1. There will be compromises when you take a single player game and balance it for MMO - this is not skyrim online and you should see the compromise and accept it for what it is. where it lacks in those things you mentioned, it brings new things to the table.
2. Are you kidding when you say no use of stealth as non nightblade? The whole crouch system is a revolution on this aspect, I had the biggest adrenaline rush hiding near a rock as a sorcerer while a zerg of 50+ passed near me, some even stopping to mine a few resources and still not finding me. You also have to put into the equation the fact that undetected crouched attacks with EVERYTHING will land more damage! Please edit your post and remove that line
3. You are again thinking elder scrolls single player style, linking the racial bonuses to things that dont exist in this game - the game has already done a lot to make racials that matter unlike other games that get scared and give cosmetic bonuses. racial choice will play a big part in how well your character functions according to your spec.
4. Killing random npc folk in an online persistent world would not work - for reasons that should be very obvious to you . We are not in 2002 with Shadowbane's glory days, this is a different kiddie market with consoles and ppl have to make money so they also cater to their needs! Compromises, compromises!
I am sorry I do not call peoples posts trolling easily but I do feel a sense of outright hatred for eso based on false info in this one.