The Elder Scrolls IV
Alternative Road Names.ESP
(Requires: Oblivion)
1. Installing the Plugin
To install the plugin, unzip the .esp file into the Oblivion/Data directory
2. Playing the Plugin
Extract the Textures, retaining their filepaths, to your Oblivion\Data folder.
Just delete them to uninstall.
3. Save Games
This should have no impact on savegames
4. What It Does
A very simple, imperfect mod to change the map's road names from "Blue Road", "Orange Road" etc. to "Bruma Road", "Leyawiin Road", etc. The road name reflects the destination.
This is my first attempt at altering the game's map so it's not perfect, but I thought I'd share in case anyone else found it useful.
This is a texture replacement for the in-game inventory system: it does not alter the game itself in any way.
5. Credits
Bethesda Softworks
6. Usage
As per Bethesda Softworks EULA. Please ensure that the file is kept intact with its readme, and that if you upload it that you ensure you have the latest version.
You are actively encouraged to upload a better version if you can get the text to look right! Don't complain to me about how you can do better, DO BETTER!