What this is
This is a complete reworking of the entire Alt Start system in Fallout Wanderers Edition. It aims to add variety to the start both in equipment and locations. It provides you with gear related to your skills and history, and places you in a location that is either faction important or somewhere around the Wasteland.
How this works
It actually works no differently on the user end than it did before. You choose your race, skills, and history at the terminal, and then activate the bed. All the original options are still there (hardcoe for Raider and Slaver).
Where this changes is when it starts handing out gear. Each history is broken down into 3 levels: Poor, Moderate, Wealthy.
Poor histories are unable to receive the best gear, even if they have high skills. (History Modifier of 0)
Moderate histories could receive the best gear if they have high enough skill values. (History Modifier of 1)
Wealthy histories are almost guaranteed the best gear with even low values in the required skills. (History Modifier of 2)
All skills are factored into your history to determine:
- What weapons you get when you start (weapons skills)
- How well repaired your gear is (repair skill)
- How many caps you get (barter + speech skills)
Ammo quantity is based on the history level plus a small random percentage. The variation is 1 or 2 clips at most, with all weapons yielding at least 1 clip of ammo. Weapon clip size is also taken into consideration. For example, a sawed off shotgun has a clip size of two, which is recognized and the player is given additional ammo to make up for the difference. The same is also done for big guns (yes, it is possible to get a missile launcher or fat man as a start weapon). Ammo amounts can be boosted by having the Scrounger perk.
Armor is chosen from a list of armors likely to be worn by a particular history (based on the creator's decision). It is chosen randomly from the list of armors available to the history. Some histories, such as Outcast, only get faction armor (same as in the original). All histories have a chance for both a body wear item, and headgear. However, you may not always receive headgear (headgear ranges from bandannas to Pre-War hats to motorcycle helmets).
Armors are auto equipped.
Caps are calculated based on a history bonus as well as your Barter and Speech skills combined. Certain histories get an additional caps bonus (ex. Doctor). The calculation breaks down like this:
(Speech + Barter) * History Bonus
If the history has an additional bonus, it is added to the end as a random number between 300 and 500. This calculation yields a low of around 200 for a Slave, up to around 900 for a Doctor. The Fortune Finder perk also factors into the amount of caps received.
Chems are given based on Medicine skill. The chems given are taken directly from the default loot lists. So if you have another mod that adds more chems to these lists, they will potentially be given as well. Doctors will receive additional chems based on the loot lists.
All characters will receive at least 2 Stimpaks.
Food has been broken down into 2 categories: Wasteland food, and Pre-War food. Any character with a Poor history modifier will receive Wasteland foods (meat from various creatures), while any character with a Moderate or Wealthy history modifier will receive Pre-War food in varying quantities. Drinks are also calculated here, again based on history modifier (only effects quantity).
Locations have been chosen for a variety of factors. The foremost of which is faction relevance. Each history has a list of locations where the character may spawn based on their history. However, to keep things a bit more interesting, there is a chance that you might wind up in a random location somewhere around the Wasteland. These random locations were chosen to be as fair as possible (not many enemies, few encounters near by). However, in the interest of keeping things interesting, there is a chance you might spawn somewhere with quite a few enemies near by (not close enough to engage, but close enough that they must be fought in order to go anywhere). In some cases, the locations are fairly limited (Doctors will only spawn near towns), but for the most part, there is always a chance you will spawn somewhere in the Wasteland.
All chances are weighted with a 60% chance to spawn you at faction important locations. The one exception is the Vault start, which has a 90% chance of spawning you at Vault 101, and a 10% chance of spawning you at one of the major towns (Tenpenny, Megaton, Rivet City).
This determines what miscellaneous items you start with. It is built using default clutter lists. However, unlike in the other categories where a low history modifier decreases the amount you receive, this category gives more items to characters with a lower modifier. This means that wealthier characters will have fewer junk items.
A few exceptions are made here. Doctors will only receive medical related gear, and any character with the Scavenger start will draw directly from the Scavenger vendor list. This means that Scavengers will potentially have ammo for guns they don't have, as well as extra armors.
Repair factors into both weapons and armor to determine the condition of the items. It breaks down like this:
(Repair - History Penalty + History bonus) / 100
History Penalty and History Bonus are semi-random values based on default values for the history level. This leads to the condition of your items to always be below your repair skill. However, the Mechanic history has no repair penalties, and item condition will be equal to repair. Any perk that boosts repair will be factored in.
Weapons are now calculated from a series of lists that determine the quality and type. Each skill gets its own calculations for weapon quality, repair, and ammo amount. The calculation for each weapon skill is shown here:
If the skill is over 31, Skill[type] flagged as 2
If the skill is over 24 or is a Tagged skill, Skill[type] flagged as 1
If Skill[type] is greater than 1 (this skill meets minimum requirements to get a weapon)
Calculations for weapon condition are done (see Repair above)
Skill[type] + History Modifier (determines what level of weapons to use)
Gets the list of weapons for the appropriate skill value and randomly chooses one of the items in the list.
The weapon is added and ammo is calculated (see Ammo above).
The above is done for each weapon type that qualifies. The weapons are on a graduated scale of power. This mostly applies to small guns in the following way:
Skill level of 1 - worn weapons, only pistols
Skill level of 2 - worn larger guns (shotguns, smgs, etc), regular pistols
Skill level of 3 - worn rifle weapons, regular shotguns and smgs
Skill level of 4 - regular rifle type weapons
Explosives are handled a bit differently. The explosives given are taken directly from the grenade and explosives lists, and scale from just frag explosives all the way up to plasma and pulse explosives. (This is the only place I'm not entirely confident about the distribution of weapons).
A limitation is reached at unarmed weapons, as there are just a handful. Therefore, only one weapon for each level exists, with the 4th level getting a Deathclaw Gauntlet.
A few generalizations are made as well. All character will receive a sidearm pistol (either a gunpowder weapon or a laser pistol). These sidearms are chosen from the lowest level list for each type, and you have a 50/50 chance of getting one type or the other. All characters will also receive a simple melee weapon or unarmed weapon, with the same parameters as above. And finally, a small number of grenades will be given to any non-explosives specializing character.
The last weapon received is auto equipped.
Warning, this uses the FWE Worn Weapons in its lists. The worn weapons have been removed from FWE pending further development. So there will be a bit of inconsistency. The use of worn weapons was required to keep the weapon lists diversified enough.
In testing, no character was ever given more than about 80 WG of items total. The one exception is Outcast, which has power armor.
For a look at some of the locations available:
Poor History:
-- Ghoul: warrington tunnels, ghoul outpost, wasteland pool
-- Slave: shack south of paradise, temple of the union, wasteland pool
- Politician: big town, tenpenny, town list
- Refugee: exterior of any town, wasteland pool
- Wastelander: exterior of any town, interior of any town, wasteland pool
Moderate History:
- Android: scrapyard, major towns, (possibly limited wasteland pool)
- Chinese: mama dolce, wasteland pool
-- Mechanic: robco, power station pool
- Doctor: interior of rivet city, megaton, big town, tenpenny
- Scavenger: wasteland pool
Decent History:
-- Enclave: Sniper shack, town list, wasteland pool
-- Outcast: Sniper shack, fort indep, natl guard armory, fort constantine, wheaton armory (distance), wasteland pool
- Regulator: regulator HQ, megaton, wasteland pool
-- Talon: fort banister, talon outpost (near arlington), talon camp (near greyditch)
-- Vault: vault 101
-- Raider: the raid shack, montgomery county reservoir, springvale, mdpl mass relay station, Kaelyn's Bed & Breakfast, wasteland pool
-- Slaver: paradise falls, evergreen mills, fairfax, bethesda, wheaton, wasteland pool
If you would like to play with the new settings, you must first be in the Alt Start shack. Before using the bed, open the console and type:
startquest altstarttest
set altstarttest.test to 1
This will do two things. First, it will enable two buttons on the wall of the shack. The buttons are named according to what they do. Second, it turns off the travel feature, so that you can stay in the shack and continue to test.
To turn testing off, open the console again and type:
startquest altstarttest
set altstarttest.test to 2
This will disable the buttons and turn the travel feature back on.
None that I am aware of. The only issue might be if something uses some of the original Alt Start markers, as a few were renamed.
Pintocat for the idea and initial design of the system
The FWE team for providing such an awesome mod, so many of whose elements will appear in FO: NV
FOSE for providing functions without which this would have been impossible
Bethesda for obvious reasons
ElminsterAU for FO3Edit
Other thoughts
The most awesome mod you'll never see, and only use a few times.
^(one of)