How do you not "miss out on any important combat perks" by taking lockpicking or hacking? You are, by definition, skipping another perk that could help you get through an area that much more. And whats perk gating? lol
A stealth build would not be optimal simply because stealth is not as useful in this game. In TES? sure dodge arrows, spells, boulders, whatever. In this? Guess what you are taking those shots to the face because they travel faster than your eye can see them. Not saying stealth isnt a build that wont work but its certainly not optimal in this game. Just like a melee build, sure it can be done but your gonna have a lot harder of a time than just playing it like a normal wasteland survivor guns and all.
Do you plan to rely fully on getting mods from guns you pick up though? What if that doesnt happen? It didnt happen on one of my playthroughs. So now you dont have any mod perks to up your guns but you instead have lockpicking to go get more ammo for said gun or some collectible that has little bearing on your situation?
Also the power armor is not necessary, therefore needing lockpicking/hacking for fusion cores isnt part of the discussion either.