My main character is very much not a big fan of the Brotherhood of Steel. He likes technology, certainly. Laser weapons are just the bee's knees. But the Brotherhood is lazy, collecting technology for its own sake instead of using it to rebuild civilization. He's a bit more like the Followers of the Apocalypse, since they actually have a goal and use technology to help kickstart humanity. So, this proactive, technologically-gifted Courier decides to do Veronica's quest I Could Make You Care for the first time, and convinces Veronica that the BoS just don't appreciate her help and are too stubborn to save. Veronica decides to join up with the Followers of the Apocalypse, which my Courier thinks is a great idea, as an honorary member himself. Imagine his surprise, and unbridled rage, when they find the entire outpost slaughtered with power armored thugs standing over the still-warm corpses. Really, Brotherhood of Steel? Not only are you just about the least useful to humanity organization in the Wasteland, but apparently your "secrets" are worth killing non-combatants over instead of simply assassinating who you believe to be the source of the alleged problem, Veronica?
Exactly what are the redeeming qualities, if any, of the Brotherhood at this point? All they do is hoard technology and murder people who have technology. They're like children who not only don't share their own toys, but outright steal the toys of other children. Please, Fallout forumites, enlighten me. What elevates the BoS above the Fiends? I'm not seeing it right now, to be honest.