if you power leveled blacksmith and other crafting skills up so fast, you are probably facing scaling problems. had you invested in armor skills and weapon skills as well, you might have an easier time
If you are refering to me, I dont find 70 in one handed at lvl 30 to be that low, especially with all the perks and going dual wield.
Add in that I play an Orc, and berserker rage is the absolute best racial in the game apart from high elfs magica regeneration.
With zerker rage up I will 2 shot a blood dragon on expert.
With zerker rage up, on Expert, I am hardly denting an Elder dragon, I take off around 10% of his hp with a power attack.
Thats with 80% damage from one handed+25% damage from standing power attack+50% from dual wield power attack.
Thats 155% damage, using a legendary Daedric sword in main hand and legendary ebony in off hand, with 300 stamina and 200 hp, I can chain power attacks.
Trust me...its hard and I did not power level my secondarys too much.
I only brought smithing up high, the rest is ok.
On Adept most encounters are too easy, on Expert most are still a little easy but some can place a challenge.
But on Expert already, the bigger dragons, the bandit leaders, some harder mobs, can put up a real challenge.
I am sure that people playing on master level and bragging about it being too easy have powere leveld or is using explotiks, such as the 0 mana cost spells for mages, with although exists, I am considering an exploit.
Im just glad its hard.
Just look at the guy above saying he is lvl 50 with 900 armor. LOOOL. 900 Armor.
I KNOW what is required to get that much armor, and its called extreme powerleveling of 2ndary skills, AND having extremly enchanted gear, extremly.
I have 380 armor in legendary full heavy dragon armor that have been used while using enchanted gear for extra armor AND drinking a potion, not for much, but for an extra 50%.
So they are 50% better then legendary.
You must have had around 400% something, better to create items when you did that.
When you abuse it like that, ofc the game is easy, cause its destroyed.