You have me checking my Amazon now. It's still shipping today it says... so let's hope it stays that way.
-sips coffee- ...One of the reasons I've grown a preference for digital download...That wait tho...
Ouch. I pre-ordered the Collector's Edition guide book from and it now says November 17th - November 24th.
At least my Pip Boy Edition is still holding strong with a November 10th release date.
Same ^^^^ Mine hasn't shipped yet, but I am hoping it wil SOON. Do you have an idea when it will ship?
Amazon(.ca) is not fairing very well on pre-orders for this. They said mine would ship on time, then 5.5 hours later said that it wasn't available to ship at all. Several e-mails, a chat (chat was most useful), and a 'specialist team' working on it for ~36 hours, and they're shipping my PC edition on time.
Good news is, it sounds like
I'm on west coast Canada
*edit* Definitely go to their customer service and start a chat. If they say that they can't ship on the date (and you're fine with that) then ask them to give you a guarantee that it will ship on the new date. They kept using the word "hope"; but it's not clear if that means that they hope the truck will arrive on time, or they hope a magical unicorn with decent from a rainbow and poop out Pipboys for everyone.
Just remember to be respectful; it's not the customer rep's fault that their system (or one of his bosses) messed up your order.
My order says that it will arrive on Tuesday.
I really hope it doesn't get delayed.
I pre-ordered the Pipboy edition the minute it was available right after Bethesda's E3 conference.
The thought of having to wait longer is scary.
Amazon shipping is why I now buy everything digital.
Me too. I pre-ordered mine back in August and now they've delayed the ship date until November 16 (arrival estimate is sometime before the 20th). Boy is that disappointing.
Mine's still expected to ship today, ill be spamming that refresh button though, that's for sure.
Same. Mine still says it's supposed to ship today, the 6th, and arrive by 8PM on the 10th... fingers crossed nothing changes.
I feel like i'm one of the only people that still walks into a store and buys a physical copy.
Only reason Ive had a game delayed is due to high demand. When I spoke to someone from the shop they said they were low on stock, and the ones who ordered first were given priority. This may or may not apply to you, depending on when you pre-ordered!
So I realized you can change your Amazon shipping to 1-Day, which I assumed meant I might have a chance of getting it the 9th instead. However, it instead changed my order to ship out the 9th and arrive the 10th.. so I switched back to the free 2-Day Prime shipping and it changed to shipping the 10th and arriving the 12th. The only way to get it to arrive the 10th now is to pay for the 1-Day shipping, though it's relatively inexpensive ($6.99)... but still, [censored].
I know it may sound a bit unnecessary, but that's exactly why I pre-ordered digitally (PS4), as well as ordering the Pip-Boy Edition. Figured, hell, if nothing else, 1.) the system won't require a disc, and 2.) there are also close friends and family that I could gift/loan the disc to if they were interested.
And of course there will still be a Pip-Boy to be displayed.
I pre-ordered mine back in june and amazon is telling me it will ship between nov11-18th.
If you had picked 2 day shipping... they should have given you release date shipping from the start. That's ALWAYS been my experience with Amazon. On pre-order items I never got the option for 1 day shipping. If you changed the shipping or messed with the order, it could have set that back. The other people that are having their orders pushed back to a week+ later is something else entirely different and likely a supply issue. My guess, too many people ordered and they didn't have enough copies through Bethesda to cover the orders. So they need to wait until they get another batch sent to them before they can honor those orders.
Amazon has always been good to me when I've ordered from them. I just missed out on those pip-boy editions otherwise I would have gone with them.