Now I know this is a touchy subject for a lot of people on this forum because they wanna believe their build is the "special snowflake" but when it comes down to it, after going through the game a couple times on survival, some perk choices are just better than others for the early game. Now im not talking about a "base building" or a "level by discovery" play through. Im talking playing it the way Bethesda originally intended. This is something ive really been looking into lately. So im going to go through it. Im posting all of this with playing survival from the start in mind.
1. Getting Lockpicking/Hacking early game is just a waste of valuable points. I promise, you will NEVER need either at any point in the game for any quests/imperative objectives. Unless if we're talking about when one of the Lockpicking/Hacking companions are forced to be with you; then they will open said thing. All these perks will do for you is give you more supplies; and a collectible or two are also behind some of them. If you actually need these supplies you are playing the areas wrong. Novice picks/terminals give you WAY more than enough supplies even if you are mediocre at collecting stuff in your environment. On top of this, if you actually do need Advanced+ supplies or the collectible inside one, just come back later in the game with the specified companion. Lone Wanderer isnt an excuse to not do this either; all you gotta do is grab em, go there to get the stuff, and dismiss em.
2. This ones bound to be controversial; but ive found that Bloody Mess, Lifegiver, and Damage Resist are all simply inferior to the mod perks. Think about this one, you dont have to commit much stat wise to get Gun Nut/Armorer, and the defense/attack power they provide always outshine what you are getting from the previously mentioned perks. I really do hate saying this too because I love bloody mess and lifegivers last perks, but they are not worth sacrificing your early perk points over the mods, trust me. Dont assume you are going to just get "lucky" and get all the best modded legendary gear so you wont need mod perks. Even playing 8 luck on survival, chances are it will not happen. Now, if you want to get both mod perks and a bit of the others because combat is challenging for you, thats fine go ahead. Im just talking about as optimal as possible perk spending early game.
3. Never combine an intelligence and luck build. This should go without saying but I would say one of luck's perks that represent it best (and you would honestly be a fool to skip) is idiot savant. In its description is reason enough "The lower your intelligence, the greater the chance." It does make a large difference as ive tested both sides, if you go anywhere past 3/4 intelligence you are severely hurting your idiot savant procs. Not to mention the more points you put in luck, the better your chances for nearly all of your luck perks to happen; So why divide your attention between int and luck?
4. Cap collector (better vendor deals), fortune finder (more caps found in wild), and scrounger (more ammo found in wild) all serve the same purpose. What are you doing with caps other than buying ammo? Buying junk? Be a better garbage collector on your missions. Buying aid/chems? Be a better garbage collector on your missions. Seriously I cant stress this enough there are FAR more than the necessary amount of supplies scattered throughout your quests/areas. The only thing that this statement isnt true for: ammo. Ammo is definitely a struggle without any collector perks to help you. Across my three characters my two with the bottlecap perks ended up only spending bottlecaps on ammo the entire game. If you grab one rank of the scrounger perk this will totally eliminate that struggle I assure you. The only reasonable thing you could be spending bottlecaps on other than ammo are some of the legendary weapons/armor the vendors sell. I assume you are playing on survival so for the most part, you will be over saturated in legendaries and many of the vendor ones are just overkill and can be saved for way late game.
5. Scrapper is unnecessary. Trust me this is tough for me too because I loved breaking down all those guns/armors to actually get the nuclear material/crystal/fiberglass, but again this just results in oversaturation of junk. If you find you are always out of materials without it, BE A BETTER GARBAGE MAN.
One last time: im not trying to tell you how to play the game thats your choice, this is about what perks are objectively bad choices to get early game on survival because they wont help you as much. Yes I know the game lasts forever and you can get all the perks. You can eventually get your favorite stuff down the line; but if you are looking for the optimal way to build a foundation for your character, this is it.
Anyone else who wants to add ideas is welcome and I will most likely add them to the list. Please dont include ideas with PC mods of any sort, this is for the vanilla version of the game so lets keep it fair for console players.