» Tue Feb 07, 2017 7:41 pm
They don't, but that's not necessarily reflective of lore or anything. The kahjiit in daggerfall aren't the cat people we know, but the more human breed of kahjiit that essentially are just wood elves with tails and a bit more hair.
But in morrowind we have divayth fyr with a beard. And while he's a dark elf, he was actually still alive as a chimer, which is just a high elf with a different culture. And any story that talks about dark elves turning dark skinned, don't make any notice that they can suddenly grow beards or anything.
My newest character in skyrim is a heavy armoured battle mage high elf who I've given a beard. But that's because he's a dragonborn high elf, who's also actually half nord, and he actually looks half nord too. Thalen halfelf, or thalen halfman, as known in the summer set isles.
It's cool cus being a buff half elf who wears heavy armour, he's bigger and bulkier than anybody else. Makes the dragonborn a more imposing figure.