» Tue Sep 06, 2011 5:05 am
Alright, what about other things, such as travel, construction, communication or trade? Those things need not magic, but can use it, however are largely left alone and are extremely inefficient as is. Theyre STILL using horses. If magic has reached its peak and cannot provide adequate transportation to the common man, it would seem only fair that they would want to develop something better.
Alright, fine, magic is the solution right? Then why is it still more or less reserved to those who can do it. Wouldnt it be an abundant trade? I think finding a way a common man can employ consumer use of magic would make a killing. If thats not good enough, think of it like this: Any technology sufficiently advanced is indistinguishable from magic. By which standard, magic in this case WOULD be technology, and thus should, but hasnt seen advancement.
Theres been plenty of war thus far, i believe morrowind was taken over right? No advancements were made after all that?
BTW, this hole topic dawned from a discussion i had, where if you look at starwars, thousands of years pass with little-no change. Theyre still using freaking swords!