Alternative to Dead is Dead

Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 2:17 pm

Dead is Dead can be a bit too much for most people, yet many of us still appreciate a challenge.

I have adopted some of the dead is dead concepts and made them a bit more forgiving for people who don't want to re-roll after one death. I realize its not possible that this is an original idea, just my take on it. Enjoy!

Day is Dead

It's simple, instead of starting over from the beginning of the game you start over from your current day.

You must have

1. A bed.

Inns, Shacks, bedrolls in the wild, etc. If you can sleep in it, it's allowed.

2. Shelter from weather

You can't sleep through a blizzard or a rainstorm on an exposed bedroll. Clear weather is acceptable.
You can't spend the night in the snow without a fire pit or something similiar.

3. (pending forum suggestions)


1. No fast travel, cart travel is okay.
2. On death, reload from the last time you slept.
3. If a follower dies, your options are to reload from bed, leave them dead, or use any spells to reanimate them.
4. If you are arrested, that becomes your save point when you go to jail.
5. No reload lockpick attempts (even in jail)
6. If you use a dungeon for shelter, you must clear the ENTIRE thing first.

Difficulty is up to you, your equipment is up to you. I have been doing this and it's pretty fun. A good way to get back into it if you are looking for something new to do.


Some tips to make it more fun:

1. Carry only One weapon and armor loadout with a dagger or staff as backup.
2. have a wieght allowance essential items; potions, ores, crafting materials, soul gems, ingredients etc. Such as 10 pounds.
3. Carry one less weapon if you have a pickaxe or woodcutting axe.
4. Carry 5 lockpicks. Subtract 1 lb from your "essential items" limit for every extra one you bring.
5. (pending suggestions)

Consider playing like a scavenger.

Leave town with nothing but un-enchanted clothing and a dagger or novice level spell.

Hope you guys enjoy. Hopefully this stays up long enough to get read. If you have any suggestions let me know and I will add them to the list!
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Connor Wing
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