[RELZ] Almilia's Daughters 4.0

Post » Sat May 28, 2011 9:02 am

I kind of guessed you might have deliberately avoided touching anything MQ related, to avoid issues. I asked about it, "just in case". ;)

About vampire PCs: well, Vampire Embrace and Vampire Hunger are pretty popular mods and allow you to talk to NPCs when you are a vampire.
And Vampiric Hunger adds an Illusion spell that "masks" your vampiric features; if you enable the option for MWSE, it will even restore you "normal" character face. Technically, it actually removes the vampire condition from the PC for as long as the spell is in effect; so this feature allows you to play like your character isn't a vampire at all.
This means that using this feature will allow the player to use your mod even if the PC is a vampire (actually, it makes a lot of sense that you have to use this special power to have six with someone! :P).
The problem is that AD will not be playable by people who want to play a vampire character but doesn't use MWSE.

Anyway, I just thought you might like to have some feedback about this. Personally, I play with MWSE and VH, so I have no problem at all. ;)
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Amanda Furtado
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 3:49 pm

Just found a bug...

I tried making love with Arvela Falas in Dram Bero Manor; first she responded with something about doing it on a plank in midair (...what? We are in an house!), then there was a fade to black and I found myself at Height Plates Club in Balmora (!) with a message about having bedded a researcher (I guess it's about the Altmer from Mage's Guild quest...).
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Victoria Vasileva
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:17 pm

Oops, a double mistake. It's supposed to be Alvela Saram, guard at Vivec's Moon, and the closing line is completely different, of course. Thank, I'll fix it in the next release.
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Matt Bigelow
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 3:37 pm

An update!

Apologies to everyone who postponed installation waiting for a version with easier entrance requirements - I took too much time with this fix, and not completely with good excuse :sweat: .

Changes in 4.1:

Skill/stat requirements are lowered further - there's no need for high Speechcraft specifically - any combination of faction-specific skills matching the Level 1 requirement is enough, like it is for all regular factions. Skill progression chart starts with 40/20, stats progression - from 45/30 for Pers/Int. This means that a brute fighter type still needs to invest some efforts into style and allure for being eligible; yet it is possible to create a character that is ready to enlist from get-go.

The Clothier module is improved - now a separate .esp is used to detect mods' presence in game, and only viable choices are presented. Also there's a possibility to choose an "optimal" selection of clothes depending on available mods. The list of supported mods is expanded:
  • Aleanne's clothes and armor, part 1 only or both 1 and 2
  • Ascadian styles by Thinalphiel and Rickrod, with or without Ladies gowns and robes addon
  • Hilgya the Seamstress with Expansion One by Plangkye - ATTN! From current version HtS without the expansion won't be supported.
  • Clothiers of Vvardenfell by Korana
  • BadKarma's Anjurin Chest
  • Aradia's Needle by Oni-K
  • BadKarma Clothing Vendor (or BadKarma's Dresses; item-wise they are identical)
  • Cali's BB V2.0 Tight Dresses - ATTN! If this mod's timestamp is 1601.01.01, it must be reset (either by a utility that provides such function or by loading it in CS and re-saving again) to be properly detected.
  • Gothic Attire Complete by Qarl and Cenobite
  • Myrabell's Clothing Emporium
  • Scissors & Thimbles I,II,III by Keazen - either a combined .esp or all three mods are required
  • AnOldFriend's Corsets&Bustiers

IMPORTANT: If you upgrade from 4.0 or 4.01 and used The Clothier to dress up Almilia's Daughters, undress them before upgrading and dress them afterwards again, if you plan to change their attire in the future. A doubling issue may make Clothier's work buggy unless reset to defaults is made. Cleaning of the save with Wrye Mash may be needed.

A new small quest is added.

Few minor fixes and additions.

Raym, I haven't addressed the issue with vampires that you mentioned yet. I'd need to figure the mechanism that non-MWSE version of Vampiric illusion uses and how to bypass it without serious changes to AD's own engine. That will take more time, though.
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Lloyd Muldowney
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 1:24 pm

Great news! :)

Raym, I haven't addressed the issue with vampires that you mentioned yet. I'd need to figure the mechanism that non-MWSE version of Vampiric illusion uses and how to bypass it without serious changes to AD's own engine. That will take more time, though.

Mhm... a very simple way could be to filter AD vampire greetings with another condition. For example, if disposition with the NPC is very high (80+ or even 90+), the NPC will act like the PC isn't a vampire.
This way, the vampire PC will have to invest extra effort to seduce NPCs, but it will be possible.
What's more, it will not matter how you get disposition that high: be it a charm spell or the features of Vampire Embrace, what matters for AD is just that disposition is above a certain numbers.

Also, you wouldn't have to worry about circumventing vanilla's vampire greetings. They would still block conversation in most cases, unless the player is using some specific mod that allows interaction with the NPCs as a vampire.
But if the player isn't using a mod that alters vampire gameplay... well, it's not your problem, is it? ;)

Of course you may want to elaborate on specific responses for vampire character and more refined gameplay in the future... but for now, this could be a decent stopgap.
Just my two cents, of course. ;)
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Lori Joe
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:14 pm

Mhm... a very simple way could be to filter AD vampire greetings with another condition. For example, if disposition with the NPC is very high (80+ or even 90+), the NPC will act like the PC isn't a vampire.
Not going to work. The dialogue engine allows to override lines with disposition *below* certain level, but not *above* it. That is, if I set a Disp 80 condition on a vampire line, it will block >80 disposed NPCs, but <80 ones will think PC to be normal. Although I can set a Personality>=100 condition on vampire-barring line (in that case it won't be depending on any vampire-enhancing mods at all)... the alternative would be to set a vampire-enabling line or a few that will work for all cases, ignoring all the 2MB of dialogue variety I've been throwing in for regular gameplay. [shrug] I'll think about it.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 2:47 pm

D'oh! You're totally right. What was I thinking? :facepalm:

I'll blame this on a strange thought pattern. I started thinking of a work-around based on Personality (which, like you said, would work the way I described), and then started thinking about Disposition... and I completely forgot that Disposition filtering doesn't work that way. Shame on me. :blush:

I can be done with Disposition, though, but it would need more work than I anticipated.
It would need vampire-blocking lines put below the lines with positive answers, which should be filtered for Disposition.
So, for example, let's say you want vampires to be able to making love if Disposition is 90+: it would be something like:
* Lines with positive responses, with a Disposition 90 condition;
* Line with refusal if PC is a vampire;
* Rest of the lines with Disposition below 90.

I took a quick look at AD dialogue, so I guess doing something like this would be quite a bit of work: mostly adding more lines with high Disposition values and a number of vampire=1 filters instead of just one.
So, not exactly a minor effort, I guess.
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Verity Hurding
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 9:33 am

The standard disposition barrier is 70, with less than dozen exceptions >=90, so to make the topic available for vampires disposition-wise, I'd have to edit ~500 lines. I might consider this approach if the issue was really that demanded *and* if I could rely on CS's import function in regards of dialogue... which I sadly can't. Whenever CS doesn't like something in an imported file the slightest bit, it jumbles the order of lines. Doing it manually for the sake of a simple stopgap? bleh. I might explore the vampiric six vista someday, but not like this.
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Sami Blackburn
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:43 pm

Yup, I concur.
From what I've seen of your mod dialogue, it would definitely not be worth the effort. ;)
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Jose ordaz
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:36 am

To make Almilia's Daughters LGNPC-compatible, you must select the LGNPC_detect.esp in your mod list. It recognizes which LGNPC mods are active in your game automatically - if you chose to play with only few rather than all of them, only NPCs from respective cities will have additional reactions. MAKE SURE THAT THIS .ESP REGAINS ITS TIMESTAMP - it's supposed to load prior to any other LGNPC mod. The current AD mod's version was written in regard to latest LGNPC mods versions - that is, latest at the moment of release...

Once you've run your latest saved game with the LGNPC_detect.esp, can you remove it the next time around, or does it need to stay in your lineup? Just wondering, what with crawling towards the number where I need to start thinking about mod merging.

The various Face Replacer esps are timestamped to 2037. Should I assume they must load after Wrye's Mashed Lists?

And finally: should the main mod esp load after LGNPC mods? I assume it should, but want to ask. I don't want it last in my lineup before the Mashed Lists, because I have several companion mods, and they don't always take well to being dislodged from their place in the order of things.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:31 pm

Once you've run your latest saved game with the LGNPC_detect.esp, can you remove it the next time around, or does it need to stay in your lineup? Just wondering, what with crawling towards the number where I need to start thinking about mod merging.
Well, I haven't tried, but the common sense says you may do that, though first you better visit Seyda Neen Census and Excise Office with LGNPC_detect.esp turned on before making a save (if you didn't do it yet; you don't have to be *in* the Office when you make the save). That is a place where all vars are initialized at once.

(Though I'm talking speculatively and you should check if for yourself. For example, after you turn the mod off, try to seduce Athyn Sarethi - if he refuses you, saying "Sera, you're talking to a statesman and a Redoran member...", then you'll know for sure you succeeded).

The various Face Replacer esps are timestamped to 2037. Should I assume they must load after Wrye's Mashed Lists?
AD (and therefore replacer esps as well) doesn't use Leveled Items, so it doesn't matter where the replacer is resided compared to Mashed Lists.

And finally: should the main mod esp load after LGNPC mods? I assume it should, but want to ask. I don't want it last in my lineup before the Mashed Lists, because I have several companion mods, and they don't always take well to being dislodged from their place in the order of things.
AFAIK, there's no difference whether "Almilia's daughters 4.0.esp" is listed before or after LGNPC mods, as long as "LGNPC_Detect.esp" is before it and them all.
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Ally Chimienti
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:06 pm

Thanks very much! Both for the answers, for the speed.
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Mark Hepworth
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