Although Expected Console Nerfed

Post » Sun May 08, 2011 5:53 am

Hello, JUst a few things ive noticed just thought to get the gears turning, GLitch specific issues are in bold.

1. Ive noticed that the loading screens for Console/PC are radically different, Console is animated while PC is a crappy JPEG Photo.

2. PC WTFBOOMHEADSHOT moments are way too frequent, for example on Killcam its retarded to see someone spraying frantically and then on their last shot get a random matrix shot on a guy clearly going to doom his future.

3. For the PC versions on steam there is no 64 bit support for the game, a 64 bit version would be nice or at least a posted bin64 folder.

4. Graphical effects are fantastic, but a little more environment destruction would be nice other then a JAW decal on a wall, something like drywall/concrete exploding when shot at.

5. Stat Saving, a MAJOR issue on PC, its very defeating to work up 100 kills then leave the server and your back down to 400/500. or you just get a shiny new rank, leave the server and BOOM your back to the same level you were before. Makes me not want to Prestige because of fear that it will be for nothing.

6. Noticed that on console/PC that some clients experience a 4-6 second spawn delay after the round begins. (No its not lag me and 12 people proved it over 17 matches it happens to everyone)

7. Server displayed ping in server browser does not reflect actual server ping, IE List states that it has 1000 ping but it actually has 79.

8. Some weapons when silencers are applied fire as if no silencer was applied on single shot. (also shows you on radar when this happens)

9. Armor mode seems to have little to no effect on deflection/absorption of small arms fire. most PC players use it to prevent random head-shots rather then protection.

10. Hand Grenades seem to have more boom then Rifle mounted grenades. (IE 1 Hand grenade can finish off 3-4 players and severely wound others while the rifle grenade can maybe kill 1-2 and critically wound others.

11. Although the Gauss attachment has good applications in Pro mode, it has little use/effect in Standard modes, often involving 2-3 shots to the body to kill. (i mean it is a Mini Rail-gun, common now)

12. The range of Nano vision is WAY too small, By the time you really use it there's no point in using it because you can see cloaked individuals normally, Removing the Limit on the Thermal range could have better applications.

13. Enhanced Visor could be improved to highlight enemies while in Tatical Binoc mode for easier Marking.

Other then that thats all i have for now.
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