"We can update the game on the fly." ( Perhaps he meant making the Dragons fly.. backwards?)
"We are running new and better processes to catch bugs before the game launches." ( How that work out, Tom??)
"We want to be in the position of being able to improve the game, no matter what way that is," ( Hows that working out Tom?
Howard is well aware of the unrest among gamers who associate the release of Bethesda's massive, dynamic role-playing games not only with fun, but also with bugs that lock up quests, crash the game, or mangle characters into unrecognizable forms. ( Former Oblivion Team member quote )
"It's a known issue and a very valid complaint," ( Yet you release two [censored] up patches )
Before launch, Howard said, Bethesda is testing Skyrim rigorously and more heavily using a system that runs automated versions of the game overnight, searching for bugs and helping the team squash them. ( Oblivion Team Member )
"We're getting better at it," ( Hows that working out Tommy? I know you hate it when I called you Tommy )
"We can change stats on a sword and it will be available to everyone in a few hours," ( Cool trick. But can you make Dragons fly correctly in a few hours Toddy? )
"Are there going to be bugs we didn't catch in a game of this size?" ( Tom's way of saying they did not meet the deadline and had to stop programming and ship busted code )
"Our assumption is there are going to be." ( And there is Tommy Boy, there is. )