also i realised today ive had ob for three years! i never knew i had had it so long!
I've had Oblivion since 2006. The day I bought it, I also bought a new $350 AGP card to play it with. And we all know how well Oblivion ran back in 2006....
I gave up in disgust after a couple months. Aside from the performance, it was so riddled with bugs that I couldn't stand wasting time trying to enjoy it.
My wife got a laptop a couple years back, and the kids and I started playing Oblivion on that. It was a $650 laptop, but it ran circles around the $2000 gaming rig I built back in '04. Anyway, I got tired of fighting with the kids over the laptop (and my poor wife almost never got to use it), so I quit again.
Last month, I built myself a new i7 rig with a GTX580 and 12Gb of RAM. I have returned to Oblivion. Everything's maxed out. It stutters a
little some times, but I figure that's because it's such a lousy port. Still, I'm in hog heaven.
So I've had Oblivion for five years, and am only now getting to play it
AND enjoy it.
And Skyrim is next. Oh, yeah....