» Tue Nov 23, 2010 1:05 pm
Nudity: Who doesn't like eye candy? It can also set the mood for people who need visuals to play thier games and not use thier imagination.
six: While I don't care for it, I will not say that it shouldn't be in a game. Why DA:O does this, I have no idea, again, I can't play it because of my kids, so not sure if they did it correctly or not. If the story is written well and it's part of the story, they yes, why not, but like in movies, there is six and nudity in the film that serves no purpose at all just to titilate and give the person cheep thrills. I was watching Battlestar Galactica the Remade series and it is an awsome series, no nudity. Then the last episode I believe they had some nudity and six, and while it added to the atmoshpere, I felt it wasn't really needed and it could have been kept out.
That is like saying Star Trek or Star Wars you have nudity and six scenes, it is just not needed.
Drugs: Again, if the story warrents it, then why not. The way Morrowind did it, was ok, it added the crime feel to it, and it wasn't over the top.
Homosixuality: Now this is where my ignorance comes in. Why would you just say Homosixuality? Isn't that just male with male. What about lisbianism? Female with Female. How come you say one and not the other? Now what about the others as well? Transgendered, and hermaphrodites? How come you are not including them as well? What about hetrosixuales? How come you are excluding all others? If you are going to include one, then you need to include them all. Again, something that is not needed in a video game.
Just like making a movie, if the story warrents it, then yes, they all could be included. To me, though when people say they need Homosixuality in a game, is just screaming, "Look here, we have homosixuality in our games" Then agian, maybe DA:O did it correctly, since I haven't really herd anything about it. I am surprised the news outlets didn't jump on this... so it all depends.
Does it warrent it? Does it convey and make the story better? Do you get more enjoyment more from it? In almost 99% of games, I would say, we don't need any of it, but if it's set for the proper audience, then yes, it can be in there.