begin 1jw_newcharNamescript;Effe-Tei takes Jiub's role; condensed into one short scriptfloat timershort stateshort doOnceshort noloreif ( menumode == 1) returnendifif ( chargenstate == -1 ) returnendifif ( doOnce == 0 ) set timer to ( timer + GetSecondsPassed ) if ( timer > 59 ) set doOnce to 1 return endif if ( timer > 55 ) if ( state == 17 ) set state to 18 set CharGenState to -1 set ajw_newCharGen to 1 Messagebox "Effei-Tei: You're on your own now, ^PCName. I can take you to Vvardenfell to start your journey. Gods be with you. Goodbye" endif return endif if ( timer > 50 ) if (state == 16 ) set state to 17 Messagebox "Effe-Tei: You are to take this package to Caius Cosades, in the town of Balmora. Go to the South Wall Cornerclub, and ask for Caius Cosades -- they'll know where to find him. Serve him as you would serve the Emperor himself. I also have a letter for you, and a disbursal to your name." Journal, "A1_1_FindSpymaster", 1 player->AddItem, "bk_A1_1_DirectionsCaiusCosades", 1 player->AddItem, "bk_a1_1_caiuspackage", 1 player->Additem, "Gold_001", 500 addtopic "Caius Cosades" Addtopic "South Wall" addtopic "specific place" addtopic "someone in particular" addtopic "services" addtopic "my trade" addtopic "little secret" addtopic "latest rumors" addtopic "little advice" addtopic "background" addtopic "Morrowind" addtopic "Princeps Almalexia" endif return endif if ( timer > 47 ) if (state == 15 ) Messagebox: "Effe-Tei: If it makes you feel any better, you will be missed." set state to 16 enableinventorymenu enablemagicmenu enablemapmenu enableplayerfighting enableplayermagic EnablePlayerJumping endif return endif if ( timer > 43 ) if ( state == 14 ) set state to 15 EnableStatsMenu EnablePlayerControls StartScript RaceCheck ;sets the PCRace global flag for dialogue and such EnablePlayerViewSwitch EnableVanityMode endif return endif if ( timer > 39 ) if ( state == 13 ) set state to 14 EnableStatReviewMenu endif return endif if ( timer > 36 ) if ( state == 12 ) set state to 13 Messagebox "Effe-Tei: Before I write ahead to Caius Cosades - who of course shall not know of your noble heritage - do I have your details correct?" endif return endif if ( timer > 33 ) if ( state == 11 ) set state to 12 EnableBirthMenu endif return endif if ( timer > 30 ) if ( state == 10 ) set state to 11 Messagebox "Effe-Tei: What sign were you born under?" endif return endif if ( timer > 27 ) if ( state == 9 ) set state to 10 EnableClassMenu endif return endif if ( timer > 24 ) if ( state == 8 ) set state to 9 Messagebox "Effe-Tei: Oh, and you'll need a profession." "CharGen StatsSheet"->Disable ;hide the actual scroll itself "CharGen Boat"->Disable "CharGen Boat Guard 1"->disable "CharGen Boat Guard 2"->disable "CharGen Dock Guard"->disable "CharGen_cabindoor"->disable "CharGen_chest_02_empty"->disable "CharGen_crate_01"->disable "CharGen_crate_01_empty"->disable "CharGen_crate_01_misc01"->disable "CharGen_crate_02"->disable "CharGen_lantern_03_sway"->disable "CharGen_ship_trapdoor"->disable "CharGen_barrel_01"->disable "CharGen_barrel_02"->disable "CharGenbarrel_01_drinks"->disable "CharGen_plank"->disable DisablePlayerControls endif return endif if ( timer > 21 ) if ( state == 7 ) set state to 8 Enableracemenu endif return endif if ( timer > 18 ) if ( state == 6 ) set state to 7 Messagebox "Effe-Tei: You DO look like your mother. She was like you, a ...?" EnableRest endif return endif if ( timer > 15 ) if ( state == 5 ) set state to 6 Messagebox "Effe-Tei: Let us hope that after a few weeks in Caius Cosades' care, we can speed your return. You are now banished from the Palace." EnableMagicMenu endif return endif if ( timer > 12 ) if ( state == 4 ) set state to 5 Messagebox "Effei-Tei: Good. No harm done. Your father brings you this." Player->additem "1jw_newchargen_letter" 1 EnablePlayerControls endif return endif if ( timer > 8 ) if ( state == 3 ) set state to 4 EnableNameMenu endif return endif if ( timer > 5 ) if ( state == 2 ) set state to 3 Say, "Vo\Misc\CharGenName1.wav", "Stand up, there you go. You passed out. What's your name?" endif return endif ;--------------------------------------------- if ( timer > 2 ) if ( state == 1 ) set state to 2 Messagebox "Effe-Tei: Guards! This one falls. Do you remember your name?" endif return endif if ( timer > 0 ) if ( state == 0 ) set state to 1 Say, "vo\a\m\Hlo_AM104.mp3", "It looks unwell, unhealthy..." endif return endif endif end
begin 1jw_newcharNamescript;Effe-Tei takes Jiub's role; condensed into one short scriptfloat timershort stateshort doOnceshort noloreif ( menumode == 1) returnendifif ( chargenstate == -1 ) returnendifif ( doOnce == 0 ) set timer to ( timer + GetSecondsPassed ) if ( timer > 59 ) set doOnce to 1 return endif if ( timer > 55 ) if ( state == 17 ) set state to 18 set CharGenState to -1 set ajw_newCharGen to 1 Messagebox "Effei-Tei: You're on your own now, ^PCName. I can take you to Vvardenfell to start your journey. Gods be with you. Goodbye" endif return endif if ( timer > 50 ) if (state == 16 ) set state to 17 Messagebox "Effe-Tei: You are to take this package to Caius Cosades, in the town of Balmora. Go to the South Wall Cornerclub, and ask for Caius Cosades -- they'll know where to find him. Serve him as you would serve the Emperor himself. I also have a letter for you, and a disbursal to your name." Journal, "A1_1_FindSpymaster", 1 player->AddItem, "bk_A1_1_DirectionsCaiusCosades", 1 player->AddItem, "bk_a1_1_caiuspackage", 1 player->Additem, "Gold_001", 500 addtopic "Caius Cosades" Addtopic "South Wall" addtopic "specific place" addtopic "someone in particular" addtopic "services" addtopic "my trade" addtopic "little secret" addtopic "latest rumors" addtopic "little advice" addtopic "background" addtopic "Morrowind" addtopic "Princeps Almalexia" endif return endif if ( timer > 47 ) if (state == 15 ) Messagebox: "Effe-Tei: If it makes you feel any better, you will be missed." set state to 16 enableinventorymenu enablemagicmenu enablemapmenu enableplayerfighting enableplayermagic EnablePlayerJumping endif return endif if ( timer > 43 ) if ( state == 14 ) set state to 15 EnableStatsMenu EnablePlayerControls StartScript RaceCheck ;sets the PCRace global flag for dialogue and such EnablePlayerViewSwitch EnableVanityMode endif return endif if ( timer > 39 ) if ( state == 13 ) set state to 14 EnableStatReviewMenu endif return endif if ( timer > 36 ) if ( state == 12 ) set state to 13 Messagebox "Effe-Tei: Before I write ahead to Caius Cosades - who of course shall not know of your noble heritage - do I have your details correct?" endif return endif if ( timer > 33 ) if ( state == 11 ) set state to 12 EnableBirthMenu endif return endif if ( timer > 30 ) if ( state == 10 ) set state to 11 Messagebox "Effe-Tei: What sign were you born under?" endif return endif if ( timer > 27 ) if ( state == 9 ) set state to 10 EnableClassMenu endif return endif if ( timer > 24 ) if ( state == 8 ) set state to 9 Messagebox "Effe-Tei: Oh, and you'll need a profession." "CharGen StatsSheet"->Disable ;hide the actual scroll itself "CharGen Boat"->Disable "CharGen Boat Guard 1"->disable "CharGen Boat Guard 2"->disable "CharGen Dock Guard"->disable "CharGen_cabindoor"->disable "CharGen_chest_02_empty"->disable "CharGen_crate_01"->disable "CharGen_crate_01_empty"->disable "CharGen_crate_01_misc01"->disable "CharGen_crate_02"->disable "CharGen_lantern_03_sway"->disable "CharGen_ship_trapdoor"->disable "CharGen_barrel_01"->disable "CharGen_barrel_02"->disable "CharGenbarrel_01_drinks"->disable "CharGen_plank"->disable DisablePlayerControls endif return endif if ( timer > 21 ) if ( state == 7 ) set state to 8 Enableracemenu endif return endif if ( timer > 18 ) if ( state == 6 ) set state to 7 Messagebox "Effe-Tei: You DO look like your mother. She was like you, a ...?" EnableRest endif return endif if ( timer > 15 ) if ( state == 5 ) set state to 6 Messagebox "Effe-Tei: Let us hope that after a few weeks in Caius Cosades' care, we can speed your return. You are now banished from the Palace." EnableMagicMenu endif return endif if ( timer > 12 ) if ( state == 4 ) set state to 5 Messagebox "Effei-Tei: Good. No harm done. Your father brings you this." Player->additem "1jw_newchargen_letter" 1 EnablePlayerControls endif return endif if ( timer > 8 ) if ( state == 3 ) set state to 4 EnableNameMenu endif return endif if ( timer > 5 ) if ( state == 2 ) set state to 3 Say, "Vo\Misc\CharGenName1.wav", "Stand up, there you go. You passed out. What's your name?" endif return endif ;--------------------------------------------- if ( timer > 2 ) if ( state == 1 ) set state to 2 Messagebox "Effe-Tei: Guards! This one falls. Do you remember your name?" endif return endif if ( timer > 0 ) if ( state == 0 ) set state to 1 Say, "vo\a\m\Hlo_AM104.mp3", "It looks unwell, unhealthy..." endif return endif endif end