While some complaints are well justified, and make sense. Many make general suggestions of what they might like to see. But every day, there is someone crying about one thing or another because of less than an hours footage taken from a show months ago. Recently a little more footage has surfaced, that shows nothing really and still people whinge, fight music, skill set, rain through roof
So lets look at these.
Cut and paste the following list and add more complaints or change what you think of the gripe.
CC- constructive criticism - this is something that should be looked at and fixed as it could be a game changer
WAS- Wait and see if it really affects the game - it could go either way to make or break the experience
HAW- having a whinge - something that is likely just trivial and even though it could be changed it doesnt really change the game
Rain through roof - HAW
NPCs cry in game - HAW
Scaling system - WAS
Forced third person finishing moves - HAW
Whiterun smaller than Bruma - HAW
Anyway i am sure you can add more, but please cut and paste so that we dont have to read through, we can just keep skipping to the end