All this work gone...?

Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 12:34 am

First of All. I love Crytek and Crysis 2 wich is a great game.
BUT Why did Crytek destroy his previous design of aliens: Hunter, Scout and Trooper?
Just see this concept to better understand how much work they did.
I can only say now that i hope these aliens will return in Crysis 3, if not in Crysis 2! Thank You.

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Jenna Fields
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 4:42 am

Imagine trying to track a Scout or a Trooper with a gamepad, considering how bloody much those things move around.
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Emilie Joseph
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 2:24 am

Because of the story dude. Can't you remember how Dr. rosenthal said these aliens are 2 million years older than humanity. Those things in crysis 2 are the same aliens just in present time
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 11:26 pm

I know those are the same aliens, but their design was much better in Crysis 1 and the game was much more dynamic in Crysis 1.

Imagine trying to track a Scout or a Trooper with a gamepad, considering how bloody much those things move around.
You are right - It will be hard to aim those flying aliens on consoles. conclusion: Consoles are ruining Crysis 2.

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Hope Greenhaw
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 5:10 pm

Where the hell do you know that :P Did you play the game?! I mean seriously watching gameplay footage and playing a game are two totally different things
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Roisan Sweeney
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 6:01 am

Where the hell do you know that :P Did you play the game?! I mean seriously watching gameplay footage and playing a game are two totally different things
Well... Fighting aliens that are arround you and above you is much more dynamic than fighting aliens that are arround you. Get it?

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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 2:02 am

In C1 they were actually different from every other run-of-the-mill "OMFG ALIEN!" species that was just like us with minor aesthetic differences. I don't see energy draining or gelatinous aliens that need a 0-g environment (simulated by exosuits outside their ship) to survive.
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 3:38 am

The aliens (The Ceph) have been in cryogenic stasis for millions of years. They have had to adapt to an environment that has gravity, therefore they use exoskeletons and walking units instead of flying units.

The new design looks nicer anyway.
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 8:10 am

If you've got to suddenly adapt to an environment that has a higher gravity than your native one, shoving yourself into a suit with legs that leaves 3/4ths of your body exposed is bloody well not the way to do it.
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Eire Charlotta
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 4:45 am

Crysis 1 is genius game in every aspect, and Crysis 2 is hybrid between Crysis 1 and COD, which means it's one step backwards.

That mission in Crysis 1, on alien ship in zero-gravity, where blue gelatin aliens attack you unexpectedly... is just mind blowing!

I hope Crysis 3 will return to origin, Crysis 1.
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Isaiah Burdeau
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 7:24 am

I hope Crysis 3 will return to origin, Crysis 1.
we share the same hope
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sally R
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 5:13 am

The aliens in the first Crysis weren't fun to fight. The new aliens were designed to actually be fun to fight with.
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 7:34 pm

I agree, the new aliens supposedly have more mobility and intelligence, something that the original incarnations lacked. The aliens in Crysis 1 were interesting, they just weren't as fleshed out as they could have been, in short they just weren't fun to fight.
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Charlotte Lloyd-Jones
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 12:52 am

I think they're fine.
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 1:50 am

I like the new aliens more. Not because they're easier to kill (which they're not really) but because they're fast, and you can stealth kill them too.
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Elea Rossi
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 4:12 am

I still dount understand why people here are saing now that consoles damaged the alien design i mean they didnt looked that cool they were just flying machines that fired ice shards wille the aliens of Crysis 2 seem more intresting and fun to fight and have diferent fithing styles unlike the ones of crysis 1 were they just hover in air and shoot ice shards woow how intresting are they Crytek made the right choice by changing them.
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Mel E
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 5:21 am

... Alright, alright majority votes for new aliens. Seems they truly love new aliens more, we will see is that a good or bad choice in a few days ahead when Crysis 2 is finally out. See you online :D...
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Shiarra Curtis
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 6:23 pm

well from that trailer i have seen, i think the new aliens look ok. anyway i like enemies with legs and arms more:D damn if i would get my preorder now:(
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 1:59 am

Hard to decide. I'm definitely sad to see the Hunter go, but since the other aliens in Crysis 1 all looked somewhat similar, I'm glad, that they went for new designs to keep things fresh and interesting.
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 12:34 am

Personally i think that it's better that the aliens now walk, because now you can really use cover and your suit to fight the aliens, because in crysis 1 the only way to hie from the aliens was going cloaked. Energy was low in crysis 1 so they spotted you really fast so in therms of cover, you had almost none. With the aliens now walking it should make the gameplay more dynamic. But that's just an impression and my personal taste. Guess we will have see for ourself's in the full game.
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 4:13 am

Crysis 1 is genius game in every aspect, and Crysis 2 is hybrid between Crysis 1 and COD, which means it's one step backwards.

That mission in Crysis 1, on alien ship in zero-gravity, where blue gelatin aliens attack you unexpectedly... is just mind blowing!

I hope Crysis 3 will return to origin, Crysis 1.

You didn't even play Crysis 2 single player and yet you "know" that C1 is better than C2? Thats just plain **** ^^
C1 environment was boring, most of the time player spend time on running from camp to camp trough same looking bushes. Fights were boring as well, AI was predictable, even alien AI was crappy because after 2-3 encounters with aliens you can learn their movement pattern, and YES it was only one movement pattern. Only good thing about Crysis 1 was in last +/- 10% of game, when aliens show up and player was able to see frozen jungle and fight those aliens.

Every single aspect of C1 is improved in C2, starting from environment which is breath taking, things like crashing trains, bridges, streets, collapsing buildings and many more thing makes you want to just watch it for the way how it looks. Enemy AI is very improved than this from C1, now enemy use environment as a tactical advantage over the player, they hide, take cover,etc. Nanosuite abilities are more easy to use in combat, hud looks better than old one and ofc. bobbing , music is just amazing.

As for alien design, well in C1 aliens were blue coz blue works better for winter/ice/snow theme, in C2 red aliens fit better into destroyed city colors, also they look more scary. C1 alien had a bit boring overall design, that huge alien boss look like a big crab o.O Well design from C1 were literally riped out of see creatures, octopus and crab =.=" Alien designs from Crysis 2 are more creative, you see something more than 3 types of similar looking aliens.

Where the hell do you know that :P Did you play the game?! I mean seriously watching gameplay footage and playing a game are two totally different things
Well... Fighting aliens that are arround you and above you is much more dynamic than fighting aliens that are arround you. Get it?

Above also means around =.=" In Crysis 2 you will fight ground and air units, no one said that there will be only ground units o.O Also ground units can jump onto building, etc. and they will be "above" you which combined with new AI will give you better fights than any alien fight from C1.
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 1:57 am

Crysis 1 is genius game in every aspect, and Crysis 2 is hybrid between Crysis 1 and COD, which means it's one step backwards.

That mission in Crysis 1, on alien ship in zero-gravity, where blue gelatin aliens attack you unexpectedly... is just mind blowing!

I hope Crysis 3 will return to origin, Crysis 1.

You didn't even play Crysis 2 single player and yet you "know" that C1 is better than C2? Thats just plain **** ^^
C1 environment was boring, most of the time player spend time on running from camp to camp trough same looking bushes. Fights were boring as well, AI was predictable, even alien AI was crappy because after 2-3 encounters with aliens you can learn their movement pattern, and YES it was only one movement pattern. Only good thing about Crysis 1 was in last +/- 10% of game, when aliens show up and player was able to see frozen jungle and fight those aliens.

Every single aspect of C1 is improved in C2, starting from environment which is breath taking, things like crashing trains, bridges, streets, collapsing buildings and many more thing makes you want to just watch it for the way how it looks. Enemy AI is very improved than this from C1, now enemy use environment as a tactical advantage over the player, they hide, take cover,etc. Nanosuite abilities are more easy to use in combat, hud looks better than old one and ofc. bobbing , music is just amazing.

As for alien design, well in C1 aliens were blue coz blue works better for winter/ice/snow theme, in C2 red aliens fit better into destroyed city colors, also they look more scary. C1 alien had a bit boring overall design, that huge alien boss look like a big crab o.O Well design from C1 were literally riped out of see creatures, octopus and crab =.=" Alien designs from Crysis 2 are more creative, you see something more than 3 types of similar looking aliens.

Where the hell do you know that :P Did you play the game?! I mean seriously watching gameplay footage and playing a game are two totally different things
Well... Fighting aliens that are arround you and above you is much more dynamic than fighting aliens that are arround you. Get it?

Above also means around =.=" In Crysis 2 you will fight ground and air units, no one said that there will be only ground units o.O Also ground units can jump onto building, etc. and they will be "above" you which combined with new AI will give you better fights than any alien fight from C1.

Why are you so aggressive? How can you be sure that I didn't play Crysis 2 beta leak? You're the one talking ****. You don't even know what Crysis 2 will look like and you're sayin that my opinion of C2 is ****? LOL

Is it logic for you that jelly-made alien is just partially covered by armor? Epic Fail. You don't even need weapons in Crysis 2, you should just sweep dust towards aliens to kill them. SMH
You're saying that C1 alien design is ripped out of sea creatures... Are you satisfied with C2 alien design that is just rippin out humanoid look? That's sooooo cliché!
I can't wait to ask you about alien design in C1 vs. C2, when C2 comes out. I think you'll be disappointed.

M8, if C1 fights were boring for you, you should just skip C2, maybe even C3.

C1 is wide and it's not completely linear, and most of people playing C1 were enjoying jungle, river, ocean, forest and al that stuff that made C1 look more wide and open... Check this out... Crysis2 is like: follow that road, then turn to another path because road is blocked, then turn to another path cause that first path is blocked, etc, etc, you encounter few c.e.l.l. soliders and few ceph/aliens and that's it!

If you haven't played Crysis2 yet, how can you be sure that AI is improved?! You're saying exact the same as Crytek. I can understand Crytek, the're trying to hype up the customers, but you're just brainwashed by Crytek.
I think, if you could be able to put on nanosuit and fight alien invasion to save the world, you wouldn't be satisfied, because Crytek gave you promise that Crysis2 be better than that. xD

We shouldn't make conclusions about C2 cause it's not even out yet. But with all of that I had chance to see (vids, trailers, scrnshts...) I think C2 is not even comparable to C1, because C2 is like whole new different game from the scratch, from alien armor, over alien weapons, to alien movement... and I don't like it (with minor exceptions). But It's my opinion, and you should respect it like I respect yours!

Peace out!
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 7:52 am

I like both!!!
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 6:21 pm

I love the new aliens, they are more down to earth (Literally)
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Emily Jones
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 8:48 am

Why are you so aggressive? How can you be sure that I didn't play Crysis 2 beta leak? You're the one talking ****. You don't even know what Crysis 2 will look like and you're sayin that my opinion of C2 is ****? LOL

Where do you see aggression in my post? Or you are referring to word "****", well one way or another your are clearly just overreacting. So you have played not finished and bugged scraps of the final release, yep leaked bugged and not finished scraps of the final release truly show how game will be "look" when they finish it. Idk if you are serious or just playing dumb. I am talking @ stuff which we already know about Crysis 2, and you are judging whole game which wasn't released yet =.=" It's like judging whole book after reading five pages riped out in middle of the book

Is it logic for you that jelly-made alien is just partially covered by armor? Epic Fail. You don't even need weapons in Crysis 2, you should just sweep dust towards aliens to kill them. SMH
You're saying that C1 alien design is ripped out of sea creatures... Are you satisfied with C2 alien design that is just rippin out humanoid look? That's sooooo cliché!
I can't wait to ask you about alien design in C1 vs. C2, when C2 comes out. I think you'll be disappointed.

Common sense tells me that fast and mobile aliens don't need full body armor, in evolution species need to lose something to gain something. If game designers want to create very fast unit they can't put "body" into full heavy armor because unit will lose mobility that why in all games units like "scout" have always light armor. Game designers are logic in their choices, you aren't.

Why do i need to wait till game will be released since we already have seen alien units/structures designs? o.O You aren't making any sense.

C1 is wide and it's not completely linear, and most of people playing C1 were enjoying jungle, river, ocean, forest and al that stuff that made C1 look more wide and open... Check this out... Crysis2 is like: follow that road, then turn to another path because road is blocked, then turn to another path cause that first path is blocked, etc, etc, you encounter few c.e.l.l. soliders and few ceph/aliens and that's it!

I never said that views and overall graphic wasn't interesting, i said that it was boring over the time. Also the fact that game terrain is wide doesn't mean that it isn't boring, i rather prefer to watch various city structures than same bushes over and over =.=" And once again, you can't judge final and not released game after playing some bugged and not finished scraps.

If you haven't played Crysis2 yet, how can you be sure that AI is improved?! You're saying exact the same as Crytek. I can understand Crytek, the're trying to hype up the customers, but you're just brainwashed by Crytek.
I think, if you could be able to put on nanosuit and fight alien invasion to save the world, you wouldn't be satisfied, because Crytek gave you promise that Crysis2 be better than that. xD

Soo you are sure that AI wasn't improved and that Crytek lie because you have played not finished scraps of game? Ohh jesus.... no comment here.

The fact that new AI use terrain as a cover is valid proof of improvement over old AI, and they show many times how new AI works so quit trying to prove that AI wasn't improved.

On the side note.... even Ai from first F.E.A.R was 10 times better than AI from Crysis 1 =.="

We shouldn't make conclusions about C2 cause it's not even out yet. But with all of that I had chance to see (vids, trailers, scrnshts...) I think C2 is not even comparable to C1, because C2 is like whole new different game from the scratch, from alien armor, over alien weapons, to alien movement... and I don't like it (with minor exceptions). But It's my opinion, and you should respect it like I respect yours!

Here he comes..... so after judging game which wasn't released you are saying that WE SHOULD NOT make conclusions about game which wasn't released. Seriously are you nuts, or it's normal for you to make statement and then deny it?

Because game is continued in other location and aliens look different it means that it is new game? OK, now you aren't making any sense.

You didn't respect my opinion nor my arguments, you were bashing it with some nonsenses.
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