I'm planning on making an Altmer mage, and I was hoping to get some ideas on appearance from my mage friends out there. Feel free to post pictures of your Altmer as well as favourite apparel mods. Thanks in advance!
I'm planning on making an Altmer mage, and I was hoping to get some ideas on appearance from my mage friends out there. Feel free to post pictures of your Altmer as well as favourite apparel mods. Thanks in advance!
Good choice, making an Altmer mage! My favorite Altmer mage is a Master conjurer who also uses Expert destruction spells to help his conjured Daedra.
I find playing as a warlock (destruction only) not viable at all so I never go that route. I really enjoy a mixture of destruction and illusion and I think that's the route you should take with your mage.
Your comment is surprisingly... not as hostile as I imagined it would be, addressing Altmer.
Good idea, I'm not too fond of Warlock type mages either. Do you have any photos of your altmer? That is, if you are playing on PC platform.
The http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/14198/?tab=1&navtag=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nexusmods.com%2Fskyrim%2Fajax%2Fmoddescription%2F%3Fid%3D14198%26preview%3D&pUp=1 works wonders for male and female characters AND it comes in armor and clothing for those who want some protection with the outfit.
I would post my Altmer mage, but have to restart thanks to a script mod being stupid with me.
I don't play on PC but I do have a picture of my conjurer/destruction mage.
Never would have guessed it.
I like it a lot! I think I'm going to go download it right now, in fact.,..
Nice! Surprisingly good quality for a TV screen pic
It is, isn't it? I will have to take a picture of my other Altmer mage soon.
Most of my Altmer tend to look similar, hehehe.
Yeah I haven't tried the Volkihar either yet, but maybe I'll try with this one.
No I can definitely see more pointed features and the latter, but the Thalmor hoods do make it quite a challenge to distinct
Good choice, Altmer is the best most superior race, power to the Altmer!
Yeah, not to mention different eye color. I originally had the second Altmer wearing Royal Vampire Robes but I didn't want it to look like he is a vampire, he just made vampire robes a new fad after he destroyed the Volkihar vampires, hehehe.
Yes, finally someone who agrees with me!
She's not overly fond of the http://cloud-3.steampowered.com/ugc/702859018808676556/80A27C8A5877D9585D0FD525A4168AE6B5B9F208/ robes, but the silver lining is she doesn't mind them getting dirty.
In town often wears something a little more http://cloud-4.steampowered.com/ugc/702859018808646330/2C38418D6C5B145FBB12021219CFE4C0CA14126D/.
Skilled in only Destruction, Alteration and Restoration schools of magic.
Freya's looking forward to playing her own little game with the oaf that did that to her eye.
Wow really nice design on the character! I like her a lot!
Haha I'd imagine you get quite a few Nordic Axes up the [censored] on the forums...
Just remade my Altmer mage:
not the best pictures, but it gets to the point.
for whatever reason, i tend to use the sort-of ponytail hairstyle(the one that is tied up like a ponytail, but hangs down the Characters back) for altmer, just seems fitting.
http://i739.photobucket.com/albums/xx34/lordtru/20121019_233239.jpg my Altmer master wizard from Oblivion. He's a lover of knowledge and keeper of wisdom, in Skyrim seeking all artifacts and items of power lest they fall into weak human hands that would misuse them. He traded his eyesight to read the Elder Scroll of knowledge and has since learned to see the energy emitted from all living things.