"Water goes through roofs."
"Alpha Build."
"You can breathe underwater."
"Alpha Build."
"I couldn't even get my demo to work. It kept crashing every 30 seconds."
"Alpha Build."
"Pete and Todd said they are actually canceling Skyrim, confirmed by multiple sources, and Pete and Todd released a video of themselves saying it, and the official site says it."
"Alpha Build."
I would say people have a right to voice their concerns over problems or issues they have found in the game.
Will little things like glitchy doors or obvious missing textures in graphics be fixed before the final release? Probably.
But stuff like the rain going through roofs, etc. If they haven't done it by now, I seriously doubt they are going to do it.
So stop freaking out at people who find problems in the demos.
Just because the demo doesn't represent the full game, doesn't mean Beth is going to be able to fix every little thing.