All things sneaky

Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 12:38 pm

So, I tend to play the sneaky/stealthy character in pretty much every game I play and I thought it was really fun in Oblivion (Going through the dark brotherhood, the thieves guild, sniping that bumbling Nord from dark corner 100 yards away... etc) but I thought it could have used some tweaks to make it seem like more of a fighting "style". I've watched and listened to the interviews GI did with Todd Howard and he mentioned something about daggers being more effective, but I'm wondering if anybody else has heard anything about the stealth system in Skyrim and if there will be more to it?

I'm also wondering how you would fight a dragon that way... in and out of cover? Sneak attack? Tie it's shoelaces together when it's not looking?
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Jade Muggeridge
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