Last Friday I went to a friend's house to check out Fallout 4 of which I've heard so much about. I love what Beth has done with Fallout... thoroughly enjoyed Fallout 3, enjoyed NV (not as much as FO 3 for reasons of bugs and setting). However, I played with FO4 for a couple of hours on an Xbox One and when I returned home fired up Skyrim. First, the graphics for FO4 have not really improved that dramatically since Skyrim! Of course, graphics aren't everything in a game, but I was surprised at this. Second, I actually still sort of prefer the gameplay of Skyrim (I wish it had the same hotkey feature of FO4 though!) and questing of Skyrim. I can't really put my finger on why that is. I *think* it may be because, as a fantasy game, I don't feel as restricted with what is possible. Maybe another reason is the wealth of lore... the Skyrim world (all ES games really except for ES:O) really draws you in by scattering books around, but setting up certain environments, etc.
I've invested more time in Skyrim than any other game. I'm no really devoted fan (I have my critiques), I just think that this is probably the best game I've ever played and I'm shocked that even after 4 going on 5 years, it still holds a candle to newer games of the same action-RPG/open-world genre. My vision may be blurred a bit, however. I did take about 2 years off from playing the game and only recently started to get into it again... but already I'm making plans for all of my characters that I've made in my 600+ hours and it's only then that I've realised how awesome the game actually is. There are so many mutually-exclusive choices to make, so many role-playing choices to make. As I don't want to post any spoilers, I won't say how each of my 4 characters (different builds, different races) have totally divergent experiences and made mutually exclusive choices that have impacted their respective Skyrim realities. I'm thinking that one can't really appreciate it unless they've created multiple characters. It's great.