» Tue Dec 13, 2011 10:08 pm
There certainly is a lot of snobby attitudes on these forums. "I'm in the majority, that makes my statements far superior, *snarl*".
How about this, the bugs in Skyrim aren't what bother me, it's the poorly crafted story telling, specifically the main story. It's dreadful and before I was even half way through it, I already thought of a dozen ways it could have been done far better. The guild and main story lines are both lethargic and non-compelling for many reasons. I found myself disconnected from every character in the storylines, the only time I ever felt remotely attached to any characters, they ended up disowning me in the end, ie refusing to even talk to me, Brynjolf. Though it does seem like more time and though was put into the Thieves guild than all of the other guilds combined, I thought the ending was better than the main story, as it actually gave you a sense of great accomplishment and some closure. Why, would you even want to save the world, you have to listen to some nagging old woman making demands of you, then listen to some hermits give you a lecture on how the world is better off just ending. That right there sets the tone for the entire game. A world full of people who just want to be left alone and your character is nothing but an annoyance to everyone. Plus the more you do the more consequences you face, you can't even do good deeds without someone sending henchmen or assassins out to get you. It's pretty clear that if you were to follow the tone of this game, you'd be standing out in the woods chopping lumber 300 hours like a true nihilist.
Where's the escalation with the main threat, that inevitably just becomes an annoying inconvenience, the dragons? You watch a dragon blow up Helgen, after that, all they do is fly around and annoy everyone like a bunch of giant mosquitoes. There are no major attacks on any cities during your adventure to save the world from, a growing threat you never see. At least in Oblivion they did a better job with this; as you progressed the main story, more gates would open. Early in the game they would show up out in the wilderness; but, towards the end they would spawn right outside of the cities, causing alarm. It gave you a sense of urgency that you never have in this game, ever. After you've finished delving into an endless dungeon and draining the blood out of elves scattered all over the nation, you eventually travel back in time to learn this horrible word that should never be used, that simply just makes a dragon feel fat for a few seconds, ya... Then after that Alduin just laughs at you for being an idiotic tool and flies away, even though you have, umm the dragonrend shout? Guess the writers forgot about that little detail. Let's have the player chase him to the afterlife and kill him, for the most disappointing ending of any ES game to date. So basically you ran all over Skyrim looking for the means to save it, only to be ignored by everyone, business as usual in Skyrim. "Oh you're the one who what, fetches the mead"? Ya, I fetch the mead, oh, and I saved the world too, ass.