» Sun Aug 17, 2008 2:27 pm
This raises some interesting questions. I've written a couple of mods tweaking time - one causes time to pass while you're in menus like the Pipboy and gambling, the other lets you change the time of year (I'm working on a Nevada Skies compatibility patch for my Ambient Temperature mod - what'll happen is, Ambient Temperature uses weather statistics to calculate the temperature for your current season and time of day, and I'll use that to determine what kind of weather you get, so you'll be able to adjust your weather by tweaking the season). Anyway, there are a bunch of global time variables that all seem to operate independently of one another, except that there's a hard coded script somewhere that keeps them all updated. There's gamedayspassed, which is the number of days (decimal number) since you started playing. Then there's gamehour, gameday, gamemonth, and gameyear. Gamehour's a decimal number between 0 and 24 that tells you what time it is, while the others are integers that tell you the date. Any one of these variables can be tweaked via script without effecting any of the other ones - you can set gamedayspassed ahead and it won't effect the date or time, you can set the month without effecting the year... What I'm wondering is which one of these is used to determine when cells reset, or if there's another number, maybe an individual timer for each cell? Anyway, I don't think the "day" (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday...) is what determines it.