Basically, I'd use all the original quests, but modified a bit here and there.
Some great differences with the original story, are:
- Almalexia doesn't go insane
- Sotha SIl is alive.
- The enemy is Mehrunes Dagon, so this is a prequel to Dagon's Invasion, in Oblivion.
Here is how I would develop the thing:
Mehrunes Dagon, who was defeated by Almalexia and Sotha SIl, now that these gods have lost their divinity, intend to take reveange, and start his invasion of Tamriel from the city of Mournhold. He is creating magically an army of Goblin to invade Mournhold. (in Tribunal, they were originally created by the King, but I didn't like it).
The King
Tribunal Main quest starts after the PC defeats Dagoth Ur. The blight ends, and the quarantine above Vvardenfell with it. The King himself would like to meet the Nerevarine, and invites him/her to the Royal Palace. (by boat, from Ebonheart, and not by teleport as it is now
The King meets the Nerevarine, and would be honored to have him/het at the castle for a period, since there are some troubles and he/she would be of great help there (missions: disloyal guards, helseth consipracy, common tongue, assassination attempt)
The Temple
Whenever a High Ordinator meets the PC, will tell him/her to go to the Temple, and visit the Archcanon, and discuss with him.
After the quest SHRINE OF THE DEAD, the Archcanon may speak about the Cult of The End of Times. This cult speaks about a new coming of Mehrunes Dagon, the lost of the powers of the Tribunal, and the end of Mournhold and of all Morrowind. There will be a few of these fanatics around, dressed with the white robe and say to the people "Your life's end is approaching".
Fedris Hler, Mazed Band, and Dark Brotherhood
He is an assassin and has a not reassuring face, and people don't trust him. However, in Tribunal he does nothing. So, more place to him.
Hler has been corrupted by Dagon's worshippers, and he'll be the ruler of MOurnhold, after the coming of Lord Dagon.
Hler, who formally speaks for Almalexia, asks the PC to recover the ancient Barilzar's Mazed Band. He explains, that the Band can open portals to other worlds, and that the followers of Mehrunes Dagon are looking for it, and it is necessary the Band is found by the Lady's Servants first. So, the PC recovers the Mazed Band, and returns it to Hler (not to the Goddess, like happens in Tribunal). After this, Hler decides to eliminate the PC, because the PC can be a danger for his plains, and hires the Dark Brotherhood to hunt him/her.
Here the attacks of the Dark Brotherhood begin. The PC has to collect informations about how to find thie headquarters, explore their caves until finds a letter of who committed the murder, signed H. (that is for Hler, and not Helseth, like it is originally. I never liked Helseth tried to kill the PC and then the PC serves the King).
When the Pc returns from the Dark Brotherhood quests, the Goddess asks to meet Him/her. SHe reveals that Fedris Hler disappeared. Hler was obeying to her when he sent the PC to recover the Band, but then he should give it tho the goddess. Now, she realized he was a traitor, corrupted by the evil forces, and that this means the coming of Mehrunes Dagon may really happen. (SHe has lost her divine powers, so she can't know where Hler is, and this is why she didn't know his real intentions). Almalexia sends the PC to ask Sotha SIl's advices. Sotha Sil is wise and power, and may know the next step of the enemy, and how to prepare to the battle. SHe explains that, Sotha SIl's realm, the Clockwork CIty, is beyond the dwemer ruins of BAZM, that can be accessed frmo the sewers of the Temple.m
So Temple sewers->Bazm Ruins->Sotha Sil.
Sotha SIl
Finally, the PC meets SOtha SIl, (after all the difficulties to reach him). Sotha Sil, says the Tribunal lost their divine powers (that Almalexia didn't say) and cannot face Mehrunes Dagon, moreover he doesn't have legs, and cannot leave the Clockwork City. So they need all the help they can get, and one of the first thing to do, is find and reforge the ancient sword of Lord Nerevar, Trueflame, that will be of great use against Dagon. The first piece of the sword is owned by Sil himsefl (and not by ALmalexia, like it is originally), and will give it to the PC. ANother one is hold by Karrod, but the PC has to win Karrod in duel, to get it. The last one is the the museum of artifacts. Once it is completed and reforged, the PC must return to Sotha SIl who can recreate the flame of the sword.
The Goblin Army
Once returned from the CLockWOrk City, the weather above Mournhold has changed ( to ashstorm). People and guards are scared, and there are more adepts of the cult of the End of Times around.
Almalexia says that her servitors found where the enemy is creating the Goblin Army, and the PC is sent to the caves of the Goblins, tro destroy them, before they assault Mournhold. The pc has to defetat the 2 goblin warchief and some daedric worshippers.
Norenen Dur and Fedris Hler
From the goblin caves, there is an access to the Daedric Shrine of Norenen Dur (originally, it was only a place where you find the vial necessary to restore the flame of trueflame).
In this place, the adepts of the cult,with the help of some Daedra, have evoked Mehrunes Dagon.
Here the PC finally faces Fedris Hler (In full glass armor, and the new mortal darts of Tribunal). Hler says the PC is too late. Mehrunes Dagon has been evoked, and the Daedra Prince has crossed a POrtal that from Norenen Dur takes to Mournhold, and a part of the Goblin Army, is with him.
On the high Priest's Body, there is the Mazed Band.
Mehrunes Dagon
THe PC may leave Norenen Dhrur through the Portal, and arrive to Plaza Brindisi Dorom. THe statue that celebrates the victory of ALmalexia on Mehrunes Dagon is destroied (it is the first thing the Daedra Prince destroied, once reached this place), and Dagon himself, some daedra lords, and ferocious goblins, are fighting the Royal GUards and High ORdinators.
Almalexia herself (in her warrior version), with her hands may eventually appear if the guards/ordinators are next to the defeat.
If Dagon is defeated, Almalexia rewards the PC with Her Hand's Armor.
Finally, Azura appears and gives her blessing to the PC.
If anyone want to help writing some dialogues, is very welcome.