To all you noobs on "Mastery Level"

Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 7:39 am

What level are ya?

I have lvl 15 war lvl 13 mage ... don't play war anymore and the mage is like 5th mage build I got past lvl 10 on master.
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Aliish Sheldonn
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 1:33 pm

Don't fOrget people play on master but FIGHT on easy, alot Of people here think people look up to them if they say they play on master, I know when one is lying by saying it isn't hard, lmao, it is MADE TO BE HARD ON MASTER. They think others just believe their lies
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Dawn Farrell
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 11:30 am

Playing on master isn't about skill, it's about stats. You need to make sure you have the necessary armor and resistances to survive, and the necessary damage to get through their absurd HP in a reasonable amount of time.
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Joe Alvarado
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 11:16 am

There should only be 2 magic resists available:
Breton racials, and the block perk, that reduces fire/frost/magic damage by 50%.
Thats it.

That's a horrible solution, just makes Breton (more, relatively)overpowered. And what are they going to do with Nord and Dunmer resists? Replace them with something else or just leave them hanging?
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Eibe Novy
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 7:09 pm

i bet no1 has completed the game on master and is playing by "dead is dead rules"

i can play on master and die 100 times too

but the difficulty levels in this game are so outta balance its not funny

lydia can take 20 hits from a tiger/troll/giant etc.

i can take 1

those enemies can take 50 hits+ from both of us

no balance wat so ever!
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Laura Hicks
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 2:50 am

Is this how you talk to people in real life? O'doyle rules,...

He's doesn't leave his room much less open his mouth to strangers in such a manner.
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Steve Bates
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 3:46 pm

i bet no1 has completed the game on master and is playing by "dead is dead rules"

i can play on master and die 100 times too

but the difficulty levels in this game are so outta balance its not funny

lydia can take 20 hits from a tiger/troll/giant etc.

i can take 1

those enemies can take 50 hits+ from both of us

no balance wat so ever!

If you're having that much trouble with tigers, trolls and giants on Master, then don't fight them until you get stronger. My first trip to High Hrothgar was at level 13 or so and I had to sneak/run past the creatures up there because they were kicking my ass.
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 10:32 am

I get my ass kicked on Expert at times and I barely have good stuff, I have regular armor and a bow, no upgraded stuff and some enchantments that I found randomly and didnt craft myself, but mostly I actually get by pretty well and sometimes I'm way too OP for the enemies.
So if they're using the best stuff through crafting to make the absolutely best "epic" gear then I'm sure they meant it when they say the game is becoming too easy for them.
Then again, if they don't want the game to be too easy then maybe they shouldn't have crafted that "epic" gear in the first place.

So I do think a lot of them have those awesome weapons and gear that makes the game far too easy even on Master.
But they should not say the game is too easy if they themselves set out on a goal to make themselves that powerful.

I love skyrim, its the best RPG ever made. I have played every RPG out there...

Wait what?
You've played every RPG out there and you thought Skyrim was the best RPG?
That... That makes no sense to me...
Skryim is a damn fine game, tons of fun, but one of the best "role-playing" games?
I find that hard to believe.
It has improved with more quest choices and actual dialogue but it still does not live up to the amount of RPG aspects other RPG's has.

Just saying.
That if you really had played every RPG there is then you wouldn't say that Skyrim is the best.
Maybe from "a game" POV, or a "viking game" POV, or a "fantasy game" POV or a "sandbox game" POV, but certainly not from an "RPG" POV.

I wouldn't get this hung up about it normally but you said you have played "every" RPG out there and found Skyrim out of all you could have chosen to be the best RPG which to me makes makes no sense. :confused:


For example, Fallout 1 and Fallout New Vegas can be completed without killing a single living being or mechanized security drone, and that's without any followers as well, just you, no follower to kill stuff for you, I'm talking about pacifist here.

SPECIAL in the older Fallouts are way better for roleplaying as they actually do something as compared to most other stat systems where they're just kinda "there", including Skyrims "health, magicka or stamina?".

Alpha Protocol, Mass Effect, Fallout and Deus Ex: Human Revolution all have superior dialogue systems.

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kitten maciver
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 4:04 pm

What are these exploits people are talking about? You mean levelling professions that are a part of the game?
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Chica Cheve
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 7:04 pm

What are these exploits people are talking about? You mean levelling professions that are a part of the game?

Edit: Looping alchemy and enchant bonuses to use smithing to create uber-weapons and armor.
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Horse gal smithe
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 10:42 am

I play on master... but i'm level 81 and scaling stops around 50.
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Hannah Barnard
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 10:28 am

What are these exploits people are talking about? You mean levelling professions that are a part of the game?

Broken professions. If you have trained 100 smith , 100 enchant ( + crafting potions ) and specced appropriately you walk through everything.

ps - If you use potions or any other consumable which does not have a cooldown, you are not a master. DiD hardcoe mode ftw.
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Adriana Lenzo
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 9:10 am

So let me get this straight, the OP is basically calling the people who play on master without finding it challenging kids, because he can't manage it himself?

of course I'm going to use every possible means to improve my character in a game. I guess enchanting seems a bit broken considering the gear you can make for yourself is better than the loot you can get from the daedric princes, but you have to assume that the game developers balanced around this. If you want to impose restricting rules on yourself, that's your choice.

Yes it's very possible to get over 900 armor, I'm at 857 static armor at the moment in a full legendary daedric set. I don't have anything in alchemy this is from enchanting/smithing + 5/5 in the starter heavy armor skill so with a proper alchemy potion or some different enchants on your gear you'd be well over 900.

Ps. I'm pretty sure the magic resistance enchants is not accumulative, meaning having 4 armor pieces with 20% magic resistance doesn't give you 80% magic resistance, it just improves your magic resistance by 20% times 4 and since we don't know what our base magic resistance is we can't really know, that's my theory anyway since dragon breaths still does quite a lot of damage on master at level 50 with 500 health.

The OP just poked me the wrong way considering he's basically calling other people kids for doing something that he can't and making it sound like people couldn't possibly be better than him.

Edit: Note that I'm not complaining that I think the game is too easy, I made the game easy through proper gearing etc. since that's what I consider fun, the min/maxing aspect not the generic and very simple combat system. It just seems like the OP is trying to justify his own playstyle in a single player game which I just don't get at all, why do you care so much about what other people are doing? All that matters is that you're having fun, this isn't an mmo where people will complain about your performance.
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rheanna bruining
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 2:39 am

Don't know why I read all those, you basically wrote an essay telling how you svck and can't handle master difficulty.

You drink potion before knowing which element the dragon breath? wow, that tells alot of your skill.
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Big mike
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 2:37 am

I think I could play a pure destruction fire mage on master and complete at least the main quest with dead is dead rules with the restriction of no armor or robes, a completely naked character. Could add no potions to that list too without making it significantly more challenging, just more time consuming as I would have to spend quite a lot of time waiting for magicka to regen. Can't remember the last time my mage character died to be honest. You've got to be sleeping to die when Become Ethereal is one button away.

Just when I was about to take a break until mods start pouring out, perhaps there is some fun in doing semi speed runs with major restrictions. The main quest isn't that long so it could be some fun times.

People say that destruction mages become underpowered at level 40+, but I could easily complete all major quest lines in the game before that, making it trivial.

The point of this post really was that destruction mages are horribly overpowered. And that you do not need to exploit anything to stomp on everything in the game from level 1 to completion. And to highlight this as a gamebreaking problem if you value immersion. And that level-scaling needs to be modded out asap in exchange for pure or close to pure static enemies.
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