» Mon Dec 12, 2011 4:19 pm
Firstly, what difficulty do you play on? Because on Expert or Master, carrying every potion under the sun kind of helps.
Secondly, does RP factor into the game much for you? If yes, would your character really carry a shield round, though you virtually never use it? Otherwise, just sell it, seeing as it's not your mode of play. You can almost always find a way through combat via your own style.
Thirdly, are you carrying lots of useless stuff? Books, oddities, materials etc, can all safely be stored in a house or companion (though of course you mentioned you had one). Also, perhaps only carry a maximum of 3 to 4 meals?
Fourth, do you have a house? Owning a home can slightly alter gameplay, as you have a base of operations to work from. Perhaps get into a routine of taking only what you need for 1 or 2 quests at a time, before returning home. Try to pack according to what dangers you might face.
Fithly (?), get Azura's Star. Max. capacity, infinite use soul gem. Done.
Lastly, be efficient. Being prepared for every single situation can be detrimental to gameplay. Go out, live dangerously; and when you find yourself getting pwned, tone the difficulty down briefly, rethink your strategy or reload back at base to re-equip.