I'm not sure I understand the problem with the bow enchanting. The only difference of bow vs melee in sneaking is the amount of the bonus you get for the sneak attack.
That's a considerable chunk. nearly double actually. Also bear in mind that even with 100 in agility and 100 in sneak, I can be seen as soon as I shoot. This is true through walls, and even once I run like a banshee the distance of a large cave, sometimes all the way back to the entrance where I then give up, draw my sword, and go to town.
I think that you have a very different perception of how archery
actually works in practical application as opposed to "in theory" in the game. If not, I might ask if you're playing with mods or using exploits such as duping or chameleon, reflect damage, and so on.
Given that the bow is ranged, and that most enemies have to come to you before they can damage you, it seems to me that the inequality is offset.
It seems to me you haven't tried it. The closing speed of enemies is pretty high. Bear in mind that in any kind of an environment there are obstructions so that
I can't get a line of fire on the enemy, but they can still see and track me, and what you're saying doesn't actually happen very often.
Using a heavily enchanted quality bow, with high-damage arrows, you can often one-hit-kill enemies while sneaking.
Now I KNOW you've either not tried it yourself, or you're running mods or an exploit. On lesser creatures (Imps, sprigans, some of the lesser minotaurs, and so on) it works sometimes, but no. Not often, and not on the creatures we need it to.
Try it. Take off your mods, don't use duping (not even for alchemy ingredients or arrows), and go clear Fingerbowl Cave. Come back and let me know your stance. If you don't like that cave, I can pick another for you. For a real kick try it out in a goblin mine. I'd save first, though.
This (Fingerbowl Cave) isn't a unique environment. It's just one I used here because the size of the cave allows for ample retreat and the creatures are somewhere in the middle range of difficulty for an archer to deal with - and I still find myself backed up to the entrance six or seven times during an outing because that's how far I've had to back up in order to get the shots off to kill something.
Seriously. Try it. Try it without the mods or exploits. I don't mean to be presumptive, but what you're saying about how things
ought to be with archery is very, very different from how it actually works.
PS: I have an enchanted bow. I have for a while. It's a perfect amber bow - the best bow in the game. I use amber arrows as well. The best arrows in the game. The problem is not the equipment - except in the design and functionality of that equipment within the game - flaws in game design. This is the best equipment out there, however.