.What do you think Bethesda is going to do about this, will they make another statement or just let things slide?
Nothing serious. They know the bugs and glitches exist and I expect they will work to fix them as they recognize this is a valid complaint and something they should and must do.
The cries of "dumbing down" and "gutting the series" and "abandoning the fans" probably isn't going to faze them much unless they get the sense a majority of the people who bought the game think that and it will damage sales, but lets be honest - it wont. Aspects of these complaints are highly subjective and it seems plenty disagree (and clearly Bethesda has an idea of where it is going).
The core game has sold a ton, and people are going to buy the DLC and the expansions and download mods and probably buy the next game in the series and people will complain about that and it will go on and on. Plus it has gotten mostly brilliant reviews despite the bugs and glitches.
You work in a professional creative industry you face this - especially with a long running game series and comics. Fans have their ideals, their biases, their hopes, and woe to any developer who fails to honor that particular fan's vision. Crap games will get torn a new one, good games will also get roasted when people don't like some new direction etc.
What do you think about all of this.
I think there is a lot of hysteria and needless drama.
I'm not ranting about Skyrim itself, I love the game personally
So do I.
It happens with every game release of every developer ever. The complaining will die down, and life will go on as normal.
You speak the truth.
I see from your stars your a long time member here, and have probably seen a lot of this, I've spent my own fair amount of time on other game forums and have never seen it this bad.
You have been lucky. Of course it also depends on the forum. Plenty have mods that are far more active in closing down certain types of threads. The mods in this forum seem happy to allow posters to vent. Heh, you should visit some of the looser run comic forums when something big is going down. Internet anonymity can turn normal people into howling monsters of rage and self righteousness with a toxic level of self entitlement.
Of course plenty of it is ridiculous - some person makes an account, creates a single thread and will only ever have 1 post - often a terribly spelled block of text proclaiming the sky is falling and X has practically given them cancer because the product didn't do everything they wanted - and it creates the image of a lot of negative activity. Marketers and creators of whatever do often monitor things like this to a degree (getting ideas, getting feedback, spotting potential), but they probably aren't going to run around in a panic because of heated debate between a couple of hundred people (if that) on a forum (and it is debate, since I have been to very few Skyrim complaint threads where there hasn't been just as significant a number of people arguing in favor of the game as those arguing against it).
Actually...I think i see this with EVERY SINGLE Rpg companies forum....
Pretty much.
They shall probably treat much of the complaints with the contempt they deserve as much of it is rude, blatantly ignorant or a combination of both.
As for the constructive criticism and feedback they'll use that to help create patches for the latest game and may take some of the better suggestions on for future games.
The Nord with the Sword
Yes and yes.
RRRRRiiiiiiiiiiiggggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhtttttttttttttttttt!!! Okay. So you did not visit BioWare after Mass Effect2 came out did you?
It was indeed ugly over there.