You're not playing the way I want you to play. You're not playing it right!
You're not playing the way I want you to play. You're not playing it right!
As much as I agree with you. This all comes down to personal opinions and blah, blah. It's better to just ignore them then call them out on something you don't like, if you catch my drift.
I get what you're saying, but over-generalizations are bad. The person in question could very well be a true TES fan, but decided to mess around one day out of boredom. Though I completely see the "danger" in that "style" being promoted by Bethesda's marketing and what-not.
You're an Altmer outcast if you have black hair, I'd imagine.
One of your parents must have been of another race.
Maybe they escaped Alinor and saved you from being killed for not being pure and that would explain why you'd be a more open-minded Altmer in-game [since we're always agaisnt the Thalmor].
That thing women wear to avoid getting saggy boobs.
I can't believe I was able to say boobs here.
I prefer the term boobies, but to each his own.
A brah is a bro. A bra is what you use to prevent saggy boobs (or moobs).