I Already Disliked The BOS, And Now This...

Post » Wed Aug 25, 2010 12:51 am

My main character is very much not a big fan of the Brotherhood of Steel. He likes technology, certainly. Laser weapons are just the bee's knees. But the Brotherhood is lazy, collecting technology for its own sake instead of using it to rebuild civilization. He's a bit more like the Followers of the Apocalypse, since they actually have a goal and use technology to help kickstart humanity. So, this proactive, technologically-gifted Courier decides to do Veronica's quest I Could Make You Care for the first time, and convinces Veronica that the BoS just don't appreciate her help and are too stubborn to save. Veronica decides to join up with the Followers of the Apocalypse, which my Courier thinks is a great idea, as an honorary member himself. Imagine his surprise, and unbridled rage, when they find the entire outpost slaughtered with power armored thugs standing over the still-warm corpses. Really, Brotherhood of Steel? Not only are you just about the least useful to humanity organization in the Wasteland, but apparently your "secrets" are worth killing non-combatants over instead of simply assassinating who you believe to be the source of the alleged problem, Veronica?

Exactly what are the redeeming qualities, if any, of the Brotherhood at this point? All they do is hoard technology and murder people who have technology. They're like children who not only don't share their own toys, but outright steal the toys of other children. Please, Fallout forumites, enlighten me. What elevates the BoS above the Fiends? I'm not seeing it right now, to be honest.
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Céline Rémy
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Post » Wed Aug 25, 2010 12:31 am

I'm curious, does this still happen if you wipe out the BOS?
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Post » Tue Aug 24, 2010 8:19 pm

I'm curious, does this still happen if you wipe out the BOS?

I'm not sure, as I usually don't wipe out the Brotherhood until I'm ready to advance the main story.
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Sammie LM
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Post » Wed Aug 25, 2010 12:08 am

I did not know they attack the Followers of the Apocalypse, and now I hate them more.
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Vincent Joe
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Post » Tue Aug 24, 2010 11:00 pm

IIRC if you wipe the BOS before completing Veronica's quest she would leave you.
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Alyce Argabright
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Post » Wed Aug 25, 2010 4:51 am

I did not know they attack the Followers of the Apocalypse, and now I hate them more.

They do indeed attack the Followers, though only at the small Followers Outpost and not the main Followers camp at the Old Mormon Fort, and for no other reason than because Veronica was going to supposedly "reveal Brotherhood secrets" to the Followers.
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Conor Byrne
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Post » Wed Aug 25, 2010 4:42 am

Perfect time to test out that pulse gun. They had the misfortune of catching me with it after they killed the followers.

If your reputation is high enough with the brotherhood before you blow them up, she stays with you.
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Post » Tue Aug 24, 2010 5:48 pm

Yeah the Brotherhood have ceased to have any purpose now, technology doesn't need protecting anymore thanks to civilisations like the NCR and really the Brotherhood have moved away from 'technology' and just straight-up 'weapons'. They are merely an old organisation desperately clinging to it's old ways even in the face of their own anhilation, that's something I personally can respect anyway.
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gemma king
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Post » Tue Aug 24, 2010 4:33 pm

Nope, the BoS are pretty much just petty bullying bastards, hiding behind their big shiny spacemarine suits because underneath they're just fickle weak humans like the rest of us.

/Stopped liking BoS when they slapped an effing slave collar on me. Makes them as dispicable as Legion!
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Joe Alvarado
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Post » Tue Aug 24, 2010 8:14 pm

/Stopped liking BoS when they slapped an effing slave collar on me. Makes them as dispicable as Legion!

LOL, that whole stripping to your underwear and slipping a slave collar on you bothered me too.

But on the other hand if you wipe them out you can't have power armor training and therefore can never wear any power armor...
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Dustin Brown
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Post » Wed Aug 25, 2010 8:28 am

Yeah, I showed up and they were like, "Strip down to your underwear"

I was like, not until you buy me dinner first, pal.
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Robert Devlin
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Post » Wed Aug 25, 2010 7:54 am

This is what i did
1) find Veronica and talk to her, get to the point where you ask her to be a companion but dont take her yet
2) Go to the BoS bunker, blow it up right away if you want or hang around a bit
3) Go back to Veronica and now ask her to be a companion, she should join you no problem

However you will fail "I could make you care" once you blow up the bunker
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Leilene Nessel
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Post » Tue Aug 24, 2010 10:12 pm

They've been raiders for their entire existence, just very well-armed raiders. Their very foundation was an officer deserting from the US Army and executing a bunch of civilian scientists for doing things they didn't like. The ones on the east coast are worth keeping around. The Mojave? Waste 'em.
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Manuel rivera
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Post » Wed Aug 25, 2010 7:59 am

They've been raiders for their entire existence, just very well-armed raiders. Their very foundation was an officer deserting from the US Army and executing a bunch of civilian scientists for doing things they didn't like. The ones on the east coast are worth keeping around. The Mojave? Waste 'em.

I'm sure some of those scientists deserved it since they tested fev on people against their will.
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Post » Wed Aug 25, 2010 7:30 am

I'm sure some of those scientists deserved it since they tested fev on people against their will.

Yeah, when has due process ever done us good :laugh:. You are aware what you are suggesting right?
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Riky Carrasco
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Post » Wed Aug 25, 2010 8:49 am

I'm sure some of those scientists deserved it since they tested fev on people against their will.

Maxson didn't even know the world was going to end soon and he did what he did anyway. The only reason he wasn't court martialed and executed along with the rest of his troops was because the Army had bigger problems to deal with. The bullet for each of their heads was reserved a long time ago, and they've done nothing to put them off on the west coast.
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Post » Tue Aug 24, 2010 10:53 pm

Yeah, when has due process ever done us good :laugh:. You are aware what you are suggesting right?

I'm saying they would get charged with war crimes and executed anyway if Maxson brought their involvement with the project to light.
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Danny Blight
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Post » Wed Aug 25, 2010 6:23 am

I'm saying they would get charged with war crimes and executed anyway if Maxson brought their involvement with the project to light.

Perhaps, seeing as how they were working for the government who knows; after Maxson released that they were following orders and not just rouge he felt regret and gave them burials.
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Emily Rose
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Post » Wed Aug 25, 2010 1:36 am

I'm saying they would get charged with war crimes and executed anyway if Maxson brought their involvement with the project to light.

Maybe. It wasn't his call. He's nothing but a murderer. 200 years of roughing up and killing everyone else for their shiny bits of metal hasn't redeemed them in any way. Only the existence of Veronica gets people to be sympathetic, and wrongly, since she ends up being ignored no matter what peaceful resolution you give the BOS. I mean honestly, they put an explosive collar on you and force you to do their dirty work just so they can start the process of pissing off every other human faction in the world. They're daring us to kill them.
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Post » Tue Aug 24, 2010 8:30 pm

Remember there are 37 scenerios with the bos as well. I can make them come out of their bunker and help the NCR at the dam. Then in the slides they make an agreement with the NCR that they will help the NCR patrol mw and NCR gives back all salvaged pa. Did anyone try not killing them? Or not trying to convince Veronica to leave the only people she knows.

From what I can tell from wiki canon ending of fo is bos helped dwstroy the masters army. We all know about Lyons super good bos.

Lyons bos are like followers with pa.

I would pay no attention to anything you can do in this game, because it more than likely will not happen that way.

They put a slave collar on you because you have a password that only 6 people know. When you show up and they don t what do you think they think?

What you see is more than likely not what really happened.

All Obsidian did was try to make everything possible, but almost none of it will really happen.
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Post » Wed Aug 25, 2010 11:26 am

Remember there are 37 scenerios with the bos as well. I can make them come out of there bunker and help the NCR at the dam. Then in the slides they make an agreement with the NCR that they will help the NCR patrol mw and NCR gives back all salvaged pa.

What you see is more than likely not what really happened.

All Obsidian did was try to make everything possible, but almost none of it will really happen.

That's only in the Mojave. whatever BOS presence exists in California is still officially at war with the NCR. McNamara's just bought them a stay of execution in exchange for organized thuggery.
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Cheville Thompson
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Post » Wed Aug 25, 2010 8:21 am

Maybe. It wasn't his call. He's nothing but a murderer. 200 years of roughing up and killing everyone else for their shiny bits of metal hasn't redeemed them in any way. Only the existence of Veronica gets people to be sympathetic, and wrongly, since she ends up being ignored no matter what peaceful resolution you give the BOS. I mean honestly, they put an explosive collar on you and force you to do their dirty work just so they can start the process of pissing off every other human faction in the world. They're daring us to kill them.

Yep. The DC BoS, in FO3, they were a sympathetic group. At least they did what they could to help the situation of the surviving humans in their area... even if the reason was only partly humanitarian, and partly just to clear the mutants and raiders and ghouls away from their tech-scrounging grounds...

But the BoS in NV, yeah, they are pretty lost. Definitely just leftover fanatics on a pointless fool's errand, with a bad paranoid chip on their shoulders. Presuming their original purpose was supposed to in some way *help* humanity as a whole, then how did that ever justify murdering everyone who just happens to get their hands on a laser pistol if they aren't BoS? Why do they have to hide in rat tunnels, and treat every stranger as someone to either kill on sight or treat like a dog? Why does everyone on the planet who is aware of them either hate or distrust them? Ya think... just maybe... cuz YOU'VE BECOME THE REAL BAD GUYS??? Clue in, fools. Like that other misguided group of fanatics, the Enclave, your time is long gone. Either start using your tech knowledge to do good and become accepted again, or die. Your current existence is beyond pointless.
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Post » Wed Aug 25, 2010 7:35 am

I don t know what fo3 you played, but the one I played Lyons made it his sole purpose to help the cw. The western bos cut him off because of it, and he had people leave.

You don t see no tech hunting bos in fo3. You see them collect books. You see them protect the free press. We know they fought and died over a water purifier twice.

Lyons is the goodest good guy ever.
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Laura-Jayne Lee
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Post » Wed Aug 25, 2010 4:28 am

That's only in the Mojave. whatever BOS presence exists in California is still officially at war with the NCR. McNamara's just bought them a stay of execution in exchange for organized thuggery.

We don t know who started the war. Said disagreement over tech. We don even know what tech it was. Was it a working missle silo or a laser pistol? Who fired the first shot? We don t know......

This is the same bos who apparently helped save humanity from the masters army in the first fo.

If you find the bos and don t get involved in any of their in fighting at all you will find.
1. They are one of the few groups you can be an official member of.
2. They are one of the few groups that don t ask you to kill anyone for them.
3 I you side with the one group that isn t afraid of them (NCR) and don t blow up their bunker they become productive members of that society with their tech once again.
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Post » Wed Aug 25, 2010 2:38 am

We don t know who started the war. Said disagreement over tech. We don even know what tech it was. Was it a working missle silo or a laser pistol? Who fired the first shot? We don t know......

This is the same bos who apparently helped save humanity from the masters army in the first fo.

If you find the bos and don t get involved in any of their in fighting at all you will find.
1. They are one of the few groups you can be an official member of.
2. They are one of the few groups that don t ask you to kill anyone for them.
3 I you side with the one group that isn t afraid of them (NCR) and don t blow up their bunker they become productive members of that society with their tech once again.

I'm sure they wanted to roll the BOS back into the armed forces and forget that crazy [censored] about a codex and "protecting humanity". And no, they don't become productive. In the Mojave they become a hyper-violent police force that will still shake down travelers for their gear. Like I said, in Cali they're still at war.
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