At the core of my theory, is an accusation. The person I am about to speak of is being accused of bringing the blightfull, evil dragons to Skyrim. The man I speak of, is of course, St. Jiub. Yes St. Jiub, the very same man that drove the cliffracers out of morrowind! Many of you remember cliffracers as evil monsters who would murder your unsuspecting low leveled characters, death from the sky, but I propose that cliffracers were a defense! A divine defense just like the dragon fire! look at this quote from UESP.
"whereas the dragons in Vvardenfell were overrun by the invading cliff racers."
Yes those beasts you all curse ran off these vicious wyrmms for OUR SAFETY! And the so called St. Jiub has driven them off. Now with no one to threaten them they are attcking everyone and everything! The player character I think will be HALF CLIFFRACER and answer to the cliffracer king, together the united cliffracer alliance will destroy the dragons and save the empire. :celebration: