Ok so he may be known as Dogmeat but in my tongue he is http://i.imgur.com/Jh59kWo.png...Canineborn.
Ok so he may be known as Dogmeat but in my tongue he is http://i.imgur.com/Jh59kWo.png...Canineborn.
I don't care for companions at all.
But so far, I find that Curie has the most interesting things to say.
This isn't an issue with dogmeat specifically, but companions in general. Companion AI in BGS games has always been horrible going back to Oblivion. I don't see that ever changing. They get in the way. They aren't smart. They die easily (which is why they can only be incapacitated in Fallout 4). They overall are more of a hindrance than anything else. The main benefit to companions is the new relationship dialogue and of course they can be a pack mule for you.
Certainly though dogmeat did get on my nerves quite a bit. I sent him back to Red Rocket Truck Station the moment I got a new companion just because human companions, in my opinion, are a bit more useful than a dog who gets incapacitated in one hit by a random deathclaw or whatever is out in the wasteland.
I love Dogmeat. Mutt chops are delicious and nutritious, what more could you ask for!
I also love my companion, Dogmeat, as well. He is a fantastically animated dog. I don't think I will be seriously interested in any of the other companions as a permanent replacement for Dogmeat.
I feel a bit conflicted about Dogmeat. For the majority of my playthrough (lvl25 now) I've liked to have him around, even though I have a stealth based character. But recently I feel he's gotten more annoying. For the last few levels I've felt like his AI has taken a hit in intelligence somehow. Maybe it's just me but it feels like he keeps much closer to me at all times and wanders a bit less than he used to...
Also, I don't mind the Stimpacks he needs in combat, the mechanic is kinda cool and even on survival difficulty I've found so many stims that I can use them as my primary trade goods. Got 85 on me right now and I swear I haven't bought a single one!
And the worst part, they aren't stealthy at all.
Sidetracking, survival mode is pure crap. It's just nerfs the character and buffs the enemies. Not hardcoe like eat, drink, sleep and no food/drink heal like in FONV. I personally can't wait for mods to fix that.
Well I believe that's being a bit unreasonable. If you are going to be a stealth character you likely wouldn't have a companion anyway. But yes, they aren't particularly stealth-friendly, even though dogmeat humorously with slouch over if you crouch.
I can't stand Dogmeat. For me, he's a complete hindrance and I leave him back at Sanctuary most of the time. The few occasions when I took him out, he was either underfoot, in my line of sight or too far away (that could be fixed by giving me a whistle to call him back). He'd drop his "finds" in the tall grass instead of at my feet, as mentioned above. He whines, whimpers, yips and snorts. I can't stand hearing his toenails tick-tick-ticky-ing on the floor. He blows my cover when I want to be stealthy. I was highly annoyed when I was required to have him as part of a quest. I hope there aren't more Dogmeat-required quests in the future.
The only benefit to Dogmeat is extra storage, and that can be compensated for with pockets, perks and other companions. So far, I've only gotten one other companion and that's Cogsworth. He's a much better fighter than Dogmeat, but his judgmental attitude stinks, so most of the time, he stays home, too. I have traveled with two other folks, but I don't know yet if they are long-term "companions". They were parts of quests I was on. I wasn't thrilled with their AI either. I think I may be better suited to be a true Lone wanderer.
Getting back to topic, though, now that I think about it, I may just park that dang dog back at the place where I found him, since I haven't built that place up. That'd serve him right.
Dang it, he did it to me again...
Totally saved my @ss when a giant ubber radscorpion jumps out at me when I'm sneak/checking inside a wreck shack, bloody things pops out 1meter from my face, I'm walking backward trying to equip my .308 rifle and remembering where and what VATS is all the while thinking"that's it I'm dead how far is the last save" And he just does a bodie check by doing a knockdown that a linebacker would have been proud of...then 5minutes later he just sits there and watches as I'm swarmed by glowing molerats, his head cocked....am starting to think he's either just loopy or a zen master with a sadistic streak .
How can you hate that? I tried I really tried
I don't like how easily he's taken down and his dog whining makes me feel bad.
I've gotten to the point where if he blocks me, I just unload my shotgun into him. When he goes down, you can walk through him.
Well, at least Dogmeat isn't a real dog, drinking from the toilet (that is the protagonist's job) and licking your face after he has just got done licking his butt.
I love Dogmeat...I gave him the name Magic btw. Why Magic? Because he magically disappears and then magically reappears. Also, you can magically put stuff inside him, which I haven't figured where he puts it...so it must be magic. Also, he's not talking. I think if I would take Cotsworth with me I sooner or later have to kill him, because he's continously babbling.
The worst one i've found is Bobbi No Nose and her friend Dr Jack Off.
They will literally shove you threw a door way right out into the open so you can be torn apart by creatures, they will trap you a walkway for 10 +15 minutes, then move and force your character to shift at warp speed 10 feet down the hallway causing all kinds of hell to fly around the room.
Dogmeat is an Anti Sneak companion. as soon as your sneak position becomes Cautious he runs out there barking I"M HERE I"M HERE< MY MASTER IS RIGHT OVER HERE! WOOF!.. well there goes trying to draw enemies to an area ambush, stupid dog.
Most the other companions are entirely useless, Nick being a synth you would think he could at least defend himself, nope hes about as helpful as an unplugged toaster in a bathtub.
Strong wont even follow me. I say Hey Strong Follow me. he says. OK. then he wanders off.. Wtf? I got 1 point in Lone Wanderer. my carry weight drops, He is SUPPOSE to be following me.. Look around. nope. no super mutant around... I go home and tell dogmeat to follow me then tell him to go home cause no way i'm having that nightmare of AI pathing following me around and screwing me over. Oh look my lone wanderer perk is once again working right... (Sigh)
It is now to the point where I'm just going to leave him home. I can't stand all the noise he makes.
In my experience, he's the least annoying companion. He doesn't judge me, he can find stuff for me that I might miss and since he's shorter than me, I can jump over him (unlike other companions). There was one time where I wanted him to stay somewhere behind me because he kept activating some turrets and that was annoying, but most of the time he's ok.