I don t know what fo3 you played, but the one I played Lyons made it his sole purpose to help the cw. The western bos cut him off because of it, and he had people leave.
You don t see no tech hunting bos in fo3. You see them collect books. You see them protect the free press. We know they fought and died over a water purifier twice.
Lyons is the goodest good guy ever.
I didn't say they were bad, now did I? But they weren't all on the same page by any stretch, it was just Lyons' force of will that bent that sub-sect of the BoS to helping others in DC. Other elements of the BoS in the DC area behaved more like the NV bunch. The reason Lyons' bunch is redeemable, is the reason the rest of the BoS is not.... he rejected their primary tenets, and converted from being an anti-humanity tech-hoarding fanatic into someone who actually helped other people.
One thing about the BoS that I could never figure out is, what exactly do they intend to accomplish, long-term? What is their endgame plan? They galavant all over the wastes, collecting all the information and examples of pre-war tech (primarily weapons tech) they can find, so they can... um... what? Keep it away from everyone else and become the only truly powerful group on the planet? Do they envision themselves as eventually becoming the (benevolent?) overlords of the world, parcelling out what bits of non-military tech they choose to the savages, in order to bring the rest of humanity (that they haven't given a festering crap about for hundreds of years) up to their anointed level? Or do they just expect to sit on it all and buff their nails while whatever remains of society lives or dies on its own? Their whole premise and reason for existence is just ridiculous and incredibly childish and selfish, when it comes right down to it.