If you want to be focused on your class abilities and you want to min/max you pick those races.
Also why do you think the trailer had a Breton night blade

What if I want to be a Bow Nightblade with a 2h swap?
But I also want the benefit of having class abilities cost less Magicka AND extra spell resistance.
Imperial is the best race, because they're the most expensive. Nice things always cost more.
You just like the Imperial race because of Beckinsale.
Sigh. I'm not convinced. Breton females are amazing. =)
There was one Breton female who was amazing. One of the ship hands who comes to pester you during the starting Daggerfall Covenant chain. Nicolene I believe it was? The spunky and excitable kind; one moment I was standing there minding my own business and perving on Jarkan, the next minute she's there shouting at me..
"Hey you! Hey! Hey - yeah you!" "Haha you move around.."
Well yeah but who wants to play an Orc anyway?
Anybody stacking magicka is better for this conversation. Filthy cat man putting points into magicka will wipe a pompous altmer who thinks just because they're altmer they're better.
Not only that but high elfs stick out like big bird, a high elf just doesn't make a good assassin.
I'd play an orc, if it wasn't a damn orc. I'd play a khajit, if it didn't remind me of every failed household pet I ever had. <----two of the best races counted out for me, because of aesthetics.
I could be wrong but I think she was kidding about the imperials.. though nice racials.
And I don't know why everyone hates on High-elves... they may not be the greatest looking race, but you know all of you have made a high-elf mage at some point, most of us in each and every version since Arena.