They changed my package recieve date to Wednesday for no reason, and I contacted them and they said it's because Fallout 4 releases then. I argued with him and he swore up and down it does. Anyone else have this happen?
They changed my package recieve date to Wednesday for no reason, and I contacted them and they said it's because Fallout 4 releases then. I argued with him and he swore up and down it does. Anyone else have this happen?
Mine says, Shipping today, Arriving tomorrow.
My copy from Amazon has already been dispatched and is still listed as Tuesday delivery... will wait and see then! Sounds like they have taken more orders than they can deal with.
My copy from Game UK is in transit,
so I call BS on any delays.
My copy was shipped on Saturday and is currently sat in Distribution Centre in London. Amazon state delivery tomorrow by 2100hrs. Shouldn't be any reason for anyone to be getting it late unless the local supplier messed up.
Keep calling back until you get a different person to talk to.
It′s always something when a highly expected game comes out. For that reason i prefer CD-keys, less problems with shipping usually but it's hardly a guarentee. Still this time i got the key on time, this morning infact, and already finished the preload.
I pvssyd with 6 people and spoke with two on the phone. There's nothing they can do. I am getting the package a day late.
Mine was the same way until early this morning and now they can't change it back. I'm beyond pissed and just upset about it.
On Saturday, I just couldn't take the "pending" status anymore. It was irrational, as I was sure it would ship on time, but I just couldn't deal. Cancelled my order, and made a quick calculation as to how long it would take to preload from steam (my broadband's not awful, but my pc is a ways from the router, so I usually only get two bars out of five. My calculation: 14 hours. ugh.
loaded up steam, purchased F4, and started the preload. Only 4 hours! Awesome.
Lost the perk poster, but worth it for the calm I now feel.
Pre-order from Beth is still listed as shipping on Nov. 10, which means I'll probably have it on the 12th.