You fail to take into account of the Tribunal
To be fair, it's more like the Unibunal now. Two are dead, and the only one who is alive is missing.
But yes, I prefer the Dunmer too. With the Dunmer, you can create a diverse number of character builds, due to the fact that they can easily play warriors, mages or rogues. Well, not as easily as a race specialised in either, but easily enough. The Altmer on the other hand, have an extreme specialisation with magika. It's not impossible to have an Altmer warrior, but it's much harder. I'm going to go with the guess that an Altmer rogue would be impossible though, due to the yellow glare giving them away when they're sneaking.

I also love the Dunmer culture and lore, which, as previously mentioned, is an unfair advantage granted by Morrowind. We've had a TES game that specifically focuses on the Dunmer as a race. If TES: VI was in the Summerset Isles, I'm sure the Altmer would seem more interesting (but I doubt I'd change my mind personally).