All of these Problems & Complaints - What does it mean f

Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 9:35 am

I've been seeing so much negativity since release, from the community here, as well as some reviewing websites. Things calmed down for a little bit after the Creation Kit was officially announced, then it picked up even more than before. What do you think Bethesda is going to do about this, will they make another statement or just let things slide? What do you think about all of this.

I'm not ranting about Skyrim itself, I love the game personally, I just want to see what others think right now.
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Reanan-Marie Olsen
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 1:20 pm

It happens with every game release of every developer ever. The complaining will die down, and life will go on as normal.
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Miragel Ginza
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 5:26 am

It happens with every game release of every developer ever. The complaining will die down, and life will go on as normal.

I see from your stars your a long time member here, and have probably seen a lot of this, I've spent my own fair amount of time on other game forums and have never seen it this bad.
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elliot mudd
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 12:28 am

Perhaps they'll give themselves the time they need in future, and by that i mean not setting a deadline they can't(or shouldn't) keep to.

That's only the bug issue, though. As far as the actual game is concerned, i expect them to keep cutting parts of it away, knowing that the "wider audience" will shout down anyone who dares to challenge them.
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Jeffrey Lawson
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 11:59 pm

I see from your stars your a long time member here, and have probably seen a lot of this, I've spent my own fair amount of time on other game forums and have never seen it this bad.

When FO3 came out it was intense. Fans of Beth games v. Fans of FO1 & FO2. The arguments were crazy, mainly about Beth destroying the series v. Beth resurrecting a dead series and bringing it back to the forefront of games. The same thing happened to a lesser extent when FO:NV came out.
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 6:39 am

I've been seeing so much negativity since release, from the community here, as well as some reviewing websites. Things calmed down for a little bit after the Creation Kit was officially announced, then it picked up even more than before. What do you think Bethesda is going to do about this, will they make another statement or just let things slide? What do you think about all of this.

I'm not ranting about Skyrim itself, I love the game personally, I just want to see what others think right now.

It's because they released a broken product and everyone is too distracted by the shiny environments to notice.
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 4:20 am

Well, they will polish the game over time. That's really it.
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Kayleigh Williams
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 4:17 am

It's because they released a broken product and everyone is too distracted by the shiny environments to notice.

Or they don't experienced any issues. It's not that hard to think that some people don't experience any issues or bugs.

On Topic: It's relative to the Problem/Complain, if it's about "Dumbing Down" then no, they will not listen because (after all) it was a intended design choice. If it's about Bugs they will listen and possibly (And possibly not) try to fix them.
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Samantha Pattison
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 8:05 am

It's because they released a broken product and everyone is too distracted by the shiny environments to notice.

Maybe not broken, but certainly deeply flawed.
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Roisan Sweeney
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 1:08 am

I've been seeing so much negativity since release, from the community here, as well as some reviewing websites. Things calmed down for a little bit after the Creation Kit was officially announced, then it picked up even more than before. What do you think Bethesda is going to do about this, will they make another statement or just let things slide? What do you think about all of this.

I'm not ranting about Skyrim itself, I love the game personally, I just want to see what others think right now.

What will they do?

The same thing they have been trying to do every night. Trying to take over the world.. snarf.... oops wrong phrase *cough*cough*

In the end they will get the big bugs sorted out and life in Skyrim will return to normal for those having problems playing. Then they will release expansion packs.
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 4:05 am

I see from your stars your a long time member here, and have probably seen a lot of this, I've spent my own fair amount of time on other game forums and have never seen it this bad.

I have. BioWare. Valve. It's really nothing out of the norm.
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aisha jamil
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 10:55 am

They won't do anything, as they always have. Nor will they actually acknowledge a large portion of it, however they may comment about the state of the PS3 version.

They will release the CK, maybe another patch or two and then that will be it. We won't hear from them again for another 5 years when TES VI comes out in the same sad broken state Skyrim is. Then the cycle will begin anew and people will keep letting them get away with it because "these games are big/it's just the Bethesda way/develop a big bug ridden game yourself then talk"

Same old story.
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Nadia Nad
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 4:37 am

They sold something like 2 million copies and it hasnt even been a month yet. Buy a Ferrari?
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Kara Payne
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 2:33 am

Actually...I think i see this with EVERY SINGLE Rpg companies forum....
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phillip crookes
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 12:35 am

They shall probably treat much of the complaints with the contempt they deserve as much of it is rude, blatantly ignorant or a combination of both.

As for the constructive criticism and feedback they'll use that to help create patches for the latest game and may take some of the better suggestions on for future games.

The Nord with the Sword
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 1:40 am

I see from your stars your a long time member here, and have probably seen a lot of this, I've spent my own fair amount of time on other game forums and have never seen it this bad.

Never played FFXIV, right? ;) It was so broken they had to make it free to play for about a year to fix it up just to get it out of Beta state hehehe
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Lory Da Costa
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 5:06 am

This is nothing out of the ordinary for any game release, actually it's better than most from what I've experienced.
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 10:27 am

I've seen games released in far, FAR worse shape than Skyrim.

Compared to some of the other games I've experienced, Skyrim is flawless.
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Rachell Katherine
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 1:33 pm

When FO3 came out it was intense. Fans of Beth games v. Fans of FO1 & FO2. The arguments were crazy, mainly about Beth destroying the series v. Beth resurrecting a dead series and bringing it back to the forefront of games. The same thing happened to a lesser extent when FO:NV came out.

And it was just as bad when Oblivion came out too, if not worse. I have heard it was the same for Morrowind.

The thing people need to realize is that forums, all forums, are hopelessly biased toward the negative. Very few people go to a forum to thank a developer for their work. A LOT of people go to forums to complain when something isn't working or when they don't like it. Skyrim shipped 7 million copies, plus at least a million sold digitally on the PC, and yet how many people post here? A few thousand? It is nothing.

The game is selling well, reviewed well and is generally liked by everyone. Don't let forum negativity, which happens for every game ever, cloud that fact.
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patricia kris
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 4:44 am

I see from your stars your a long time member here, and have probably seen a lot of this, I've spent my own fair amount of time on other game forums and have never seen it this bad.

Oh, it's worse because they've increased the number of platforms. When they did that with Oblivion, the number of cheerleaders and trolls jumped by a factor of 10, at least. Now, with still more platforms bringing in more players, it's increased once more.

gamesas will ignore it all, as it did in the past. It no doubt has its expansion already part done, and will leave all the other changes people want to the modding community. They're not stupid enough to try to be a big player in the DLC market; they tried that once. (Ask anybody who was here for early Oblivion what they thought of being charged several US dollars for a suit of horse armor.) They will instead offer patches, and in turn the modding community will fix the several hundred bugs gamesas doesn't fix, and life will go on.

What matters to the company is how much it makes vs how much it spends. That's all. This isn't meant to be derogatory. It's simply a fact of the gaming industry. It provides the kind of concentration of resources that allow for the creation of huge games, such as this one. It also tends to standardize product, push it out as fast as people will tolerate it, and ignore user feedback. Take the good with the bad, and look to small developers utilizing new online distribution media if you want something different. I'm delighted to see Skyrim. I don't like the vanilla game, can understand why some people love it or hate it, and look forward to seeing what other modders change it into.

For now, just ignore the soapbox threads. Your sanity will thank you. :)
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 6:17 am

Things were like this when Oblivion came out too. It's nothing new for me, but it's healthy. It keep the developers on their toes and helps them make a better product. As far as I'm concerned, Skyrim is amazing.
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yessenia hermosillo
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 10:05 am

When FO3 came out it was intense. Fans of Beth games v. Fans of FO1 & FO2. The arguments were crazy, mainly about Beth destroying the series v. Beth resurrecting a dead series and bringing it back to the forefront of games. The same thing happened to a lesser extent when FO:NV came out.

And will happen again when Fallout 4 is released. Possibly even more intensely when F4 will be "Skyrim with guns" instead of "New Vegas 2".
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Greg Cavaliere
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 10:40 pm

Oh, it's worse because they've increased the number of platforms. When they did that with Oblivion, the number of cheerleaders and trolls jumped by a factor of 10, at least. Now, with still more platforms bringing in more players, it's increased once more.

You do realize Morrowind was also on the Xbox right?

They're not stupid enough to try to be a big player in the DLC market; they tried that once.

They are a "big player" in the DLC market. For 1 IIRC horse armor was one of the first DLCs ever, then came SI and all of FO3s content, which was pretty much praised all around (save for the bullet sponge enemies)

push it out as fast as people will tolerate it, and ignore user feedback.

This isn't Bethseda at all. Dont get me wrong, they are a company and as such they are out to make money, but Beth does indeed listen to feedback and They spend years on development, unlike other companies that push a game out every year.
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dean Cutler
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 10:31 am

... Very few people go to a forum to thank a developer for their work...

After thanking them with our wallets, that may be a bit excessive and embarrass them.
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 3:51 am

I see from your stars your a long time member here, and have probably seen a lot of this, I've spent my own fair amount of time on other game forums and have never seen it this bad.

Stars don't really tell how long you've been here. You can see it under the stars, he for example has been here since the 6th of January 2009. And then there are people with less stars and more time, I think I saw one from 2006 with 2 stars for example.

As for the topic itself I don't think it means much for Bethesda. Bethesda has a very solid background which leads people (like me) to spend a lot of money on them and appreciate them despite the big mess ups they make. I felt Oblivion was a step back from Morrowind but only by a bit, nothing to major. So when Skyrim came out I blew 300$ on a collectors edition of the game (it cost so much because it had to be shipped overseas) and I played it night and day for the first weekend I had the game. But then the problems started popping up and Skyrim is currently the least favorite TES game I've played which are really just the 3 latest ones (I really intend to play Arena and Daggerfall when I find the time).

Will I buy the next TES game ?


Will I feel dirty ?

Yes... :sadvaultboy:

From there on how it really depends on what TES VI changes if I will buy and play TES VII or not.
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