There is a quest "Blood Ties" and those blood packs are worth their weight in gold when you completed that quest. I not going to tell how to start it. I hope you did not blew up Megaton.
Well i' v currently stopped for now until I get my MSi board and i5 I ordered. Then i'm restarting a whole new file. Refer to if you want that story lol.
But I probably won't do it this time because neither of my characters will have a high enough speech to ask for double payment from Burke XD.
Of course, in real life, if you receive one gunshot wound, you're more likely than not going to be laid up in a hospital bed for a week while docs put your innards back together, and you'll be recovering from your injury for months, and might never get full use of the injured part back again. In Fallout 3, you can get shot twenty or thirty times, stop at a sink and drink some water or sleep in a bed, and you're 100% again. Some realism has to be sacrificed to make the game fun, I guess.
Well there are mods for the game that only allow you to take a few shots and you're basically dead lol.
Same with mods that give crippling effects more realism.
But I agree with that. You can't do a game realistic without making some fantasy.
Like could you imagine having a no wait function, and you HAD to sit there for 7 hours til that shop you need opened again? lmao