That was last spring.
Then I hoped to release it last June. Then last September. Once I hoped to release it for Christmas, and failing that, for New Year. Real LifeTM laughs at your attempts at planning, %PCName. There's *always* something else you'd want to polish or add before you consider the job done. But still, I managed to make myself a birthday present and release this baby after all... of course, no later than tomorrow it will become painfully obvious that I forgot something.
Deep breath.
Show time.
This is an advlt-oriented mod. It doesn't contain any new models or sixual animations (except a *very* brief and not particularly discernible quest-based moment constructed from stock animations; *latter* is the main reason it's made this fleeting

This is a WIP. As in, Work In Progress. Not all desired features are completely thought trough, not all planned featured are completely implemented, not all implemented ones are completely debugged. Point is, I have no idea when I'll be content with it enough to make an official release. So I'll upload what's been done so far. Try it if you're curious. Don't if you're cautious.
All previous authors suggested that anyone else can modify their work, so there.
I'm out of things you should be warned about.
This mod adds a new faction into Morrowind - Almilia's Daughters. To some, it's just a glorified prosttutes Guild, to others, it's a religious cult of a goddess of love... and to some - these women are spies and manipulators, infiltrating into all spheres of Tamriel's social life, gathering information, and pulling strings from shadows. Using the oldest in history trick of getting trust and influencing people, they're unstoppable. In this mod, you're invited to join Almilia's Daughters.
You can make love to various people of Vvardenfell. Usually you get some sum of money for it, although there are exceptions. You lose some stamina and magica (if you don't have enough magica, there's a chance to catch a disease) and gain some disposition and faction reputation bonus. There's no sixual animation (and I have no plans to make the mod L&L-compatible), only text description. Reactions are based on NPC's class, race, faction, etc. From version to version, my goal has been to give as many NPCs as possible individual reactions, and while there's a lot of work to do, the situation is improved since v3.2.
AD mod is made aware of LGNPC franchize. That is, if you use LGNPC mods in your game, there will be significantly more individual reactions to your flirt attempts (and they will match personalities that LGNPC mods designed for them) in areas covered by these mods, than if you run your game without them. To make Almilia's Daughters LGNPC-compatible, you must select the LGNPC_detect.esp in your mod list. It recognizes which LGNPC mods are active in your game automatically - if you chose to play with only few rather than all of them, only NPCs from respective cities will have additional reactions. MAKE SURE THAT THIS .ESP REGAINS ITS TIMESTAMP - it's supposed to load prior to any other LGNPC mod. The current AD mod's version was written in regard to latest LGNPC mods versions - that is, latest at the moment of release:
- LGNPC_Aldruhn_v1_20.esp
- LGNPC_Aldruhn_v1_20_suppl.esp
- LGNPC_AldVelothi_v1_20.esp (*)
- LGNPC_GnaarMok_v1_10.esp
- LGNPC_HlaOad_v1_32.esp
- LGNPC_IndarysManor_v1_51.esp
- LGNPC_Khuul_v2_10.esp
- LGNPC_MaarGan_v1_20.esp
- LGNPC_PaxRedoran_v1_20.esp
- LGNPC_Pelagiad_v1_22.esp
- LGNPC_SecretMasters_v1_30.esp
- Lgnpc_SN.esp
- LGNPC_TelMora_v1_20.esp
- LGNPC_VivecFQ_v2_10.esp
- LGNPC_VivecRedoran_v1_50.esp
(*) at the moment, this mod can't be detected automatically. If you have it in your game, you'll have to establish its presence manually by typing "Set _is_LGNPC_AldVelothi to 1" without quotes in the console. Eventually, if further versions of this particular LGNPC mod will be released, this issue may be remedied.
You not only have to screw around in Almilia's glory. With this version, you actually get to deliver information to your superiors. Certain quests and events in vanilla Morrowind look like they could be of interest for a secret organization that is strong on espionage. Others may interest an erotic cult. Almilia's Daughters faction is actually both. By reporting things that you've been witness to, you gain reputation points. Hint: sometimes quests-in-progress are appreciated better than completed ones. Therefore, while you can start the mod mid-game, starting a fresh one would be more fulfilling.
Some vanilla quests are getting alternate solutions (you still can solve them in their vanilla way, but you don't always have to be limited to it). Sometimes it's just a minor touch or a shortcut, sometimes a different quest is offered. There are a couple of original quests too (not many, though).
Lesser changes in 4.0:
Skill/stat requirements are lowered - now you need Speeschcraft 50 and Personality 40 to enlist (80 for Khajiiti; Orcs and Argonians are still off-limits)
No more "Almilia's Panty" cheat item.
Same six policy is reworked - see "your preferences" below.
While by default four Almilia's Daughters are naked, you have an option to make them take advantage of some clothing mods (or just use stock clothes if you don't have those particular mods but still want your game safe for your family to peek

Currently following clothing mods are supported:
- Aleanne's clothes and armor, part 1 only or both 1 and 2
- Ascadian styles by Thinalphiel and Rickrod, with or without Ladies gowns and robes addon
- Hilgya the Seamstress by Plangkye, with or without Expansion One
- Clothiers of Vvardenfell by Corana
Children of Morrowind compatibility: in the current version of AD, children (and their CoM mothers) are immune to the "making love" topic. Also some of stock characters that were made by CoM to have kids do recognize their presence and refuse your flirt attempts accordingly (see an entry in Known Issues, though).
Face Replacer compatibility: if you use a face replacer in your game, there are compatibility patches to make the best use of resources that some of replacers provide (I'm not always happy with faces that Almie girls get from these mods by default). To use a patch, activate a respective .esp *along* with the mod itself. Make sure that it regains its timestamp - the patch should be loaded last. Currently following face packs are supported:
- Leeloo's Changing Faces
- THE Facepack Compilation by Tarnsman (you can use individual .esp's from Tarnsman's mods rather than the master pack, but you need to have all three humanoid ones for the patch to work)
- Beryl's Head Replacer
- Westly Master Headpack X (I know it's not a *replacer* per se, but I included it anyway).
The mod does its own version of Guard six (not based on funky's plugin, nor compatible with it). Although making love to a guard does *not* relieve you of criminal record, but guard's (longer than default) post-coital slumber gives you enough time to escape. Guards won't be agreeable if your record is too high, though.
The mod makes Ahnassi receptive to the same-six romance, so Smooth Moves mod by Curmudgeon (which is made to do the same) is redundant and must not be checked.
The topic "your preferences" sets up certain parameters of the mod:
-how the same gender NPCs are supposed to answer to your attempts at flirting. While some individuals are set up as heterosixual or bisixual unconditionally, most NPCs follow a general policy that can be set up here: default (the higher your Personality is, the higher is the chance for an average NPC agree to same-six relationship; females have 100% success rate at Personality 100 or above, male have 80%), rigid (except aforemented exceptions, nobody's gay), or agreeable (everybody's bi).
-whether you have Tribunal and/or Bloodmoon installed (in the dialogue, this is presented by the in-character question "Do you profess the worship of Tribunal?"). The mod can run in Morrowind-only environment, but there are few features that work better on game with expansions.
-whether you want your PC to be undressed automatically each time you make love to an NPC (the option is not available for Morrowind-without-expansions). May cause brief stuttering to the game.
-whether you want your partner to be undressed automatically. The NPC stays undressed until you leave the cell; in that period of time no other NPC in the same cell won't be undressed.
-how long does your six act take. During a brief fade-in, the timer can actually shift forth a period from 15 minutes to 2 hours (by default, there's no shift). The shift, though, only affects the timer itself - if you had some spells cast upon yourself before making love, they won't be wearing out faster.
Known issues and incompatibilities:
The mod does its own version of Guard six (not based on funky's plugin, nor compatible with it). Although making love to a guard does *not* relieve you of criminal record, but guard's (longer than default) post-coital slumber gives you enough time to escape. Guards won't be agreeable if your crime record is too high, though.
The mod makes Ahnassi receptive to the same-six romance, so Smooth Moves mod by Curmudgeon (which is made to do the same) is redundant and must not be checked.
The mod has its own way to resolve Sottilde's codebook quest without killing or antagonizing Sottilde. There are mods that do the same task (I don't remember titles at the moment), and Almilia's Daughters is most probably incompatible with them.
Although I tried to keep the mod as clean as possible, there are few vanilla records that got edited. Hopefully, TESTool's Merge Objects can solve the problem, but just in case, here's the list of affected items:
ex_r_pcfort_01,ex_r_pcfort_d_01 (the building and entrance door of Indarys Manor - a modified script attached)
bk_nemindasorders (script added)
Helviane Desele and her three dancers (all made members of AD)
Banden Indarys (custom animation added, script modified)
Glathel, Falura Llervu, and Eydis Fire-Eye SCRIPTS (not NPCs themselves)
In the Indarys Manor "Plan B" quest, I tried to experiment with stock and custom animations, but it doesn't *always* work as intended. Try as I might, I couldn't figure the pattern. Sometimes it works as I intend it to, sometimes it doesn't. I'll keep looking further into it.
(spoiler) If you use "making love" to steal the alchemical formula from Aurane Frernis' chest and then reload an earlier save, the chest will be empty. If you need to load the save where the formula is still there, quit the game, launch it again and *then* load the necessary save.
There's a glitch with "parents" regarding presence of "their" Children of Morowind: CoM enables and disables children using 8-20 hours schedule, but only checks it at CellChanged. If you use travel service, teleportation spells or mods, you may see children in the destination cell off their regular hours until you leave and enter the cell again; NPCs that you offer love, though, will react as if children were duly absent according to the clock.
Credits and thanks:
Raidorn, The Troll, and fiSh - previous authors of Almilia's Daughters, in chronological order.
RX31 - for animations "f_sleeping" and "johnny4", used in Indarys Manor quest.
Cyran0 and LGNPC team - for being such nice guys, for being ultimately cooperative, and generally for being there.
Aleanne, Thinalphiel and Rickrod, Plangkye, and Corana - for clothes that Almilia's Daughters may or may not be made to wear.
Craig C, Cenobite, Michael Felske, and Hitto - for bouncing ideas at various stages of development, several years ago.
Comments, criticisms, bug reports, and spelling fixes (I'm not a native English speaker, so there may be many) are welcome.
No direct link to the mod because of forum policy; search for "Almilia" on TESNexus; you must be registered there and be 18 or above.