~An Elder Scrolls Adventure~
Hello, everyone! I have been working on a project for a few months with a few people, and I would love to finally share it with you. So, please, let me elaborate as to what I have been concocting for the past while.
- What is "ALMSIVI"?
ALMSIVI is a narrative-focused Questline and Fan-made expansion pack for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim along the lines of a shorter, more packed version of Knights of the Nine. In it, players will return to the well-remembered Sheogorad Archipelago in Morrowind, where they will meet with new faces, and unravel a plot to retake Morrowind from the hands of those unfit to hold it. The Sheogorad Region will be filled with new dungeons, locales, and encounters for you to explore, as well as offering the player to re-visit cherished areas from The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind, and see how things have changed in the 206 years separating the two games. The quest-line will feature full voice-acting and several multi-dimensional characters with their own agendas to fill, as well as offer new experiences that will feel refreshing to any player of Skyrim.
- What do you mean by "Lore-Friendly?" I thought Vvardenfell was destroyed in the Red Year?
The Sheogorad region was hit hard by the Red Year, and as such, much of the area is changed, but the area is still(albeit barely) inhabitable. To also insure the story's premise was friendly to the lore while also delving into interesting territory,, and they gave me suggestions to my ideas and encouraged me to continue on my journey to deliver to you all this experience.
- Huh? Sounds really interesting. What are some of the features one can expect in ALMSIVI?
Well, let's list them off!
Fully-voiced 12+ hour questline with well written characters
Many new dungeons and locations, filled with many new and old enemies
A new settlement, struggling to survive as a fishing village in Post Red Year Morrowind
New quests to distract you further in your adventures in Tamriel!
New weapons are armor to discover and wield
New books filled with lore about Morrowind in the post Red Year, and returning books from Morrowind!
- That sounds pretty sweet! Can we some Pre-Alpha screenshots?
I will frequently be posting updates when they come, so expect a steady torrent of information as I allow it to become available!
~Rodvt Michael Petrick (BlackRaven117)
- Sheogorad: Forsaken Isles Resources
- Phitt - Models/Textures
- Kzinistzerg - Textures
- Dave91 - Models/Textures
- MrSiika - Models/Textures
- 1shoedpunk for conversion help
- Andoran team for Converter
- Bethesda Game Studios
- Michael Kirkbride
- My Mother
I have waived all of my rights to the work worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law and the Creation Kit EULA. You can copy, modify, distribute, and perform the work being distributed all without asking for permission.