Altmer... Love 'em or hate' em?

Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 8:49 am

every filthy elf I come across gets the axe. I would also like to watch an Altmer attempt to outrun me when I go werewolf on his ass
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Emma-Jane Merrin
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 7:02 pm

My Breton Necromancer is rather ambiguous towards them. While Altmer are responsible for the progeneration of his race, (Bretons are offspring of Nordic settlers who were captured and forced to have six with the Altmer), they did f-ing force the Bretons to have six with them, so...

My Wood Elf Rogue likes all the nice things he can steal from them.

My Imperial Battlemage has no personal issues with the race, but is concerned with the amount of leverage the Thalmor has over the Empire.

Personally, I prefer Bretons or Dunmer for magical roles; that weakness to magicka is a killer.

Edited for censorship dance.
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Ebony Lawson
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 9:53 am

My Breton Necromancer is rather ambiguous towards them. While Altmer are responsible for the progeneration of his race, (Bretons are offspring of Nordic settlers who were captured and forced to have six with the Altmer), they did f-ing force the Bretons to have six with them, so...

My Wood Elf Rogue likes all the nice things he can steal from them.

My Imperial Battlemage has no personal issues with the race, but is concerned with the amount of leverage the Thalmor has over the Empire.

Personally, I prefer Bretons or Dunmer for magical roles; that weakness to magicka is a killer.

Edited for censorship dance.

Weakness to Magic?? Oh I forgot about that. Magic enchanted weapons + magic resistant armour = Altmer killer. Easy to find either of them.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 9:26 am

OP goes on a rant about how Altmer are arrogant and have superiority complexes, then goes on to say all Mer and all magic users period are inferior. Hypocrisy much? Typical racist Nord, you give us humans a bad name :rolleyes:

I had nothing against Altmer personally, and always admired their accomplishments, but after the rise of the Thalmor and the Great War I'm more distrustful. Still, I never discriminate individually.

-An Imperial
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Charlie Sarson
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 3:56 am

Altmer run faster, jump higher and hit harder than any other player race thanks to Skyrim's scaling mechanics. So not only is your burly Nord at a magical disadvantage but also a physical one

You got that right, just check out the body on Steelforged, now that's an Altmer! :laugh:

I missed the part where that suddenly let you dodge an orc in daedric armor sprinting at you with a battle-axe.

Oh, come here Orcie, Orcie, come to Steelforged, The Altmer! :toughninja:

arrogance, you Altmer stink of it.[...] and they ALL run away

Not this Altmer, I present to you, Steelforged, The Altmer! :celebration:

These screenies are almost the same but slightly different camera angle--just couldn't take my eyes off his body, whoa-yeah! :drool:
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Andy durkan
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 6:09 am

Really? I love them... I always make one in resemblance to Indoril Nerevar. The greatest everrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
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Guinevere Wood
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 10:10 am

I generally respect Altmers so long as the don't go all "HOOTY TOOTY I'M AN ALTMER AND I'M BETTER THAN YOU BECAAAAUUUUSE OF THAAAAT!!" on me. The Thalmor however, can svck a mudcrab d i c k.
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Lillian Cawfield
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 10:58 pm

My current character is an Altmer mage who left Alinor when the Thalmor seized power, and hates them with a passion. Read Rising Threat for reasons why. Came all the way to Skyrim to get away from them, and even here finds their spider-like fingers in everything. Kills them on sight. But I don't hate the Altmer, or any of the races as a whole. The only race I really love are the Dunmer.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 4:14 am

People that don't like them are usually people with a chip on their shoulder

Some of the ones you meet in the game are interesting. They have a superior air, sure, but it makes them more interesting than the boring run of the mill characters.

I think they're great, and my character is one
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liz barnes
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 8:17 pm

Thats my excuse, what's yours?

Hate them. As a Bosmer elf, I blame them for all of the anti-elf hatred in Skyrim. My father was a Breton -Mother a Bosmer. Father loved history and told me the tales of Altmer atrocities against the Nords. Mother also hated them. Her family in Valenwood believed in living off the land and in harmony with nature and others. The High Elves in their opinion do just the opposite and are one of the reasons for so much discord in Skyrim. I kill any Thallmor that I see as long as there are no witnesss (left alive). Wouldn't want my cities where am I Thane to know.
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Logan Greenwood
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 8:17 pm

OP goes on a rant about how Altmer are arrogant and have superiority complexes, then goes on to say all Mer and all magic users period are inferior. Hypocrisy much? Typical racist Nord, you give us humans a bad name :rolleyes:

I had nothing against Altmer personally, and always admired their accomplishments, but after the rise of the Thalmor and the Great War I'm more distrustful. Still, I never discriminate individually.

-An Imperial



No, seriously, I like Orcs, I like the Dunmer, Bretons (Sorta) I even like Bosmer (The got shafted by the Thalmor also) I even like the Beast races (If I were Jarl of Whiterun, I'd let the Kajiit set up shop within my walls). I just don't like the Altmer.

I'm don't like the Altmer because they openly identify themselves (speaking as me, not my character) with the Aldmer, who enslaved mankind. It's like being British, not liking the Nazi's because they bombed London to hell during WWII, and then also not liking the British National Front because they have Nazi (or similar) political views. And yes, it's mostly because they bring their arrogance with them wherever they go. If they weren't as arrogant, I'd probably like them more... Maybe.
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Georgine Lee
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 4:38 am

Do i have something against Altmer? Nope, with the exception of the Thalmor :)
(Coming from a Redguard/Breton fan)
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Bedford White
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 7:50 am

Love 'em! And I don't consider them evil. There appears to be an evil faction of altmer in Skyrim, but we've seen a lot of evil factions, including a variety of races, in TES.
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louise tagg
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 1:46 am

They aren't all bad, I'v met nice Altmer. I hate Thalmor though. That Altmer from the Phyjic order seemed nice enough. (I think I spelled that right?)
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Solène We
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 10:01 pm

I love the Altmer, all my characters are altmer.

They're just so much alike me :flamethrower:
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Jesus Duran
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 4:22 am

if they are with the thalmor i kill them if they are arrogant and look down on me because of my species i mame them so id say the altmer race is on a very short leash with me.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 5:57 pm

the thalmor can get bend, but hasnt the empire shaken hands with the thalmor? if thats the case ill be concidering joining the Stormcloaks

ps: i play as a Imperial (main character) and a Breton
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Caroline flitcroft
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 11:24 pm

You mad bro?
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Marcia Renton
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 4:49 am

As my signature suggests, I have a fondness for (fictional) remote Master Race? groups of in a way or another superior people who seek to rule over other, inferior races. (This does not carry to real life, mind you)

Altmer are civilized, powerful and beautiful people who are not only by far the most advanced of the Elven, but also have the balls to dominate the entire known world through puppet governments and secret police.
P.S. People saying they kill Altmer on sight, kill them for being rude only strengthens my resolve. It certainly proves Altmer are genetically superior to the savages of Skyrim!

P.S.-the sequel: My second favorite race is the Imperials, as I highly value their level of civilization. If I don't play Altmer, I play Imperial.
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Andrew Perry
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 1:01 am

They're certainly interesting.

I plan to play as an Altmer character.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 5:35 am

I hate those arrogant basterds, they look fugly anyways :P the only one I like is the first "premade" female and thats about it.
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Red Bevinz
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 12:16 am

I think it all depends on the picture that you see in your mind. When I think Altmer I picture them as a more oriental influenced race like the Chinese crossed with the Japanese. I see them as a strong race in war who are masters of enchanted weapons and bring magic to the battle field.

I think the image of the Altmer has become less appealing since Morrowind as they have lost that oriental influenced feel about them. In Morrowind they appeared much more Japanese / Chinese influenced and the pictures that came out at the release of Morrowind all showed them wielding Katanas and one showed an Altmer dressed in silk looking robes.
The capital city of the Altmer is known as the forbidden city which any expert in ancient history will automatically recognize as also being ancient Beijing (capital of China), They would also know that the ancient Chinese saw other races (especially European as barbaric and uncivilized. The Orcish armor we saw in featured in Morrowind was said to be copied from an Altmer armor which looks like Japanese Samurai armor. Forbidden City, seeing other races as barbaric / uncivilized, Samurai looking armor and artwork showing Altmer in silk robes wielding samurai style swords to me personally all suggested an oriental influence to Altmer which why I have them as one of my top races.
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Nicole Coucopoulos
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 3:08 am

I hate them.

Don't hate them as much as the DAMNED DUNMER!

Those bastards enslaved the Argonians for centuries, and then finally got their asses handed to them by their former slaves, and were ran out of Morrowind by the eruption. So, they sought refuge in Windhelm.

What did Ulfric do? He let them in. He gave them homes. He gave them PAYING jobs. He gave them defenses, safety, food, shelter, money, and a home. Most cities wouldn't let them even set foot in their walls.

So, how do the Dunmer show their gratitude? By calling Ulfric, and everybody in Windhelm, racist [censored]s, idiots, and every other name in the book. When Rolff is the only one even doing anything. If you call threats and insults something.

The Dunmer persecuted the beast races, enslaving them. Then, when their slaves knock them off their high horse and they have to ask somebody for help, AND THEY RECEIVE IT, they demand more. They demand that the houses that are already occupied by citizens that have been there years before the Dunmer arrived should be given to them. They demand that they be given MORE, when they received more than any other refugees, or most travelers, could possibly hope to ever receive.

Look at the Khajiit. They have to trek across Skyrim, carrying all their goods with them. They have to live in tents, because no city will let them enter. They have to fight for themselves and defend themselves from marauders and bandits. They are spoiled by stereotypes that don't even hold true in Skyrim, at all.

And how do they act?

They treat travelers with warm greetings, fairly low prices, and kindness. Not because they're rolling in money from their ventures. But because they're not spoiled, proud, entitled, selfish, greedy, and envious [censored]s.


I love you!
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Luna Lovegood
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 7:48 pm

And yes, it's mostly because they bring their arrogance with them wherever they go. If they weren't as arrogant, I'd probably like them more... Maybe.

You mean as opposed to the humans' arrogance that's couched behind insincere modesty? I really don't get this, yes the Altmer come off as arrogant, but on closer inspection they have reasons to believe they are 'better', they have the longest natural lifespans, are masters of magic, and were the first civilized race and culture in Tamriel. Now compare that to humans, who's empire is basically a copy/paste of Altmer culture, used WMD to force provinces they couldn't otherwise conquer militarily into submission, have the gal to insist everyone (even the non-humans) should recognise and venerate the god of humans (Talos), believe they're the only force for civilization in Tamriel, get pissy when when elves think they're barbaric savages then turn around and in the height of hypocracy treat the beast races in the exact same manner. Hell the Nords' entire claim to being the best is largely based off the fact that Talos was one of them, despite the fact that in theory any member of any race could be Dragonborn.

TL;DR Humans=Manifest Destiny, which is pretty much the epitome of arrogance.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 9:07 am

I hate them.

Don't hate them as much as the DAMNED DUNMER!

Those bastards enslaved the Argonians for centuries, and then finally got their asses handed to them by their former slaves, and were ran out of Morrowind by the eruption. So, they sought refuge in Windhelm.

What did Ulfric do? He let them in. He gave them homes. He gave them PAYING jobs. He gave them defenses, safety, food, shelter, money, and a home. Most cities wouldn't let them even set foot in their walls.

So, how do the Dunmer show their gratitude? By calling Ulfric, and everybody in Windhelm, racist [censored]s, idiots, and every other name in the book. When Rolff is the only one even doing anything. If you call threats and insults something.

The Dunmer persecuted the beast races, enslaving them. Then, when their slaves knock them off their high horse and they have to ask somebody for help, AND THEY RECEIVE IT, they demand more. They demand that the houses that are already occupied by citizens that have been there years before the Dunmer arrived should be given to them. They demand that they be given MORE, when they received more than any other refugees, or most travelers, could possibly hope to ever receive.

Look at the Khajiit. They have to trek across Skyrim, carrying all their goods with them. They have to live in tents, because no city will let them enter. They have to fight for themselves and defend themselves from marauders and bandits. They are spoiled by stereotypes that don't even hold true in Skyrim, at all.

And how do they act?

They treat travelers with warm greetings, fairly low prices, and kindness. Not because they're rolling in money from their ventures. But because they're not spoiled, proud, entitled, selfish, greedy, and envious [censored]s.


Ever read the in-game book "Dunmer of Skyrim" ?

Makes ya hate them even more.

I hate both the Dunmer and the Altmer ;-;
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