I'm curious if there are any mods other than 'On the Rocks' that help to smooth out Morrowind's rocks. I've found 'On the Rocks Optimised' on Nexus, but I'm curious if there are any others.
I'm curious if there are any mods other than 'On the Rocks' that help to smooth out Morrowind's rocks. I've found 'On the Rocks Optimised' on Nexus, but I'm curious if there are any others.
There was the correct UV series by Nicholiathan - I found a link to one for you on http://mw.modhistory.com/download-56-12003
I'm currently using the Correct UV Meshes. I'm really just looking for smoother rock meshes without the overly glossy bump maps of OTR.
You could http://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/43075/?
EDIT: [censored], shouldnt have read the first post properly...
This thread made me start smoothing the correct uv rocks. So if you have a little patience...
Pherim can you also do the Correct Ore replacer too? please!!!!!
You mean http://mw.modhistory.com/download-56-13484? Sure, shouldn't take too long, it's essentially the same 21 meshes five times with different textures.
Is the one that fix seams on the ore/vein rocks in the game.
This one: http://web.archive.org/web/20090621065507/http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View.php?view=Mods.Detail&id=7587
There is also a patch for GH: http://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/43197/?tab=1&navtag=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nexusmods.com%2Fmorrowind%2Fajax%2Fmoddescription%2F%3Fid%3D43197%26preview%3D&pUp=1
Oh, I didn't know the compatibility patch yet. Thank you!
By the way, about the cave rocks from the /i folder: As I am using Lougians Bump-Mapped caves I will probably first make smoother versions for this mod, but they should easily be converted to use vanilla textures again... But I'm almost done with the other rocks and will upload them soon (possibly today).
Here they are: https://www.dropbox.com/s/5naerauemqu9j0s/WIP_smooth_correctuv%20rocks.7z?dl=0
Included are all meshes from Nichs mod in the /f and /x folders plus a few more he didn't correct. The bitter coast rocks are not included as they are not in his mod (apparently they already have good uv maps), but I will do them, too. The same applies to the Bloodmoon rocks. As mentioned in the previous post, the meshes from the /i folder will follow eventually.
Basically, I subdivided and smoothed most meshes once, some twice and modified them manually if necessary if there were any irregularities or errors. Then I randomly moved the vertices a little (there is a function in the newer Blender versions that does that) to get a more detailed and naturally rugged surface, which worked really good. I also improved the collision on many of the meshes. Some use their original collision meshes, and those which didn't have one now use their original, unsmoothed mesh for collision. Others had their collision meshes adjusted manually. I tested them ingame with MGSO and Tamriel Rebuilt installed, they worked great and looked really good in my opinion. They are less spiky than the OTR meshes and stay very close to the original look of the game, only smoother and more detailed. So far I couldn't spot any problems with them, but of course there may be little things I overlooked. If you find any problems please report.
Have fun!
Wow - thank you very much Pherim - downloading now
Will this help with the errors that on the rocks gives with Tamriel Rebuilt?
Probably... These are based on the original meshes and so they have the same sizes and should fit everywhere.
Thank you very much for these meshes! Will be checking them out in OpenMW to see how they look there.
Now this is just awesome. Thanks, Pherim, you rock!
They look good and don't have crazy poly counts either. Thanks
You should make an official thread for this mod, like that future updates will be seen more easily by all. ^^