Begin CharGenshort State;this makes it so all the menus don't pop up at once; you can also make it a global, so you can have multiple scripts running to do all this, so you can have multiple guys ask you all this, ala oblivion;first, you need to position the player: (look at the uesp article on the "position" console command for more info);this simply positions the player where you want to start. if you want to start in an exterior, use Player->Position. if you want to start in an interior, use Player->PositionCell;I don't understand position (exterior) command very well, so you need to ask about that, if you want to use itPlayer->PositionCell, 2847, 5188, 10244, 0, "Abanembra";example: player->PositionCell, 106, 1241, -105, "Ald'ruhn, Manor District";original morrowind example: Player->PositionCell 61,-135, 24, 340, "Imperial Prison Ship"if ( menumode == 1)returnendif; makes sure that it doesn't start if menumode is up, not strictly needed, but good practiceif ( State == 0 );remember, all variables start at zerodisablePlayerControls;not strictly needed, but again, good practiceEnableNameMenu;enables the "name menu", ala jiubset State to 10elseif ( State == 10 )EnableRaceMenu;enables the "race menu", like when the guard asks where you are fromset State to 20elseif ( State == 20 )EnableClassMenu;class menu. "there are a few ways to do this... etc."set State to 30elseif ( State == 30 )EnableBirthMenu; birthsign menu. "you said you were born under a certain star... etc.)set State to 40elseif ( State == 40 ) EnableStatReviewMenu ;stat review, so you can make sure you didn't mess up. "is this information all correct?" set State to 60endIfif ( State == 60 ) "CharGen StatsSheet"->disable "CharGen Boat"->Disable "CharGen Boat Guard 1"->disable "CharGen Boat Guard 2"->disable "CharGen Dock Guard"->disable "CharGen_cabindoor"->disable "CharGen_chest_02_empty"->disable "CharGen_crate_01"->disable "CharGen_crate_01_empty"->disable set State to 70endIfif ( State == 70 ) "CharGen_crate_01_misc01"->disable "CharGen_crate_02"->disable "CharGen_lantern_03_sway"->disable "CharGen_ship_trapdoor"->disable "CharGen_barrel_01"->disable "CharGen_barrel_02"->disable "CharGenbarrel_01_drinks"->disable "CharGen_plank"->disable "CharGen Door Hall"->Unlock set State to 80endIf;makes sure that the chargen boat is disabled, so you don't see it if you go to seyda neen.if ( State == 80 ) StartScript RaceCheck ;checks the race, and sets a global variable, so you can use it in dialouge. "that nasty nord/dunmer/wood elf twit, etc." enableplayerfighting enableplayermagic enableplayercontrols EnablePlayerJumping set State to 90endIfif ( State == 90 ) EnablePlayerViewSwitch EnableVanityMode enablestatsmenu enableinventorymenu enablemagicmenu enablemapmenu EnableRest ; enables all the menus, etc. set CharGenState to -1 ;global variable that makes sure that you don't have to go through the chargen proccess again. set State to -1 ;makes sure the char creation menus don't come up. ;if you want the package to give to caius, you need this command: Player->additem "bk_a1_1_caiuspackage" 1 ;if you use that, do it when you are ready, and only thenendifEnd CharGen
I don't know what happened to state == 50...