous audience this time around) and they have admitted this.

Expectations are rarely met... look at any forum and you will see a boat load of criticism, not matter what the state of the game is. There is always something "left out", something not done right, something imbalanced, or some other complaint.
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Brandon Bernardi
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 2:50 am

I see from your stars your a long time member here, and have probably seen a lot of this, I've spent my own fair amount of time on other game forums and have never seen it this bad.

Spend some time in TF2's official forums on SPUF.

That game gets the same level of outrage Skyrim is showing now, every time the game receives an update that adds content.
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Zach Hunter
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 11:05 pm

You do realize Morrowind was also on the Xbox right?

Yes, I do. But the xbox playerbase for Morrowind was much, much smaller than for Oblivion, thanks to a determined PR push for the latter. By the time of Oblivion, they really treated xbox like a separate platform with tons of potential players, instead of a sort-of-bunch-of-people who might be interesting.

They are a "big player" in the DLC market. For 1 IIRC horse armor was one of the first DLCs ever, then came SI and all of FO3s content, which was pretty much praised all around (save for the bullet sponge enemies)

I wasn't aware that they managed things more successfully in their later games' DLC efforts, and stand corrected. Given the way the DLCs were greeted in Oblivion, then, it will be interesting to see if they try again for Skyrim.

This isn't Bethseda at all. Dont get me wrong, they are a company and as such they are out to make money, but Beth does indeed listen to feedback and They spend years on development, unlike other companies that push a game out every year.

I could tell you stories from many developers I've spoken to over years spent reviewing games, but that wouldn't constitute a grain of proof. Suffice to say that we know gamesas wanted more platforms, and a much expanded user base: they've gotten that. If that conflicts with a smaller market that made up their last game's base, then they'd be fools not to broaden their appeal and lose what what they had--and gamesas's current management (none of their managements, actually, right back to Weaver and wildman attorney Altman) isn't comprised of fools. Arguing from years spent in development doesn't deal with the issue that accounting rules the games industry, except for small development houses; nor is it a reflection on the quality of the product. It is simply a fact that a desire to broaden appeal leads to choices in game development that cause conflicts with players of previous titles in a series, and the need to please an older (in the sense of longtime), smaller userbase is irrelevant to that. The new game is neither better, nor worse for this happening. It is simply different.
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Samantha Mitchell
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 10:44 pm

It's because they released a broken product and everyone is too distracted by the shiny environments to notice.

As someone who doesn't have time to sit on forums all day and be a moron all I have to say
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Carolyne Bolt
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 1:40 pm

Stars don't really tell how long you've been here. You can see it under the stars, he for example has been here since the 6th of January 2009. And then there are people with less stars and more time, I think I saw one from 2006 with 2 stars for example.

As for the topic itself I don't think it means much for Bethesda. Bethesda has a very solid background which leads people (like me) to spend a lot of money on them and appreciate them despite the big mess ups they make. I felt Oblivion was a step back from Morrowind but only by a bit, nothing to major. So when Skyrim came out I blew 300$ on a collectors edition of the game (it cost so much because it had to be shipped overseas) and I played it night and day for the first weekend I had the game. But then the problems started popping up and Skyrim is currently the least favorite TES game I've played which are really just the 3 latest ones (I really intend to play Arena and Daggerfall when I find the time).

Will I buy the next TES game ?


Will I feel dirty ?

Yes... :sadvaultboy:

From there on how it really depends on what TES VI changes if I will buy and play TES VII or not.

I feel your pain, bro, I assure you that once you manage to fix all the broken stuff you'll adore the game. I haven't found much trouble and... IT's awesome.
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 9:28 am

Frankly, I doubt if it affects Bethesda much at all. They obviously don't care anything for their loyal fans when they released Skyrim without any notification that Steam would be needed. I have several games on Steam and I wouldn't have purchased Skyrim had I known about the necessity of Steam. Yes, all computer games have bugs and such.....the developers obviously cannot test on every possible computer configuration. Adding Steam to the mix and it adds an additional layer of complexity, making it more likely (in my opinion) to have problems for people. I've been computer gaming since the Commodore 64 first came out and I've never seen this much of a problem for people and the patches adding problems. Why in the world should someone HAVE to be on the net to play a game. :thumbsdown:
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Scarlet Devil
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 10:30 am

Bethesda will ignore the complaints and tackle the problems, Which is what any reasonable company does. There are allot of people in this world who complain just for the sake of complaining, and listening to the complaints and not the basic facts doesnt help. Remember when using forums to give constructive critisism (example: observed glitch were character became stuck in front doorway of Dragonreach), this will produce faster results because the facts are not hidden with the useless rambling of kids throwing a fit.
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Charity Hughes
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 2:51 am

I feel your pain, bro, I assure you that once you manage to fix all the broken stuff you'll adore the game. I haven't found much trouble and... IT's awesome.

My problems are not technical but gameplay problems. One of the first things I noticed was that there is no on-target shield spell. Which led me to look into Skyrim spells which led into me making this thread here...

And spells are not the only gameplay related thing that irks me. Skyrim is not bad but it's a step backwards in the TES series.
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Penny Flame
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 5:26 am

What do you think Bethesda is going to do about this, will they make another statement or just let things slide? What do you think about all of this.

They will keep working until the CK is released and then they will let the modders fix the game. Then they will start working on the next cash cow.

It's bad business, but if we (the consumers) continue to let it happen, it will become the norm.

Go look at the Rage forums, it is only published by Bethesda and they are going through the same crap with their game.
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Emily abigail Villarreal
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 10:30 am

They will keep working until the CK is released and then they will let the modders fix the game. Then they will start working on the next cash cow.

It's bad business, but if we (the consumers) continue to let it happen, it will become the norm.

Go look at the Rage forums, it is only published by Bethesda and they are going through the same crap with their game.

The game breaking bugs only happen to a tiny minority, whether you like it or not that is the truth.

Bugs happen to every game :), just be glad that Bethesda is even working on them.. especially considering how much of a tiny minority you are.
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Izzy Coleman
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 7:58 am

They sold something like 2 million copies and it hasnt even been a month yet. Buy a Ferrari?

according to wikipedia, more like 7.5 million copies
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rebecca moody
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 4:25 am

The game breaking bugs only happen to a tiny minority, whether you like it or not that is the truth.

Bugs happen to every game :), just be glad that Bethesda is even working on them.. especially considering how much of a tiny minority you are.

I'm a minority, my opinion doesn't matter, thanks!
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Angus Poole
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 10:12 am

The silent majority are the ones too busy playing the game. The people that are whining, notice most of them are new accounts. I've been on these forums for a year (had to make a new account), and very active. This game is sooooo less buggy than Fallout New Vegas, and has about 3 times the quests, and the map is much much more well developed. You should be grateful.
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Mario Alcantar
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 12:03 pm

Not much, probably. They obviously know how to "sell" something, and though it would be nice if we could all get together and say "We're not buying it unless it's a finished, quality product" then I don't really think they'll care, 'cause they'll get their money from those who just have to have it as soon as it's released, no matter how faulty it is.
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Anna S
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 11:39 pm

The silent majority are the ones too busy playing the game. The people that are whining, notice most of them are new accounts. I've been on these forums for a year (had to make a new account), and very active. This game is sooooo less buggy than Fallout New Vegas, and has about 3 times the quests, and the map is much much more well developed. You should be grateful.

Fallout: NW was not made by Bethesda. And people don't hold them to the standards of NW or any Fallout game I'd say, but rather the standards they set with past Elder Scrolls games.
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 2:52 am

I love Skyrim. the only bugs I have experienced were minor and kind of funny. I actually like them.
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His Bella
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 11:54 am

You do realize this happens with every single game release nowadays dont you? I believe you are just another whiner trying to bring up the bad seed to discussion. People will never be satisfied no matter what, and they will always be the ones who come to the forums to whine. The game itself is beautiful, some of the quests are very elaborate, freedom of movement is amazing throughout the game, and yet people still say its not enough.

So quit trying to spread "dissent"
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Lucie H
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 10:16 pm

I love Skyrim. the only bugs I have experienced were minor and kind of funny. I actually like them.

They'll begin to wear you down after a while - they did with me. I have several unfinishable quests, and encounter a glitch/bug every day. I think Bethesda are in danger of becoming a running joke.
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Symone Velez
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 10:08 pm

There certainly is a lot of snobby attitudes on these forums. "I'm in the majority, that makes my statements far superior, *snarl*".

How about this, the bugs in Skyrim aren't what bother me, it's the poorly crafted story telling, specifically the main story. It's dreadful and before I was even half way through it, I already thought of a dozen ways it could have been done far better. The guild and main story lines are both lethargic and non-compelling for many reasons. I found myself disconnected from every character in the storylines, the only time I ever felt remotely attached to any characters, they ended up disowning me in the end, ie refusing to even talk to me, Brynjolf. Though it does seem like more time and though was put into the Thieves guild than all of the other guilds combined, I thought the ending was better than the main story, as it actually gave you a sense of great accomplishment and some closure. Why, would you even want to save the world, you have to listen to some nagging old woman making demands of you, then listen to some hermits give you a lecture on how the world is better off just ending. That right there sets the tone for the entire game. A world full of people who just want to be left alone and your character is nothing but an annoyance to everyone. Plus the more you do the more consequences you face, you can't even do good deeds without someone sending henchmen or assassins out to get you. It's pretty clear that if you were to follow the tone of this game, you'd be standing out in the woods chopping lumber 300 hours like a true nihilist.

Where's the escalation with the main threat, that inevitably just becomes an annoying inconvenience, the dragons? You watch a dragon blow up Helgen, after that, all they do is fly around and annoy everyone like a bunch of giant mosquitoes. There are no major attacks on any cities during your adventure to save the world from, a growing threat you never see. At least in Oblivion they did a better job with this; as you progressed the main story, more gates would open. Early in the game they would show up out in the wilderness; but, towards the end they would spawn right outside of the cities, causing alarm. It gave you a sense of urgency that you never have in this game, ever. After you've finished delving into an endless dungeon and draining the blood out of elves scattered all over the nation, you eventually travel back in time to learn this horrible word that should never be used, that simply just makes a dragon feel fat for a few seconds, ya... Then after that Alduin just laughs at you for being an idiotic tool and flies away, even though you have, umm the dragonrend shout? Guess the writers forgot about that little detail. Let's have the player chase him to the afterlife and kill him, for the most disappointing ending of any ES game to date. So basically you ran all over Skyrim looking for the means to save it, only to be ignored by everyone, business as usual in Skyrim. "Oh you're the one who what, fetches the mead"? Ya, I fetch the mead, oh, and I saved the world too, ass.
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Heather Dawson
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 10:47 pm

Every bethesda release is buggy and has people complaining on the forums. What it means is the same thing it meant for bethesdas other TES and Fallout releases: remarkable sales, possible GOTY, tons of critical acclaim and still widely recognized as the best sandbox RPG developers on the planet.

Bugs will always exist but the game is amazing. The vocal minority won't be able to slow this game or this company down even a little.
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 7:34 am

Well, they will polish the game over time. That's really it.

Modders will polish it, Bethesda never really does. I'd be pleasantly surprised if they did anything but bug fix and the standard DLC/expansions with more content but no real fixes for the various balance issues.
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TRIsha FEnnesse
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 3:52 am

I've never understood why people get so sensitive about criticism of something they like. If you love Skyrim, great. Go play the game. I'm not bothered by the fact that there are people out there right now who hate something I love. I will sleep soundly tonight.
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Guy Pearce
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 3:30 am

Every bethesda release is buggy and has people complaining on the forums. What it means is the same thing it meant for bethesdas other TES and Fallout releases: remarkable sales, possible GOTY, tons of critical acclaim and still widely recognized as the best sandbox RPG developers on the planet.

Bugs will always exist but the game is amazing. The vocal minority won't be able to slow this game or this company down even a little.

Hear! Hear! I second that emotion good sir Gomer! :foodndrink: Bethesda for the win and quality time!
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