» Tue Dec 13, 2011 12:32 am
I hate them.
Don't hate them as much as the DAMNED DUNMER!
Those bastards enslaved the Argonians for centuries, and then finally got their asses handed to them by their former slaves, and were ran out of Morrowind by the eruption. So, they sought refuge in Windhelm.
What did Ulfric do? He let them in. He gave them homes. He gave them PAYING jobs. He gave them defenses, safety, food, shelter, money, and a home. Most cities wouldn't let them even set foot in their walls.
So, how do the Dunmer show their gratitude? By calling Ulfric, and everybody in Windhelm, racist [censored]s, idiots, and every other name in the book. When Rolff is the only one even doing anything. If you call threats and insults something.
The Dunmer persecuted the beast races, enslaving them. Then, when their slaves knock them off their high horse and they have to ask somebody for help, AND THEY RECEIVE IT, they demand more. They demand that the houses that are already occupied by citizens that have been there years before the Dunmer arrived should be given to them. They demand that they be given MORE, when they received more than any other refugees, or most travelers, could possibly hope to ever receive.
Look at the Khajiit. They have to trek across Skyrim, carrying all their goods with them. They have to live in tents, because no city will let them enter. They have to fight for themselves and defend themselves from marauders and bandits. They are spoiled by stereotypes that don't even hold true in Skyrim, at all.
And how do they act?
They treat travelers with warm greetings, fairly low prices, and kindness. Not because they're rolling in money from their ventures. But because they're not spoiled, proud, entitled, selfish, greedy, and envious [censored]s.