I want to find or make myself a mod for The Companions questline, which allow to skip drinking Aela's blood for vampire lord or add new choices for player. How to realize it? There is several ways:
Modification for effect or script Werewolf ability for not deleting Vampire Lord form. Then I want to toggle off scene with rampage in Whiterun and give player a message about this new situation. Player must be choose what form he want to save and use it for transform and delete other. If he chooses the Beast form, then game go to common way. If Vampire Lord - screen fade to black (this is a painfully process to defend himself from another blood curse) and player wake up near Aela etc. Of course in this way mayl be inconsistencies in the guldmates dialogues. I dont know all dialogues for Companions very well. But this is compromise.
Are you need other ways? Look there.
May to modify all dialogues during Silver Hand Quest for giving player capability to refuse from drinking a blood. But in that case We need to creat lore-friendly dialogues and explanations for this situation. What doing a vampire in The Circle...
There is other ways to realize my idea (absolute discard a first transformation with some dialogues with Aela and Skjor), but I do not write about it.