"Submit to the Three, the Spirits, and thy Lords." -Ordinators
"Under sun and sky, outlander, we greet you warmly." -Misc. Dunmer
"And when you are Hortator and Nerevarine, when you've stood before the False God and freed the heart from its prison, heal my people and restore Morowind. Do this for me and with my blessing." -Azura
"I do what I must do. I cannot stay to rebuild Tamriel. That task falls to others. Farewell. You've been a good friend, in the short time that I've known you. But now I must go. The Dragon waits." -Martin
"We took them by surprise, and we carried the walls in the first assault. But they fought on anyway. Desperately. They seemed to think this decadent, mundane world of theirs was worth defending." -Eldamil
"My long duel with the Septims is over, and I have the mastery. The Emperor is dead. The Amulet of Kings is mine. And the last defender of the last ragged Septim stands before me, in the heart of my power." -Mankar Camoran
"I SAW A MUDCRAB THE OTHER DAY. NASTY CRITTERS." "I'VE HEARD OTHERS SAY THE SAME." -Everyone in Oblivion regardless of race, gender, nobility, or class

EDIT: Whoops, how did I log onto this account? Disregard the name/avatar, it's your old friend Saint_Jiub here