I tried to argue that point ages ago but got shut down by all the "roleplayers" who enchanted 110% chameleon and then demanded it be removed for being overpowered. A warrior's weapon will get better in quality and aesthetics as they progress but mages will just get the same old fireball which increases by x amount in damage.
"But you can hold down to make a flame thrower"
Yeah and I'm gonna be so amazed by that flame thrower after 100 hours. Imagine if a warrior had a iron longsword for the whole game. Thats what we get just one poxy animation with a % damage increase. Hold down the left button for extra damage, woopee.
I agree with your general point, but I think you meant 'powergamers' where you said 'roleplayers'.
Roleplayers generally have no interest in things like 'the best weapon in the game', 'finishing the game', and other stuff like that.
Im a roleplayer and on a thread about levitation someone told me I couldnt have it because it would 'allow me to bypass painstakingly created content'.
I just dont see that argument at all, not one iota. I dont get it.
That, I think, is a good example of the difference in mindset between a roleplayer and a powergamer.