To all you noobs on "Mastery Level"

Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 6:03 am

I fight all my battles near swamps with tiny islands dotted everywhere... You know for obvious reasons like the scenery and not because of AI pathing. Really, I mean it.
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 5:07 am

if you power leveled blacksmith and other crafting skills up so fast, you are probably facing scaling problems. had you invested in armor skills and weapon skills as well, you might have an easier time

If you are refering to me, I dont find 70 in one handed at lvl 30 to be that low, especially with all the perks and going dual wield.
Add in that I play an Orc, and berserker rage is the absolute best racial in the game apart from high elfs magica regeneration.

With zerker rage up I will 2 shot a blood dragon on expert.
With zerker rage up, on Expert, I am hardly denting an Elder dragon, I take off around 10% of his hp with a power attack.
Thats with 80% damage from one handed+25% damage from standing power attack+50% from dual wield power attack.
Thats 155% damage, using a legendary Daedric sword in main hand and legendary ebony in off hand, with 300 stamina and 200 hp, I can chain power attacks.

Trust me...its hard and I did not power level my secondarys too much.
I only brought smithing up high, the rest is ok.

On Adept most encounters are too easy, on Expert most are still a little easy but some can place a challenge.
But on Expert already, the bigger dragons, the bandit leaders, some harder mobs, can put up a real challenge.

I am sure that people playing on master level and bragging about it being too easy have powere leveld or is using explotiks, such as the 0 mana cost spells for mages, with although exists, I am considering an exploit.

Im just glad its hard.

Just look at the guy above saying he is lvl 50 with 900 armor. LOOOL. 900 Armor.
I KNOW what is required to get that much armor, and its called extreme powerleveling of 2ndary skills, AND having extremly enchanted gear, extremly.
I have 380 armor in legendary full heavy dragon armor that have been used while using enchanted gear for extra armor AND drinking a potion, not for much, but for an extra 50%.
So they are 50% better then legendary.
You must have had around 400% something, better to create items when you did that.
When you abuse it like that, ofc the game is easy, cause its destroyed.
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 2:50 pm

I'm on Master myself and while I'm only level 13 I can see in some instances where people could find it to easy.

Normal run of the mill Bandits and animals don't get that much scarier on Master they still go down with relative ease however I'm finding the stronger and named enemies to be a real challenge over expert.

An eariler character I played on expert was always swimming in health potions. He just didn't need them, only the bosses required potion use and some dragons though not all. On Master though I literally cannot have enough health pots. Any bandit or monster with a prefix is a nightmare and bears and sabertooths send me running.

I've only fought one dragon so far, the first storyline one and all I can say is WOW was there a change in difficulty from Expert to Master. On Expert the guards and I took it down with ease, on Master I used every single health and poison potion I had, the dragon killed three guards and had it not been for my familiar distracting it near the end there's no way I would've survived, I only had about 20 health left and half the guards were already dead!

I'm both excited and terrified of my first "wild" dragon encounter.

However aside from prefixed enemies and bosses I can see why people might view master as to easy, normal enemies don't get beefed up nearly as much as the others. Honestly until I run into some of these stronger enemies I forget I'm playing on master.

I do like the added difficulty though. Its not insane like it was in Oblivion and a mudcrab or leather wearing bandit can sit around and take a billion hits with a sword but it does provide quite a challenge when you're facing off against more skilled opponents over the common rabble.
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 5:54 am

fourth : with 500 dmg per weapon (dw dmg over 1000) cap armor rating (anything above 600 will do.) and 85% magic resist you are pretty much invisible even on master diff. this game is even easier than oblivion was. people who say skyrim is hard have no clue about the series that is all. stop wanting even more ezmode this only leads to game dumping down.

What beth should do is nerf the crap out of crafting professions, then the gameplay would be more balanced.
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sunny lovett
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 10:26 am

Mage, purely bought gear + priest mask, dragons are extremely easy. Only level 24 though so haven't faced the strong dragons, but since dragons never really damage me at this point i'm not too concerned about leveling further. I jokingly use my dragonbane sword vs dragons most of the time even though i'm a mage, just to have some fun.

Even Alduin was a disappointingly easy.
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Nick Pryce
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 5:21 am

However aside from prefixed enemies and bosses I can see why people might view master as to easy, normal enemies don't get beefed up nearly as much as the others. Honestly until I run into some of these stronger enemies I forget I'm playing on master.

I do like the added difficulty though. Its not insane like it was in Oblivion and a mudcrab or leather wearing bandit can sit around and take a billion hits with a sword but it does provide quite a challenge when you're facing off against more skilled opponents over the common rabble.

I remember frost wolves, the normal mobs, who could kill my mage at level 9 in 3 hits :) Or frost spider, normal mob, who could one shot me with his charge ... normal bandits are easy, but normal bear is hard :)
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Kayleigh Williams
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 10:03 am

first : the armor "exploit" how some call it does not give you ANY advantage if wearing deadric already. it only buffs your dmg up there is no exploit in it. what is overpowered is ENTCHANTING this is the strongest skill three out of ALL even without smithing/alchemey AT ALL you can have ZERO manacost cap armor cap resist and 160% more weapon dmg ALL with ONLY this ONE PERK THREE there is no exploit in it. entchanting is just to strong in itself. it does not matter if the weapon you wear deals 300 dmg or 500 dmg. both will have the same result : one shots even on master.

second : if bethesda does not patch this with the next update IT IS ITENDED.

third : to the OP : go get yourself 85% magic resist and LAUGH at elder dragons EVEN on master. the reason he killed you is because 25% fire resist is NOTHING.

fourth : with 500 dmg per weapon (dw dmg over 1000) cap armor rating (anything above 600 will do.) and 85% magic resist you are pretty much invisible even on master diff. this game is even easier than oblivion was. people who say skyrim is hard have no clue about the series that is all. stop wanting even more ezmode this only leads to game dumping down.

With the weapon damage you list, you can say it was inteded but it IS abused.
Some people do wrong, its up to us if we want to abuse it or not.
500 damage per weapon and 85% magic resist, why the HECK would I even want that? The game is uppterly destroyed.

25% fire resist AND I use berserker rage, which causes ALL my damage to be halved.

Mastery Im sure is interesting and fine if you are ranged.
But as melee, without exploting secondary skills too much, its a nightmare. Its possible but extremly hard, as it should be.

Oblivian could also be abused, but I agree not like here.
But dont go around internet saying how easy Master is when you ARE abusing it. If Intended or not, you have used a way to cause the game to utterly be destroyed.
And Im 100% sure bethesda will do something about this.

Personally, I think you should only be able to focus on one of smithing or enchanting. Alchemy takes forever to level and can come in handy.
But enchanting is so easy to level and same with smithing.
And even so, enchanting should be completely toned down, I agree.

Cause its in our nature to abuse things when we are allowed to and can.
So for those player going into enchanting fully, I feel sorry for you, that you destroyed the game experience.

I would reroll, start maybe a caster or ranged, or anything, and just bypass all secondaries.
Although smithing is powerful, its not that great without enchanting or armor smithing potions. its helpful.
Smithing is well balanced, I just wish they balanced enchanting the same.
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Sweet Blighty
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 3:04 pm

Forgive op..HAHA .. calling people noobs. Most know the EASY way is to just smith and the like for it LEVELS you .. wow then how hard is the game. You new what it did. Now NOTHING is hard. Its cheating for you should never LVL for just smithing and the like. It should go up just as far as your LVL is..oooh then its..waaaa I don't like it its to hard. I try to do NOTHING like that for I DON"T want to level so fast.. makes the game more fun
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 2:16 pm

Yeah I can brag about Master being too easy if I abuse game exploits.
It's a single player game nobody here gives a [censored].

Go play multiplayer games if you want leaderboards to climb.
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Allison Sizemore
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 9:40 am

Don't be stupid ... if you can't handle master all you have to do is take a companion with you and the game suddenly became adept, no reason to change the difficulty itself. As for the op ... war at level 30 with 200 hp ... nothing more to say.

So you fall into the remaining 10%, bar shadow warrior. My post is legit, facts were taken from a REAL census, so don't come up with some crappy arguement.

Personally, the Gamebryo engine just makes for a genuinely simple and easy combat system (Does that make me a 5% for skill, or a 50% for AI exploits? I mean, the AI practically exploits itself).

Hence you fall into the majority mate, good on ya.

it only buffs your dmg up there is no exploit in it.

You can quite feasibly pull off a 30k sneak attack using the smithing exploit on an orc, I'm willing to provide sauce if you call bull [censored].
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 2:12 pm

But he is absolutely right.

Only way to play on mastery is 3 ways:
So stop sending these false messages around and if its so eays, list your skills and your level, and from that we can figure out how you play.

Wrong, some details are already in my previous post but you dont need to exploit at all.
U just need to plan your character accordingly to the build you want to use. After trying a orc 2h char i decide to go a very 'tanky' char.

Restoration > block: why u might wonder ? Because no mather how good your blocking is you will need to heal yourself BUT and a big BUT is due to the perks from resto:
Recovery, Avoid death, Regeneration, and respite wich is by far the biggest reason...
Simply because u can avoid spending any points in stamina hence i have 400 hp & 300 magicka.
The only skills your allowed to lvl for the first 10 lvls is restoration, heavy armor, and one handed. The only perks u spend is on restoration & heavy armor until it really takes too long to kill enemies, by then your combat skills will always be ahead of your crafting and speech ect skills unless u powerlvl them = you wont have any big issues fighting.
Lvl alteration speaks for itself for ebonic flesh + magic res perks.
I got Otar around lvl 16-17 , switched warrior stone to lord stone once i maxed one handed.
DONT EVER USE COMPANIONS ! This is not fallout...using companions will harm your skill progression.

How to avoid the elder dragon huge melee dmg ? (or any dragon) is simply when they land -> move out of melee range aka take a few steps back -> they will proceed to breath -> they will always try to bite after a breath unless your not in melee range -> rince & repeat.

Does it take a long time to kill elder dragon/dragon priests and some 'bosses' ? Yes, but it is easy...

Edit: and even forgot to mention dragonhide for alteration...
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Nick Jase Mason
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 6:40 am

So you fall into the remaining 10%, bar shadow warrior. My post is legit, facts were taken from a REAL census, so don't come up with some crappy arguement.

You are uncomfortably judgemental ... I play destro mage, no summons, no companions, no enchanting on master. What category is that ?
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Lisha Boo
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 8:44 am

But he is absolutely right.

Only way to play on mastery is 3 ways:

Play destruction mage with 90 to 100% less mana cost on spells.

Play a stealthy archer with max archery perks but still requires you to have smithing and enchanting.

Play a malee with max smithing, max enchanting and a ton in alchemy, or find the black smith potions.

Anyone that abuses the heck out of the system can come out there.

Playing on Mastery with just 1 or 2 semi decent secondary skills and not fully enchanted etc, and you will not survive. Simple as.

So stop sending these false messages around and if its so eays, list your skills and your level, and from that we can figure out how you play.

Has nothing to do with cheating or exploits. The crafting skills are just too powerful. I'm tired of this "abuse" word when it comes to crafting. You don't have to abuse anything to obtain broken gear. All you have to do is level these skills like they're intended.
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Ridhwan Hemsome
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 3:10 pm

You only have 200 health? Have you been raising Stamina?
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 10:51 am

I don't get what this thread is about.
What might be easy for you may not be easy for others.
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Donald Richards
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 2:17 pm

You are uncomfortably judgemental ... I play destro mage, no summons, no companions, no enchanting on master. What category is that ?

Judging by the fact that you're playing a seemingly pure mage, I'm guessing the first catogry, perhaps the second one. The IRL ninja's wouldn't gimp themselves long term by resorting to destruction which becomes weaksauce at higher levels.
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 3:05 pm

And Im 100% sure bethesda will do something about this.

but i am pretty sure bethesda wont ever nerf any of this unfortunetly.

well i am not saying i dont agree that some things should be nerfed they SHOULD. but please dont say its an EXPLOIT because thats wrong some skills are just OVERPOWERED thats it.

whats really an exploit is the oghma thingy for example.

about magic resist : they ALREADY nerfed this. in previews parts of the series you could reach 100% and be completly immune to magic. this is no longer possible in skyrim BUT :

you can now reach this cap WITHOUT HAVING ANY crafting skills at all. all you need is 50 atleration and 4 perks and be a breton. even non bretons can do this they just need 1 perk point more a ring with 15% magic resist which can be gotten from VENDORS.

then just use lords stone and do mara temple quest and VOILA 85% without crafting. this is intended. will never change.

is it to easy ? YES it is. but it wont change until we finally get the CS.
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Katie Louise Ingram
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 12:30 pm

Everyone is a [censored] liar. I hate it. :no:
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brandon frier
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 2:40 pm

But he is absolutely right.

Only way to play on mastery is 3 ways:

Play destruction mage with 90 to 100% less mana cost on spells.

Play a stealthy archer with max archery perks but still requires you to have smithing and enchanting.

Play a malee with max smithing, max enchanting and a ton in alchemy, or find the black smith potions.

Anyone that abuses the heck out of the system can come out there.

Playing on Mastery with just 1 or 2 semi decent secondary skills and not fully enchanted etc, and you will not survive. Simple as.

So stop sending these false messages around and if its so eays, list your skills and your level, and from that we can figure out how you play.

Are you kidding me? I have 2 dead is dead characters right now on master difficulty, granted 1 is level 11, but the other is level 30. The level 11 is an illusionist battle mage, illusion 1 hand, war axe in the other. The level 30 is an assassin, and fighting dragons is incredibly, INCREDIBLY hard, but i still manage. Don't gimp yourself from the start with smithing and enchanting and you'll be fine.
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 6:01 am

Judging by the fact that you're playing a seemingly pure mage, I'm guessing the first catogry, perhaps the second one. The IRL ninja's wouldn't gimp themselves long term by resorting to destruction which becomes weaksauce at higher levels.

Well I do use potions, because I have alchemy ... having that skill and not using potions it creates, that would be stupid. But you really need potions only on the very hard long fights that don't happen often. You use them, because you don't want to have the time spent in the fight be wasted. Aside from that reduced magicka cost on spells is just bad concept ... make sence on robes, but that's about it.
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Kortknee Bell
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 6:46 pm

Has nothing to do with cheating or exploits. The crafting skills are just too powerful. I'm tired of this "abuse" word when it comes to crafting. You don't have to abuse anything to obtain broken gear. All you have to do is level these skills like they're intended.

I agree.

But my main complaint here, and maybe I could have made a post in one line is:

Dont come to the boards and complain the game being too easy on Master when you have 100 in smithing and 100 in enchanting and have made broken gear.

Thats it.

As for the one commenting on my 30 warrior with just 200 hp.
I have 300 stamina, and my power attacks do insane damage. Im seldom damaged cause i kill things so fast.
I have now started to place some points into magica and will place some into hp again.
Generally I kill even very very hard bosses on Expert though just sheer of damage and use of dragon shouts.
But it takes ALOT of effort, as it should be. I love it thats its so hard.
My point is that when it comes to raw damage, I do have a rather powerful character, but no I cant soak up a ton of damage as a pure HP built tank, but I can deal around 5 times as much damage, 10 times when I use my daily berserker rage.

The game is perfectly balanced on adept for a normal game through, on Expert is a very tough challenge and on Mastery, its literally only for mages and archers until you are 30+ as a tank with restoration.
IF, you are NOT using any secondaries.

So yeah, the main point is, Bethesda should nerf the heck out of especially enchanting.
I still think smithing is good, its not op, but they should make it far far harder to level.
It should take around 5 times as long to level and smithing is fine.
Enchanting: Needs to be completely reworked.
And Magic resists should be taken out of the world completely.

There should only be 2 magic resists available:
Breton racials, and the block perk, that reduces fire/frost/magic damage by 50%.
Thats it.
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Richus Dude
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 5:23 am


I am sure that people playing on master level and bragging about it being too easy have powere leveld or is using explotiks, such as the 0 mana cost spells for mages, with although exists, I am considering an exploit.
I have 380 armor in legendary full heavy dragon armor that have been used while using enchanted gear for extra armor AND drinking a potion, not for much, but for an extra 50%.

I'm on master, playing mostly melee with a small bit of archery (to get sneak bonuses and to make dragons land) and no magic. The game difficulty goes in phases for me,I was having a lot more trouble in levels 1-30 but for about the last 5 or 6 levels (I'm 43) few things have been much of a challenge. It's funny, before level 35 or so dragons were way too easy to kill, but now they're some of the toughest enemies. That said, they don't come too close to killing me (including Elders). I'm not using exploits. 2h is at 84, heavy at 83, enchanting at 80, smithing at 100, sneak at 77, archery at 62, alchemy at 55. My gear is enchanted, but not overpoweringly so (leg daedric greatsword at 11 absorb health, leg daedric armor with +30 or so health, archery damage helmet, 2h damage gauntlets, 20% magic resist ring--found, not crafted).

380 armor isn't much at all. Have you invested in the matching set/custom fit bonuses? It doesn't sound like it. I think my armor rating is at 600 or so. I also use The Lord birthsign for extra damage and magic resist.

Also, 200 hp and you're a melee warrior? That sounds kinda low to me. I'm at 420 health, including enchants and blessings.

I had been planning to get enchant to 100 in order to put better enchantments on my gear, but I already feel OP.

Edit: Just saw what you said about your health... Here's my last point: just because your particular warrior build doesn't make Master a bit easy doesn't mean that other, non-exploit warrior builds do make Master easy.
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Robert Bindley
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 3:40 pm

Well I do use potions, because I have alchemy ... having that skill and not using potions it creates, that would be stupid. But you really need potions only on the very hard long fights that don't happen often. You use them, because you don't want to have the time spent in the fight be wasted. Aside from that reduced magicka cost on spells is just bad concept ... make sence on robes, but that's about it.

What level are ya?
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Paul Rice
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 10:30 am

tldr: I can't play on master therefore no one can
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Cassie Boyle
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 5:44 am

I play the game on novice because games should not be frustrating.

Me Too!

And having a BLAST!!
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