Alton, IL features an expansive and highly immersive quest in which you not only try to find your way home after ending up in post-apocalyptic Alton, IL, but also choose sides at the brink of all out war between two factions. During your stay in Alton, prepare to be svcked into the lore as you play through the branched main quest, an adventure that will have you choose which faction you will side with for the rest of your stay. Will you side with the Plague, a group of damned vault dwellers seeking revenge, or will you fight with the Underground Railroad, the largest city in Alton?
Alton, IL also includes numerous side quests, dozens of new locations to visit, and a fully explorable world twice the size of Point Lookout, completely separate from the Capital Wasteland. Alton is also easily replayable, thanks to the split halfway through the main quest.
For you fellow modders out there, see this as a new world for you to expand upon. Running out of space in DC for house mods? Feel free to renovate a ruined ranch house and release it as your own mod. Got a cool idea for a farming mod? There's a cornfield in Alton with 2,880 hand-placed dead corn stalk models (I'm not kidding). I only ask that you link to this page and credit me as the author of Alton. Feel free to send me links of what you've created, I'd love to try it out!
Contact Me: Any personal concerns, questions, or suggestions can be emailed to eljhhck(AT)gmail(DOT)com so my PM inbox doesn't fill up
Feel free to comment on either the FO3Nexus page or on here with any problems, suggestions, comments, etc!