"Alpha Build."

Post » Sun Sep 25, 2011 3:55 am

This seems to be the response of choice whenever someone is worried about something in the game.

"Water goes through roofs."

"Alpha Build."

"You can breathe underwater."

"Alpha Build."

"I couldn't even get my demo to work. It kept crashing every 30 seconds."

"Alpha Build."

"Pete and Todd said they are actually canceling Skyrim, confirmed by multiple sources, and Pete and Todd released a video of themselves saying it, and the official site says it."

"Alpha Build."

I would say people have a right to voice their concerns over problems or issues they have found in the game.

Will little things like glitchy doors or obvious missing textures in graphics be fixed before the final release? Probably.

But stuff like the rain going through roofs, etc. If they haven't done it by now, I seriously doubt they are going to do it.

So stop freaking out at people who find problems in the demos.

Just because the demo doesn't represent the full game, doesn't mean Beth is going to be able to fix every little thing.
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Trey Johnson
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Post » Sat Sep 24, 2011 6:54 pm

I don't really see the point of this thread, considering you are complaining about complainers and excuse givers.

Fact is, we've seen nothing BUT an Alpha build. So yes, "alpha build." is a valid rebuttal, because a lot of this stuff has already been fixed, as stated by Pete Hines and Gstaff.
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Eddie Howe
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Post » Sat Sep 24, 2011 7:34 pm

Why are you still here?
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Valerie Marie
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Post » Sun Sep 25, 2011 10:01 am

I understand where you are coming from but it's pointless to make a thread just to complain about it. The people who use Alpha Build as an excuse will do it if they read your topic or not, some might even be contrary enough to use it more now LOL. Though some of the time Alpha Build is an excuse because it has been fixed already.
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Post » Sat Sep 24, 2011 6:15 pm

Alpha Build.

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Chloe Mayo
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Post » Sun Sep 25, 2011 5:42 am

Some things can be blamed on it being an alpha build, but I agree, certainly not everything.

And there's the other standard response of course: 'just mod it in!'. Which also isn't applicable everywhere, and not fair towards the console users if the topic is about a legitimate issue. Like the breathing underwater thing, if that hadn't been just a misunderstanding (it's the breath meter that's confirmed to be gone, not the need to breathe).
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remi lasisi
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Post » Sun Sep 25, 2011 8:42 am

Complaining about Complainers is a :nono:
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Janine Rose
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Post » Sat Sep 24, 2011 8:08 pm

"Men and women appear without underwear"

Alpha build.
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Post » Sun Sep 25, 2011 4:40 am

Why are you still here?

Some people are just mean :rolleyes:
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Nany Smith
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Post » Sat Sep 24, 2011 9:52 pm

So... you're complaining about people complaining about complainers?
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Nikki Morse
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Post » Sun Sep 25, 2011 12:54 am

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Mrs. Patton
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Post » Sat Sep 24, 2011 8:09 pm

These little things are precisely the stuff that gets fixed after the Alpha build.
You see, I don't think Bethesda will focus on underwater breathing and rain through the roof
before quests, guilds, dragons, and what not. Alpha Build is a valid excuse for now.

By the way, This could be a fun game. think of a funny problem and say Alpha build.

"Khajit's have no fur"

Alpha build.

Damn I am not funny.


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Robert Garcia
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Post » Sat Sep 24, 2011 7:43 pm

I don't really see the point of this thread, considering you are complaining about complainers and excuse givers.

Fact is, we've seen nothing BUT an Alpha build. So yes, "alpha build." is a valid rebuttal, because a lot of this stuff has already been fixed, as stated by Pete Hines and Gstaff.

Why is this a fact?

I may not have read or seen every little thing put out on the game, but i have certainly have had a crack at getting across all the material, including following twits etc. Frankly, i have never seen any official comment from Beth staff saying "what is being presented is just an alpha build".

I will grant it is an early build, and therefore things may be fixed. Yet there are things that shouldnt even be in that build, and it is those things that will likely end up in the game. And everytime a problem comes up, claiming it as an alpha build just doesnt make sense.

Why, in 2011, after Beth has done all the games it has, all the experience it has, not to mention all the other games out there setting the bar, would RAIN STILL GO THROUGH THE ROOF?

Alpha build, i dont think so, this is something that shouldnt even appear there. Glitchy graphics, yes, fundamental physics in the game, no.
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Joey Avelar
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Post » Sun Sep 25, 2011 6:30 am

So... you're complaining about people complaining about complainers?

Now say that 5 times really fast.
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Erich Lendermon
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Post » Sun Sep 25, 2011 7:23 am

Some things can be blamed on it being an alpha build, but I agree, certainly not everything.

And there's the other standard response of course: 'just mod it in!'. Which also isn't applicable everywhere, and not fair towards the console users if the topic is about a legitimate issue. Like the breathing underwater thing, if that hadn't been just a misunderstanding (it's the breath meter that's confirmed to be gone, not the need to breathe).

Yeah that pisses me off even more than Alpha Build, because when trying to talk about something important you get people like that. The world does not evolve around the PC and consoles can't Mod, so that is NOT an answer. Though I would still complain about the issue even if I could Mod, if it was supposed to be in the game anyway.
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Post » Sun Sep 25, 2011 8:57 am

The breathing underwater thing means nothing. Pete simply said "correct." in response to someone asking if the breath meter was gone. That doesn't mean you won't drowned eventually, it just means there's no freaking breath meter. I swear you people read into things so much and just assume.
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Post » Sun Sep 25, 2011 12:34 am

So... you're complaining about people complaining about complainers?

Seems like it :P
But he has a point. The excuse "It's alpha build" is used way too often.

Rain falling through objects for instance, is a problem that has existed in Bethesda's game for over 10 years, and they've already had 2,5 years to fix it for Skyrim alone. When they were coding the snow, it's logical they would have taken a look at this as well; not 2-3 months before the final release. That's pretty ridiculous imo.
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Nicole Coucopoulos
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Post » Sun Sep 25, 2011 9:59 am

/Alpha Thread :D

But in all seriousness. I wouldn't be too worried. The DEVs seem very active on these forums and I'm sure they're using the public to iron out the bugs.

You think they don't have a team trawling the internet looking for potential bugs before the release date? (such as those mentioned above)
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Rebecca Dosch
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Post » Sun Sep 25, 2011 2:22 am

You're right - people do indeed have the right to voice their concerns. I think what gets to people (me included) is when it happens almost every thread. It's not like they can't search for an existing topic or start their own to be miserable bastards in.

Still, on 11/11/11 I will be enjoying the massive shadenfreude that comes from knowing that the people (you know who you are) who have made the Skyrim forum a less than pleasant place to be at times are enjoying the game far less than I am.

Karma is a wonderful thing.
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Post » Sun Sep 25, 2011 5:54 am

Why is this a fact?

Why, in 2011, after Beth has done all the games it has, all the experience it has, not to mention all the other games out there setting the bar, would RAIN STILL GO THROUGH THE ROOF?

Alpha build, i dont think so, this is something that shouldnt even appear there. Glitchy graphics, yes, fundamental physics in the game, no.

What do you mean why is this a fact? It IS a fact.

And you obviously have no clue how Bethesda simulates rain in TES games. They don't use physics, they use a simple blanket cover over the camera. It's not raining anywhere, it's simply raining in front of your camera. And the streaks of rain are different sizes and shades to make it appear as if it's far away and close up at the same time, ie, rain. But it's not. And when rain hits water causing ripples, that's simply a script that the game runs to say "hey water, start to ripple plz". It's not actual rain hitting water.
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Post » Sat Sep 24, 2011 8:59 pm

This seems to be the response of choice whenever someone is worried about something in the game.

"Water goes through roofs."

"Alpha Build."

"You can breathe underwater."

"Alpha Build."

"I couldn't even get my demo to work. It kept crashing every 30 seconds."

"Alpha Build."

"Pete and Todd said they are actually canceling Skyrim, confirmed by multiple sources, and Pete and Todd released a video of themselves saying it, and the official site says it."

"Alpha Build."

I would say people have a right to voice their concerns over problems or issues they have found in the game.

Will little things like glitchy doors or obvious missing textures in graphics be fixed before the final release? Probably.

But stuff like the rain going through roofs, etc. If they haven't done it by now, I seriously doubt they are going to do it.

So stop freaking out at people who find problems in the demos.

Just because the demo doesn't represent the full game, doesn't mean Beth is going to be able to fix every little thing.

Many issues can actually be explained by the game still being in Alpha, as they do not address "minor" bugs (easy to fix, not always that minor) until after "Code Freeze". So many bugs should be fixed when the game comes out.
As far as content goes, it's pretty much finished...but NO ONE has seen a fraction of the game yet, so it's hard for someone who's played a demo for 20 mins to know how deep the game really is.

Try to think back to when you first played Oblivion...even after emerging from the sewers, 20 mins of gameplay barely scratched the surface. Skyrim seems to be A LOT bigger in terms of content and a lot more detailed in every aspect.

I think it's fine that people highlight the issues, mainly because Beth actually read the forums and they might find out about a bug they missed. But we should be mindful that it is alpha and that actually makes a HUGE difference. It would be quite another thing if it was Beta and still had all the issues.

EDIT: Just realized who made this thread...and regret fueling the fire :flamethrower:
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sarah taylor
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Post » Sat Sep 24, 2011 6:48 pm

Yeah. "Alpha Build!" was on its way to become a funny forum meme, but I think you jinxed it. :P
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Pat RiMsey
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Post » Sun Sep 25, 2011 8:01 am

Expecting everything to be fixed from an alpha build would be ridiculous. Suggesting nothing will be fixed is just as ridiculous and irresponsible.
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Stephani Silva
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Post » Sun Sep 25, 2011 6:18 am

This seems to be the response of choice whenever someone is worried about something in the game.

"Water goes through roofs."

"Alpha Build."

"You can breathe underwater."

"Alpha Build."

"I couldn't even get my demo to work. It kept crashing every 30 seconds."

"Alpha Build."

"Pete and Todd said they are actually canceling Skyrim, confirmed by multiple sources, and Pete and Todd released a video of themselves saying it, and the official site says it."

"Alpha Build."

I would say people have a right to voice their concerns over problems or issues they have found in the game.

Will little things like glitchy doors or obvious missing textures in graphics be fixed before the final release? Probably.

But stuff like the rain going through roofs, etc. If they haven't done it by now, I seriously doubt they are going to do it.

So stop freaking out at people who find problems in the demos.

Just because the demo doesn't represent the full game, doesn't mean Beth is going to be able to fix every little thing.

Alpha build.
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Maya Maya
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Post » Sun Sep 25, 2011 6:20 am

Just because the demo doesn't represent the full game, doesn't mean Beth is going to be able to fix every little thing.

You are absolutely right and some here are in for the shock of their lives when Skyrim isn't the 'perfect' game they expect it to be. Just like when Oblivion was released.

The truth lies in the middle somewhere. Are the demos an old alpha build? yes. Will some of the issues be fixed for the release like frame rates, screen tearing, etc? yes. Will every little thing we nitpick be addressed? absolutely not.

People need to realize BGS is not going to demo a version of the game that is so inferior from the final product they plan to put out. Some things we're all just going to have to live with (dated rain effects, bad swimming animations, and probably even water that 'disappears' when your view plane is just right).

It's okay to hope that the alpha build status is the cause for some of the glitches we see, but to hide behind it is nonsense. There are going to be plenty of 'glitches' and oddities in Skyrim. It comes with the territory in an open world game like this. It'll still be a ridiculously good game and a huge step up from OB.
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